Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

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Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:21 pm

I am just a user who likes to share any information and any addition that can make Open Dental better for everyone.
Minh , , is in Australia, and generally if you have any problem he answers as soon as it is day time there.

cost of Mopensoft plugin $89/yr + free Google Voice = $7.42/month for unlimited texting, text and photos, sending and receiving
Getting a Google Voice (GV) Telephone number is free for anyone in the US or Canada.

Google offer BAA's (Business Associate Agreement) for the end users to satisfy HIPPA. You need to sign up for Google Apps for work.
HIPAA Compliance & Data Protection with Google Apps for work. ... -guide.pdf


The plugin integrate with Open Dental. All is done from inside Open Dental and records are kept in Open Dental, in the patient chart.
The plugin mostly uses the SMS features that are already in Open Dental, and it has few of its own.

cost of Mopensoft plugin $89/yr + free Google Voice Number = $7.42/month for unlimited texting, text messages and photos, sending and receiving

Edited 05-10-2017

Few weeks ago, I downloaded the trial version of a small software / plugin that Mopensoft has on their website,
The SMS plugin with the Google Voice option
This plugin has many many options, but I was interested in the Google Voice option only.
I downloaded the trial version, followed the instructions in the manual to put the plugin files in open dental folder and created the program link

and VOILA, now we have everything running through opendental. No more a seperate window, and all tasks are performed from inside OD.
all of OD features are now working with google voice and the best is, IT IS FREE !!!!

1- Getting a Google Voice (GV) Telephone number is free for anyone in the US or Canada.
Calling and Texting in the US and Canada is free too.
With this small pludin, most of Open Dental Features are now available through Google Voice , and you do not have to pay per text message sent or received, ALL IS FREE.

Mopensoft charges a License fee: $89/year . I think it is a very reasonable fee for one year.
THAT'S IT !!!!

2- We forward the GV number to our office number, so any patient that receives the text message and calls us back, we answer them normally and they do not know that this is a google voice telephone number, but we tell them that this is an additional phone number that we use in our practice.
If a patient text back responding to our text:
a) we use Hangout Desktop Notification,
b) and we receive that text in our gmail email,
c) or it can be forwarded to your office email easily.

Once you sign up for Google Voice, you will be surprised of how many nice features are available through GV.

This is a very reasonable option. You do not need to buy any equipment. Just sign up to Google Voice, do the setup, and you are up and running.
Minh at Mopensoft worked with me and helped me when needed. He is located in Melbourne, Australia.


go to , click on the 30 days trial "link"

1- Files to Download:
a- download the "Required DLLs", unzip the folder and place all the files in your OD folder (C / program files (x86)/OpenDental) ... ?dl=0&lst=

b- download the "Plugin File" (mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll )that matches your OD version: ... ?dl=0&lst=
+ delete the version number at the end of the plugin, it means rename the plugin to: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll
+ and place it again in your OD folder (C / program files(x86)/OpenDental)

*** You must have one of the newest version of OD 14.3 or higher for this to work, it will not work with the older versions of OD

2- Open Dental Setup
o Launch OpenDental
o Go to Setup\Program links
o Click the button "Add" to add new program link
o Enter this information
Description: Mopensoft
Enabled: check
plug-in dll name: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll
text on button: Text Patients

Additional Properties will not show up when you first add the plugin. You need to restart OpenDental to be able to see and edit "Additional Properties"
After you quit Open dental and come back to Set up / Program links / Mopensoft/ , now you can enter the Google Voice properties, it means your user name, password, etc...

change the following properties:
- “mOpenSMS provider” to GOOGLEVOICE
- “mOpenSMS username” to google voice account ie.
- “mOpenSMS password” to google voice password ie. abcdef

MOPENSOFT manual has more details about how to use the plugin, ... l.pdf?dl=0

In few cases, Some firewall programs may block OpenDental from sending SMS, if you disable it and it works, it means you need to give permission to OD inside the firewall



When the trial period end or If your license expire, OD will stop working. You will get a message that you need to buy a license. DO NOT WORRY.
Just follow the instructions below to remove or disable this plugin:

1- On your workstation, go to C/program files (x86)/OpenDental .... look for this plugin: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll
just delete the plug in or rename it, and Open Dental will work without any problem. (or Cut it and Paste it into another folder)

2- Or if any other computer is working, in Open Dental, just go to SETUP/Program Links
find the plugin name, click on it, and disable it

3- To buy a license, follow this link,, provide your info, and you will be contacted

Last edited by rhaber123 on Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:14 am, edited 93 times in total.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:11 am

edited 05-10-2017

Google Voice plugin is working again!!!

