Calculating provider pay at two different rates

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Calculating provider pay at two different rates

Post by asceticwonder » Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:01 am

Hello world, how is everyone?

So it looks like the office manager created two different providers for the same provider because he makes a different percentage of production based on the procedures performed. (Dentist is multi-speciality.)

This is breaking our "Search for next appointment" feature (times that have appointments are being shown as available) and I'm sure will cascade into a bunch of problems.

I have mulled over:

1) Keeping the two separate providers but only using one of them for future appointments, and then on the DOS change the provider to the correct provider.
2) Finding a SQL query for procedures that have a different reimbursement for the provider and subtracting this amount from the provider's total.

Does anyone have a better solution for given a single provider two different percentages of production?

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Re: Calculating provider pay at two different rates

Post by agrasley » Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:21 pm

From my experience with other offices that have tried to this, the "best" way to do it is ultimately what works best for your office. But what I have seen as the simplest option that tends to work very well is what you suggested: using a custom query separate out the production for the provider between specific sets of codes would work well. We can work with you to generate that kind of report to be exactly what you need, I would suggest submitting a query request here if you would like to pursue that further. ... tForm.aspx

Another option is to use the Daily Procedures report. You can limit it down to a specific provider, then manually (or using excel with the exported report) you can separate out the procedures to calculate the production as needed.

In both of these scenarios you are dealing with a single provider instance in Open Dental, as that is generally how the software was designed to function you end up dealing with less strange functionality and issues.

Hope this helps!
Alex Grasley
Open Dental Software

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