Viewing tasks in 16.3

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Viewing tasks in 16.3

Post by Ardavan » Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:35 am

Good morning,

We recently updated to version 16.3 and discovered that the update has broken our workflow for managing tasks. In 16.3 the "Tasks" window no longer has the tabs "By Date", "By Week", and "By Month" which we heavily relied on. I have read through the manual and see that dated tasks have been obsoleted by "Reminders", the problem is that we have several hundred dated tasks for which we do not have reminders. I have written a query to list all incomplete dated tasks with a DateTask field equal to or less than the current date, however this list isn't as nice to work from as the interface from versions prior to 16.3. I was hoping to turn these tasks into reminders by running a simple query, however I couldn't figure out how OpenDental tracks and triggers reminders based on reading the database documentation. Any help will be appreciated as currently they are printing the results of the query I wrote and working off of a paper list which is less than elegant.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Viewing tasks in 16.3

Post by jsalmon » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:09 am

We continue to support repeating tasks (by date, week, and month) and should have kept those tabs visible for you via our convert script. It sounds like something went wrong in our upgrade and we thought that your database was not using them so we turned that feature off and replaced it with our new Task Reminders system.

You can turn the repeating task system back on and go back to using it as normal:

Or check out the new system and see if you prefer it to the old one:
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Re: Viewing tasks in 16.3

Post by Ardavan » Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:37 am

Thank you Jason for your prompt and informative reply. I was unable to find the setting myself but after calling support they directed me to where I need to make the change. I was actaully quite embarrased at how simple it was, especially given that in hindsight the location of the setting was perfectly natural and intuitive.
It may help others in the future if you were to include the following instructions on the repeating tasks manual page (

To enable the date tabs used in repeating tasks in version 16.3 and above simply navigate to Setup > Tasks and then check the box labeled "Show legacy repeating tasks"

I just now found the new manual page which covers this, had I found it sooner I wouldn't have wasted your time or that of phone support:

Thanks again,
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Re: Viewing tasks in 16.3

Post by jsalmon » Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:47 am

It's never a waste of our time, that is what we are here for. I wish I would have thought of the setup portion of the feature instead of giving you links on how to utilize them after they've been "enabled". I'm doing too many things at the same time these days...
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Jason Salmon
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