If you had the google voice plugin and it stopped working, you need to download the "Required DLLs" file, unzip itt, and copy and paste all the files from this folder into the "Open Dental Folder" ... (C / program files(x86)/OpenDental) ... ?dl=0&lst=

If you are a new user, you can follow the above installation instructions:

Google Hangouts- FREE Google Voice Desktop Notification

I would like also to share wih you GV HANGOUT Notification - FREE Google Voice desktop extension for Google Chrome

So now we are able to send SMS Text messages from inside Open Dental.
- we send a text from Open Dental
- When the patient REPLY to our text message, we use "GV HANGOUT Notification" to continue a conversation with the patient and to send another text message
- GV HANGOUT Notification can also be used to call the patient back

When the patient reply to an SMS, HANGOUT small Notification window open on the desktop in the lower right corner accompanied with a sound alert too,
very similar to the way you are notified when you receive a text message on your cellphone.

How to install GV HANGOUT Notification extension for Google Chrome:
This youtube link shows you how to set it up in google chrome
How to set desktop notifier for gmail and hangout by chrome special feature
Chrome Webstore ... ions?hl=en

You can text regular messages, send and receive photos too.





GV HANGOUT Notification will show you the name of the person texting you if you have that person name in your Google Voice Contacts

How to ad your patients cell numbers to Google Voice Contacts:
- In Open Dental, Run a Query to create a list of all your patients.

Code: Select all

SELECT patient.LName AS 'Last Name', patient.FName AS 'First Name', 
patient.HmPhone AS 'Home Phone', patient.WkPhone AS 'Business Phone', 
patient.WirelessPhone AS 'Mobile Phone', patient.Email AS 'E-mail Address'
FROM patient WHERE PatStatus = '0'
- Export your list to a .txt file.

- In Google Contacts import your .txt file.


The easy part is done now. The hard part is " the receptionists UPDATING the cell numbers" everytime a patient calls or walks in the office


MOPENSOFT manual has more details about how to use the plugin, ... l.pdf?dl=0

The STANDARD text message template is already in OD, and you can modify it as needed, it pulls information directly from Opendental such as patient name and appointment times
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Appointments, Recall.
SCROLL to the bottom of the page , TEXT, to change the preset text message

I have the following message preset now:
[NameF], Confirming your dental appointment on [date] at [time]. reply "CONFIRM" or if you need to reschedule, call us at (123) 456-7890 or go to our 24/7 online scheduling webpage

We use it also for daily confirmation to all patients who has an appointment on a specific day:
pick the list of patients, and click on the "text" icon

All is already done by OD, but you will use Google voice number to send and receive the text messages
and GV Notifier to get the pop up flashing alert when a message is received and to continue a conversation

After you install the plugin, and when you click on the new icon that the plug in creates, and in the the new pop up screen "SendSMS"
you have the option to ADD preset messages. Below are some of the messages we have preset.

1- New Patient Message:
Print out the new patients forms from Filling them out and bringing them with you will allow us to attend to your dental needs more quickly, Our address 12345 Hello St City. For your convenience, a metered parking lot is available at xyz Blvd. We look forward to meeting you!

2 - Cancelled Appointment:
To reschedule, call us at 123 456 789 or go to our 24/7 online scheduling web page http://www.docyor/online.htm

3- New Patient Xrays:
I f you had Xrays taken in the last 6-12 months, please have them emailed to us . To :

4- Missed Dental Appointment:
Hope you are OK. Today you missed your dental appointment. Reply " CALL ME" or if you need to reschedule, call us at (123) 456-7890 or go to our 24/7 online scheduling webpage

5-New Patient Online booking:
Hello, we received your online request for a dental appointment. We tried to reach you but we were unsuccessful . Please call our office at your convenience to confirm your appointment. Tel: 123-456-789


We use it also to send a daily "Happy Birthday " text message. Our patients like it when they receive a "Happy Birthday" text message on their birthday.
The plugin find automatically those patients who have a birthday on that specific day and text them the message that is preset in OD ,
the message that is preset to be printed on the mailing post card.

