1. Tasks
- Tasks GET will get a list of tasks based on status, tasklist, and other search parameters. Added in 22.3.16.
- Tasks POST will create a task on behalf of a user and place it in the specified tasklist. Added in 22.3.17.
- Tasks PUT is in development.
- TaskLists GET will get a list of tasklist to facilitate the use of the above API methods. Added in 22.3.15.
- Documentation https://www.opendental.com/site/apitasks.html and https://www.opendental.com/site/apitasklists.html.
- AutoNotes GET will get a list of AutoNotes, optionally filtered by Category. Added in 22.3.22.
- AutoNotes POST & AutoNotes PUT are in development.
- AutoNoteControls GET will get a list of AutoNoteControls. Added in 22.3.22.
- AutoNoteControls POST & AutoNoteControls PUT are in development.
- Documentation https://www.opendental.com/site/apiautonotes.html and https://www.opendental.com/site/apiauto ... trols.html.
- QuickPasteNotes GET will get either one or a list of QuickPasteNotes, optionally filtered by QuickPasteCat. Added in 22.3.24.
- QuickPasteCats GET will get either one or a list of QuickPasteCats. Added in 22.3.26.
- Documentation https://www.opendental.com/site/apiquickpastenotes.html and https://www.opendental.com/site/apiquickpastecats.html
- ProcedureCodes GET will get a list of ProcedureCodes. Added in 22.3.22.
- ProcedureCodes POST will create a ProcedureCodes. Added in 22.3.26.
- Documentation https://www.opendental.com/site/apiprocedurecodes.html.
- Claims PUT is currently in development.
- ClaimProcs PUT is currently in development.
- ClaimPayments POST is currently in development.