cancel by accident

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cancel by accident

Post by sam-I-am » Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:28 am

More times than I'd like to think of, hit the cancel instead of the OK when entering a procedure note. The longer my note is, the more likely I am todo this. Moving the delete away from the OK, which happened a while ago, has helped, but I still screw up.

A little real estate between the two buttons would be appreciated. For what its worth, perhaps stich the OK lower right, and the cancel lower middle?

Sam Barr

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Re: cancel by accident

Post by tgriswold » Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:28 pm

We are very unlikely to ever change the order, spacing, or position of the OK and Cancel buttons for any forms. We try to keep a consistent position and spacing of the OK and Cancel in our windows throughout the program and they are only ever moved when we are trying to make room for other buttons or grids (Like the appointment edit window) and we can't make a window larger. If we ever moved buttons around on that window it would just make people even more likely to click the incorrect one on accident, because they are used to cancel being where it is now for that window and that majority of other windows.
Travis Griswold
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Re: cancel by accident

Post by jsalmon » Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:38 pm

A feature request that would be more likely to get implemented would be a warning when canceling out of the Procedure Info window and changes were made. But you are more than welcome to put whichever you would prefer into the Feature Request system if they aren't already there.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
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Re: cancel by accident

Post by sam-I-am » Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:04 am

Or, if not a position about a color change to one of the buttons...make OK green?
Just asking...I'll put in the feature request.

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Re: cancel by accident

Post by ForrestGumpDDS » Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:44 pm

tgriswold wrote:We are very unlikely to ever change the order, spacing, or position of the OK and Cancel buttons for any forms. We try to keep a consistent position and spacing of the OK and Cancel in our windows throughout the program and they are only ever moved when we are trying to make room for other buttons or grids (Like the appointment edit window) and we can't make a window larger. If we ever moved buttons around on that window it would just make people even more likely to click the incorrect one on accident, because they are used to cancel being where it is now for that window and that majority of other windows.
In this particular case the solution could be dropping the "cancel" button altogether.
You already have it, it's the cross in the upper right corner. If the user hits it (which is the standard location and opposite to the OK button), then the edits are canceled. In that area no user will expect to find anything that allows them to save the note. Opposite to that, if the user, who is moving the mouse down and right with intent to cancel the edits does not find the button, the first choice would be "hit that X to kill the window", so there will be no confusion.
I have the similar problem with the electronically signed consent forms. Have to really watch out to not hit "Delete" after the patient signed it.

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Re: cancel by accident

Post by drtech » Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:06 am

I have done it numerous times where i type a note on an appointment and then accidentally hit cancel instead of OK, VERY frustration...I would second getting rid of cancel altogether or at least giving a warning to be able to "cancel" the accidental cancel...
David Fuchs
Dentist - Springfield, MO
Smile Dental

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