It also has the option to send a text message " receipt" when the patient makes a payment and we post the payment in the patient account. But we do not use that option.
We have been using it for over a year now and we are very happy
Text messaging is a must for any dental practice.
As a personal preference: we try to avoid using it for financial or very personal treatment. mainly we use it for appointments scheduling and confirmations
People do not reply to a voice message left, but if you text them, you get a response almost immediately
Last edited by rhaber123 on Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:15 pm, edited 34 times in total.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by Karrie000 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:28 pm

What I do is just place the patients phone number followed by their carrier in the email field. For example if someone has t-mobile I use or if they had AT&T I then choose send email and it then sends the message to their phone for free. I am curious what advantage using the google voice option you described has over this method. Is it just because you can then record the patients responses in open dental instead of in my case, their responses go to my gmail account? I just want to be sure I am not missing out on a great feature using the google voice. Thanks for sharing. :)

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:23 am

NEW Patients, Speed, efficiency, and easier communication for your staff to handle.
The best $89 I spent

I started what you suggested over 5 years ago, it was not my staffs favorite. Now they like this system.

- If a patient change the service provider, the message will not get delivered , and now you need to ask your patient about the new provider and enter it in openddental
- SMS will be 2 ways, and much easier for the staff to handle
- when using GV Notifier, you are immediatly receiving your patient reply, a small flashing screen pops up.
- It works exactly like a cellphone, and your patient can call you back - (many other SMS system do not offer that)

And the most important part is NEW PATIENTS - and CONFIRMATIONS - New patients always give us positive feedback about it.
When a new patient call , it is hard to collect emails, or to ask for the patient cell phone company provider.
We just ask for the patient cell number, (and who does not have one)
Our receptionist tell the new patient that she will be sending him an SMS,
immediatly after the receptionis hangs up she sends 2 confirmation messages.
- [NameF], Confirming your dental appointment on [date] at [time].. Reply "Confirm" -- or call (123) 456-7890 if you need to reschedule - -
- Please arrive 15--20 minutes early to complete the new patient forms, or you can print them from - our address 12345 15th St City ... We look forward to meeting you!

And when the NEW patients or existing patients reply, we receive the " confirmation" text back immediatly.
Beleive me, our staff loves it when the GV Notifier little screen flashes MANY TIME during the day = appointments confirmed. much less NO SHOWS
And the best part, is everything is done from INSIDE opendental. With mopensoft plugin, ang GV, you can use all of opendental features .....

Our patients love it, and that's what counts

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by Karrie000 » Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:26 pm

That's awesome!!! Thanks for the clarification. One issue I might have is that I shut my served off everyday after work. Do you have to keep the server on at all times to receive the patients confirmations? Will the show up when we restart the server in the morning?

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by mopensoft » Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:12 am

It's GV Notifier to receive patient confirmation not SMS plugin so you can shutdown OD server.
From my understand, all replies will be Google voice inbox as well as GV Notifier so you can always check in the next morning.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:43 pm

Yes you can power off your server. No problem.
1- The next day , when you log in your google voice account , , all history of any text message sent or received is available to you here.
2- In addition, you can have the text message forwarded to any email address. In Google Voice, go to Settings, click on "voice mail & text" tab, and pick text forwarding. this will forward any text you receive to your email.

You will never miss one text message sent or received.

-You are mainly using GV to send the text messages
-Mopensoft plugin allow this to work from inside Opendental so you can use all of Open dental features, and this is a must in my opinion.
- GV notifier help to continue a conversation the same way you use a cell phone

if you need any assistance let me know. Try it on a backed version of OD, and you will see how nice that is.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by peterskuben » Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:39 am

I can't get it to work. I get as far as the Program Link. How do you enter the google user and pass in the Additional Properties? In my case it is just blank.


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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by mopensoft » Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:24 am

This is not my Google Voice OD plugin, that's why you don't have additional properties.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:49 pm

You entered the wrong Plugin dll name
plug-in dll name: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll

This post was edited and details of Mopensoft plug-in installation are up on the top.


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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by peterskuben » Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:42 pm

After typing in the correct plug-in dll name: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll I was able to get to the Additional Fields and enter my GV user and pass.

But now when I try to send a text I get this error:


I followed the installation instructions to the letter. My OD version is 15.3.22

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:17 am

You need to "select a patient" that already has a cell number in the family module. Once a patient is selected, the plugin will work.
The plugin need to keep a record of the text message in the patient chart, and if no patient is selected, you get this error message
(it looks like you manually entered a cell number, but no patient was selected first)

try it and let me know if it worked.

