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Post by Jorgebon » Tue May 14, 2013 10:58 am

Has anyone used this? Please give me some examples of how we can use it.
Jorge Bonilla, DMD
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Re: Wiki

Post by bpcomp » Tue May 14, 2013 4:37 pm

Here is the brief over view page.

We are not on the beta so we don't have the feature yet but I have many plans for it already. I plan on putting out employee hand book on there. Any time we have to figure something out we should make a wiki page describing how to do it again so that in three years, someone doesn't have to figure out from scratch where the circuit breaker that controls the air compressor is. When anyone has otherwise unoccupied down time, it would be nice to write out detailed descriptions of certain aspects of their job. That way if they are sick, or on vacation, or no longer employed... we can more quickly cover for them. With links to files and folders, front end preparation and education can be much faster. With embedded images, back office procedures can be mapped out

Because I havn't used it yet I'm not sure but it's possible that it could be adapted for patient education.

I'm sure as we use it I'll come up with more ideas.

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Re: Wiki

Post by Rickliftig » Wed May 15, 2013 10:41 am

Jorge - I am using it as a Standard Operating Procedure Manual for the office. Sections on:
- Opening The Office
- Front Desk Appointment Flowchart and Scripts
- Patient's FAQs (frequently asked questions)
- Where to Find Supplies
- Hygiene Room Setup
(more to come I'm sure)
All illustrated with jpgs or screen capture. I hope that my staff will eventually start adding to it with their observations.


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Re: Wiki

Post by jsalmon » Wed May 15, 2013 12:07 pm

We use it vigorously at HQ. Mostly to have a central location for users to view procedural documentation ("How To's") and then for storing random information like all serial numbers for your computers in the office. The sky's the limit with what you want the wiki to be used for really.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

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Re: Wiki

Post by genebrabston » Thu May 16, 2013 9:29 am

What are the mechanics of actually using/inputting into Wiki? I am a bit tech challenged but willing to learn. At this point there does not appear to be much documentation on how to use Wiki.



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Re: Wiki

Post by bcpayne » Tue May 21, 2013 4:59 pm

First! Find the Wiki... It is under the Tools Drop down menu at the top of any screen.

The first thing that comes up on the big white open space is the "Home" page
-----I think of the home page as the top of an expandable tree. All subsequent pages will be nested somewhere under the home page and will be accessible by links you create on the home page (or subsequently created pages).

So to start lets Edit the Home page by clicking on the Edit button at the top while the Home page is in view
-The text box on the left of the Wiki Edit screen will be where you edit the page. The text box on the right is the preview of what your page will look like
-if you type some stuff on the left it will show up in plain text on the right
- if you want to change the appearance of the text then select the text with your cursor and click one of the heading types or bold, italic, or color. you will notice it enters some brackets around the text which is the html code that tells the computer how the text should appear on the screen. This will be seen in the preview window.

After playing around with changing the appearance of text click the save button, don't worry it can all be changed easily later.

Now lets add a page. The key to remember here is that what ever page you are on when you click "+Add", the page created will be made to be nested in the current page. It can be changed later, but remember that, otherwise the navigation through your wiki will get screwed up and you will have to go through and change your links.
-Once you press the "+Add" button give the page any title you want, for example one of mine is "Billing Procedures".
-You will notice that it says [[Home]] at the top. This is a link that is created in a new page to the "parent" page
-The second line is obviously the title of this new page you created.
-for now go ahead and click save and it will bring you to your new page. click the "home" link
-you will notice that on the home page there is no way to get to your new page, so lets add one.
-click "Edit" while on the home page
-click in the edit text box on the left and hit enter to create a new line at the end
-click the "Int Link" button and then select your new page from the list on the left, then click the "OK" button
-now click "Save" and it will return you to your home page which will now have a link to your new page
-you can click the link to your new page then click the "home" link to return to your home page.

Now you can go to your new page like "billing procedures" and add another page like "Delta Dental"

Really all the pages are stored in just one long list, but the tree like navigation is created by the links within each page.
My navigation right now is set up like this:
Home-----Billing Procedures-Delta (info/notes page)
---------------------------------MetLife (info/notes page)
---------------------------------Medicare fee search (Ext Link : web hyperlink)
------------Clinical Procedures - Tray Setups- Extraction (info/notes page)
---------------------------------------------------- Soft Tissue Biopsy (info/notes page)
------------------------------------ consent forms - extraction consent (file link)
------------------------------------------------------- Biopsy consent (file link)
-------------Training - Employee handbook (file link)
------------------------- Training manual (file link)

I am slowly getting my staff to start using it and adding to it

Remember : the html that the wiki understands is very limited. I thought I could save a word document as html then just copy and past it in to get a nice page... it doesn't work. If you have a complicated document you want to include, just make a file link. I haven't been able to get the Folder link to work for me yet.

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Re: Wiki

Post by Jorgebon » Tue May 21, 2013 5:50 pm

Thanks for all your replies. I used your ideas and started out with a page on what to do when we receive underpayments from insurance companies. I hope to keep adding how-to's and organizing my office's procedure manuals and documents.
Jorge Bonilla, DMD
Jorge Bonilla DMD
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Tom Zaccaria
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Re: Wiki

Post by Tom Zaccaria » Wed May 22, 2013 2:49 am

I think if you open a Word document in Notepad and then save it from Notepad using a different name it should be able to copy it over into the Wiki.
Notepad saves as plain text.


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Re: Wiki

Post by macropod » Thu May 23, 2013 2:23 pm

This looks great. I am trialing OD at nights, setting it up for when I go live in a month or two....... but I can't find wiki under tools or any other drop-down menu in the trial version. Do you know if the trial version does not have this or am I selectively blind.


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Re: Wiki

Post by Manny Ramirez » Thu May 23, 2013 7:37 pm

The trial version is 12.4.45. You need version 13.1
Manny Ramirez
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Re: Wiki

Post by macropod » Sun May 26, 2013 8:47 pm


Will have to wait until live.


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