Advice for file formats for importing images to sheets

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Advice for file formats for importing images to sheets

Post by jdub » Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:28 pm


I have some patient forms designed in Openoffice Draw. What I would like to do is import each form into a sheet as a static image, then just put some data entry boxes into the sheet in the appropriate places to have digital patient forms. I can do all this, but when I print out the sheet the quality is poor with blurry, rough edges to the text.

Printing from Openoffice Draw works fine, exporting that file to a pdf and printing looks fine, exporting to a .gif and printing looks fine. It is only when I import the .gif into OD and then print from there that quality is an issue. I have been trying different file formats and export resolutions, but haven't been able to come up with anything that works well. Does anyone else have any advice for this?


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Re: Advice for file formats for importing images to sheets

Post by jsalmon » Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:50 pm

What version of Open Dental are you using? In older version we would cut the quality of images on sheets down a lot to make them print quickly and take up less space. We made a bug fix back in v15.1.15 "Sheet printing, extremely large static images with high dpi were printing blurry." which might help you out. ... sions.aspx
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Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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