IF the patient does not have a cell number in the family module, you will not be able to click on the "Text" button
*** check that you also entered ALL the "Additional Properties" as displayed in the TOP photo.
*** Mopensoft manual has all the details

GV Notifier will allow you to enter a random cell number and start or continue a conversation


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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by mopensoft » Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:21 pm

Did you copy all the unzipped files from the plugin download? I guess there're missing dlls.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by gabon66 » Sat May 14, 2016 5:41 am

Any option for older versions v.11 ?

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by mopensoft » Sun May 15, 2016 5:30 pm

It's better to upgrade to newer version. I think OpenDental might offer one-off upgrade if you don't want to subscribe.
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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by jsalmon » Mon May 16, 2016 9:02 am

We do not currently offer "one-off" upgrades. Plus, jumping from v11 to v16 will have roughly 5 years of changes to the software so you will want to be on support anyway to help understand all the changes.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by khdilger » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:50 pm

So I am trying to setup the SMS plugin to simply test texting from within Open dental. Right now I am not testing on the server. On a client computer I unziped the file trial plugin and put the contents in the opendental folder. I setup the program link as described. The text patients button shows up and when I fill out a message to try and send a text I get the following error "350 is invalid pref name".

Any ideas?

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by khdilger » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:58 pm

Okay, I looked in the family module and had to set the receive text message field to yes. Now it gives a blank notification screen to click okay, and a second that says text not sent.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by khdilger » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:05 pm

Got the first part working.

Have you guys worked out templates that pull information directly from Opendental such as patient name and appointment times? Or is that a manual process that has to be typed everytime?

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:41 pm

MOPENSOFT manual has more details about how to use the plugin, ... 2.pdf?dl=0

The STANDARD template is already in OD, and you can modify it as needed, it pulls information directly from Opendental such as patient name and appointment times
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Appointments, Recall.
SCROLL to the bottom of the page , TEXT, to change the preset text message

I have the following message preset now:
[NameF], Confirming your dental appointment on [date] at [time]. reply "CONFIRM" or if you need to reschedule, call us at (123) 456-7890 or go to our 24/7 online scheduling webpage

All is already done by OD, but you will use Google voice number to send and receive the text messages
and GV Notifier to get the pop up flashing alert when a message is received and to continue a conversation

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by eschoud2 » Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:14 am

FYI - The plugin is no longer working with Google Voice. I emailed Minh and he said Google recently changed their APIs which has made the plugin stop working. He hasn't found a solution yet. Hopefully it will be working again soon. He did mention some other services that the plugin works with besides Google.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:50 pm

Mopensoft plugin offer many many options other than JUST Google Voice.


Mopensoft SMS plugin has also the option of using an Android phone, and "Remote Phone Call" application from the app store.
I got a used Android cellphone for $50, got the wireless service for $20/month, and downloaded the "Remote Phone Call" application from the app store for $6
and HURRAY, I am up and running and everything is working great again, even better.

The setup was simple, even now, the plugin offer an additional feature, the feature to not just send SMS from inside OD, but also the option to CALL patients directly from inside OD, by hitting the "CALL" button from inside OD. You place your call through a blue tooth headset that connect to your Android cell phone.

I purchased for my receptionist the special GREAT headset from Plantronics, "Plantronics Savi W710" from Ebay, refurbished, for $95 ... sku5800021
The headset can connect to our office landlines, to our Android cell phone, and to our computer Skype application, all at the same time with a push of a button.

for more information and installation instructions, follow this link:

Last edited by rhaber123 on Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:04 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by eschoud2 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:53 am

Nice setup, but seems to be a step backward in terms of price.

MOpenSoft plugin + Google Voice is $89/year with no extra charges

Your way:
Cellphone = $50
Service = $20/month
MOpenSoft plugin = $89/yr
Remote Phone Call App = $6
Bluetooth Headset = $95

Total 1st year cost = 50 + 20(12) + 89 + 6 = $385 (or $32.08 per month) plus any per-text message charges
Total yearly cost after 1st year = 20(12) + 89 = $329 (or $27.42 per month) plus any per-text message charges

We have decided to go with Open Dental's integrated text messaging feature instead since we are not interested in the calling features. Cost is $5/month plus $0.04 cents for first 160 characters of text and $0.01 for each additional 160 characters. Only outgoing texts are charged. No fee for incoming texts.

Our text confirmations are around 220 characters, so $0.05 each. MOpenSoft + Google Voice is $89/yr = $7.42/month. For that same price, we can theoretically send about 48 texts per month after adjusting for the $5 monthly access fee. Depending on how many text messages your office sends, OpenDental's service may be pretty similar cost-wise to MOpenSoft and Google Voice. Time will tell which service is better, though.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by mopensoft » Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:09 pm

I think OD integrated text works well and it's totally depends on the clinic situation (location, number of texts, mobile plan price, etc.) to decide which one to use.
This SMS plugin just gives more options for dentists to send SMS from OpenDental, especially those who cannot access OD integrated text functions at the good price as OpenDental offer.
I do not see any point for this plugin to compete in price with OpenDental offer though.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:43 pm

If you are not texting your patients yet, you need to start doing it. IT IS A MUST -
These are 2 different options. Each has its own benefits and problems, NO DOUBT.
OPEN DENTAL is one of the best software in the market now, and we all know that. It is just a different option to expand where and how OD can be used .

Open Dental option: texting available in fewer countries
but you get the best support you can ever have!!!

Mopensoft option: texting available in any country
cost of Mopensoft plugin $89/yr + free Google Voice = $7.42/month for unlimited texting, text messages and photos, sending and receiving

Call and Text Messaging in OD - for OD users in any country:
Last edited by rhaber123 on Fri May 12, 2017 5:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Wed May 10, 2017 10:39 pm

Google Voice plugin is working again!!!

If you had the google voice plugin and it stopped working, you need to download the NEW "Required DLLs" file, unzip it, copy and paste all the files from this folder into the "Open Dental Folder" ... (C / program files(x86)/OpenDental) ... ?dl=0&lst=

If you are a new user, you can follow this link for installation instructions:
Last edited by rhaber123 on Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by Paul » Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:13 am

It works but if you don't buy it in 30 days it LOCKS DOWN your data base so you can't access it. Meaning you can't see your schedule, can't do anything. I've searched authors site and this site to find out what exactly I need to do and nothing. seems pretty shady to give you 30 days to test it out and then if you don't remove it from your data base it turns off everything. A count down would be nice as a reminder and than some instructions on how to actually remove this software without having to spend tons of time figuring it out when patients are waiting and you are trying to pay the bills. :(
Last edited by Paul on Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:48 am

It is good that you found out that it works.

In the INSTALLATION instructions above:
*** When the trial period end, and if you do not buy a license, you must remove " mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll" file from "open dental" folder to disable/remove the message that the trial period expired.
*** You must have one of the newest version of OD 14.3 or higher for this to work, it will not work with the older versions of OD

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by Paul » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:11 am

Well it's NOT working now since I can't access my database to use it!! So really, it works for 30 days and if you don't pay for it your system is held hostage till, well, I don't know when since I have been working on this for a while now and still can't access. even called tech support and are having trouble figuring out what to do. I've removed the .dll file from Open dental data. By the way, there is no file listed as you are indicating on your reply in the data portion of the file. If this is so easy give me the screen shots or the instructions to where EXACTLY it is and I will be more than happy to remove it.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by Paul » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:42 am

Here is a screen shot of the files that I have deleted from mysql -> data-> open dental folder.

Again, I've deleted these out of my software and the program is still locked down. Yes, I've re booted my computer after doing this. Where else or what else do I need to delete?

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:47 am

When the trial period end, you are supposed to remove "mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll" ONLY from C / program files (x86)/OpenDental
(that is where it was supposed to be placed if you followed the INSTALLATION instruction, do not delete files)

you are NOT supposed to delete files from mysql -> data-> open dental
what you deleted are not dll files
you are deleting the wrong files from the wrong folder.
you need to go to the recycle bin and restore them.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by Paul » Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:16 pm

that worked fine. wish I would have know several hours ago which file to access to remove software. would still use program but FAQ could be much better on the uninstall portion. Certainly, if I would have known that it would lock down my computer if I didn't understand exactly how to uninstall, I would have made sure I understood that prior to installing initially.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:00 pm

Glad to hear that the problem is solved, and that you will still use the plugin.

I have been using the plugin for few years now, and I never had a problem since we got it. My staff like it.
The SMS plugin works with many SMS providers other than Google Voice too , depend on your country.
I used it with an Android phone, and "Remote Phone Call" application . And it works also with DIAFAAN.
But the Google Voice option was the best, that is if you are a dentist in the USA or Canada

Minh , , is in Australia, and generally if you have any problem he answers as soon as it is day time there.
I am just a user who likes to share any information and any addition that can make Open Dental better to everyone.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by edneum2 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:54 pm

The determining factor for our office was the phone number that would be used to send the text messages. mOpensoft works with Google Voice which allows us to select a phone number with the same area code as our location. Moderator, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe OD's sms feature requires the use of a phone number with a California area code. We find patients really appreciate receiving texts from a familiar area code instead of a 6-six digit phone number or one with a foreign area code; it feels like receiving communication from a friend or family member, not a robot, telemarketer, or some giant company.

We are currently running OD 16.3.40 and both of mOpensoft's sms plugin and google calendar sync plugin work perfectly, and I think both are worth every penny. The one advantage I can see for using OD's sms service is if you update OD frequently. In that case, you can be sure your sms will continue to function even after an update, whereas with mOpensoft, the developer needs time to update the plugin to be compatible with the new releases of OD. Hopefully, enough people will adopt mOpensoft to support the developer to allow more frequent updates to the plugin or maybe it could become incorporated into OD, because hands down I see it to be the superior sms service. Prior the mOpensoft plugins, I was updating OD on a weekly basis to receive the latest updates, but now I am happy to sit on OD 16.3.40 as long as the mOpensoft plugins work with it.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by jsalmon » Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:33 pm

edneum2 wrote:Moderator, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe OD's sms feature requires the use of a phone number with a California area code.
You are partially correct in the sense that users do not have control over what phone numbers they are given and that the area code could be local or from another state (we don't buy numbers explicitly from California). We've been looking into what it would take to give "local" phones to customers and that feature request is #4998 for those interested in promoting it.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by pid_user » Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:38 am

May be its there hidden in too much content. Is this GV texting, integrated with OD. When I say integrated, all the message are part of Pt charts and CommLog with other notes and communication with Pt. Does it do automation of sending reminders and auto confirm appts like many other plugins are able to do? Trying to compare, what I get for free and lose.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:29 pm

The answer is YES. I am not the programmer but just a user.
You are using all the text messaging features that are provided by Open Dental.
But instead of using a phone number that is provided by Open Dental to send your SMS messages, the plugin allows you to use other SMS providers , and Google Voice is one of them.
You can use many national or international SMS providers to send SMS messages. And you can use the plugin with any Android cell phone to send and receive your SMS messages.
The plugin expand the use of Open Dental SMS messaging services in many other countries.
Sending is integrated with all the features of OD, we send bulk text messages, appointment confirmations, recall reminders, etc..... totally integrate and all post in the chart
But receiving is dependent on which SMS provider you are using. Diafaan and other SMS providers can post to Open Dental when receiving, But Google Voice can not.

But the MAIN advantages of using Google Voice as SMS provider and the reasons we switched to Google Voice:
1- you can forward the GV phone number to your office phone line, and people can call you back
2- You get a local phone number
3- You can send and receive text messages and photos (photos really helps a lot )
4- Google HANGOUT Notification is a great help too, if someone text you back you know immediately, a popup will pop on your computer
work exactly like texting from a cell phone, so you can continue with a conversation and all is free for sending and receiving text messages.
5- You can use it to call back the patient too
6- You can make your own preset text messages

And the programmer, Minh at Mopensoft, is very helpful and knowledgeable about Open Dental.
I have been working with him for few years now, and he has done some custom plugins for me that I needed for my office, and his prices are very very reasonable.
Just tell him what you need, and he will make it happen. Although he is in Australia, he is always available to you when it is daytime there.

I posted the info about this plugin here because I believe that every dental office should be texting their patients.
Give it a try. Google Voice is FREE, and the plugin has a free trial period.
What is good for me may not be the same for others, but my staff and our patients love it.

Lets not forget, that all this is available to us because Open Dental is GREAT , it is an open source, and the skies are the limits for what you can do.
And Open Dental team members are all AMAZING.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by pid_user » Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:44 pm

Will love to see the demo. Please see if you can help record video and share.

1) How you automate/customize the bulk messages for Appt reminder/birthday/recall/un-complete TX follow-up/Other custom greeting like Happy Hanuka\Cinco De Mayo
2) How does it auto confirm those Appt when Pt reply back so staff doesn't have to cut paste or switch screens
3) How to send/receive message - 1on1 to a Patient in OD with all past chat history in OD.

Want to see how its integrated with OD and its ease of use. Want to compare free value vs productivity of staff. Don't want to chase for FREE when I may end-up paying more in hourly for staff.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:24 am

Yes the plugin integrate with Open Dental. All is done from inside Open Dental and records are kept in Open Dental, in the patient chart.
(no copy and paste or switching screens are needed)

To send a text message, 2 of the things you need are:
1- A software to send the Text messages (Open Dental software in this case)
2- The SMS service provider . They will provide you with a phone number and the SMS service. (for example: Google Voice, or OD E-services, or Other SMS service provider)

1-The plugin mostly uses the SMS features that are already in Open Dental, and it has few of its own. Open Dental offer more info about their SMS options on their webpages. All the integrated SMS features are provided by Open Dental SMS texting and not the plugin, they are in the Open Dental software, and I think Open Dental have done a good job at that, they are easy to use.
2-The plugin allows to use many different SMS providers that are available in different countries, so you can get a phone number and the SMS service.
Basically the plugin allows you to use what Open Dental SMS texting can offer.

Since we started this service , the office productivity is GREAT now, amazing confirmation and recall, works better than emails, less no shows, immediate answers to the office questions, automatic birthday text messages on your birthday , etc....All is done from inside Open Dental , and all patients love it, and agree to have it when asked.

I think this plugin has expanded the use of Open Dental in many different countries, where their SMS service is not available.
Again, what is good for one office may not be the same for another.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by volta10 » Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:54 am

Hi I just tested this software and I got it work! However, my only issue is Google hangout does not record sent text messages via this option. So for example. We send out a text to a patient confirming their appointment inside OD. When the patient responds back "confirm". I will only see "confirm" in Google Hangout but there's no record of what we texted the patient before this message. Is there something wrong with my settings or this is how it's supposed to work?
I can see this to be a problem if we send out multiple messages throughout the day and we can only read incoming messages and trying to piece together what we had written to the patients before.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:58 am

The plugin allows you to use different providers

Google Voice Free option:
Correct. With Google voice, when a patient replies it does not post the reply in the patient chart.
(Remember to add your patients list to Google Contact list, this will show their name when they reply)
1- Don't set up the Hangout notification option. Disconnect Hangouts from google voice in Setting . (I like to use Hangout)
if you do not use the hangout notification, the SMS conversation history, sent and received messages will now be available to you and they are organized in one place by google voice.
2- use another Google notification service : in google voice, forward the text messages to a Gmail account that will be used only for text messaging, and use this app,
Checker Plus for Gmail, ... memj?hl=en or any other app

Diafaan option- If the free option is not good for your office:
In the past, I used Diafaan (with the plugin) through an Android cell phone, and Diafaan will post to OD. Worked well too. This will be an option if you must have this option , or if you have a large office . I got the cell phone service from Verizon and they have a good Notification system for the PC called "Message+"
You will be able to view all the conversation in the "Message+" pop up notification window, and in the patient chart.
Here you will have to pay the extra cellular monthly fees ( get the text messaging service only), and Diafaan one time fee of $200.

Both options work. Each office will decide which is better for them.
Google Voice Setup with the plugin is easy
Diafaan setup with the plugin needs much more time, few hours if you do not have enough network knowledge. But once it is done, it works as you want it to.

Open Dental E-Services:
and the 3rd option is to use Open Dental E-Services, they offer excellent support at a reasonable price.
Last edited by rhaber123 on Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by volta10 » Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:19 pm

Thanks for the good tips. I really like Checker Plus for Gmail. Now we can see incoming mails without opening an active GMAIL window.
I thought I could install the Mopensoft plugin in the server and all workstation can text. However, it seems I would need to purchase a license per workstation to allow texting. Do you know if I'm allowed to have another trial version on my workstation? Only I have access to the server PC at the office.

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Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:14 pm

For a small office , Hangout will be OK for a pop up notification, but for a larger busier office Checker plus for Gmail will be a better notification option.

I think yes you can have another trial on another computer.
The license and the trial work per computer , each computer has its own hardware ID.

I use also his plugin for online scheduling , Sync OD Appointments with Google Calendar, viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6451,
it allows our patients to make their own appointment online, and allows me and my hygienist to check our schedules from home.

Contact Minh and he will help you if you are interested in having multiple licenses for multiple computers.

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