Imaging module Zoom gets reset too frequently
Imaging Module unable to select unmounted item with missing image
Secure Email Web App: Mobile menu is hidden behind other content on IOS
API - Patients POST - patients with same name and DOB but different phone numbers are flagged as duplicates
Canada electronic attachments sometimes gives error "Could not find file..."
Scanning a document with some printers can break WPF windows
User is no longer forced to choose email editing method before response text-field will show
ODCloud - Multi page scanning timing out before we return scan results
Income Transfer Manager window, claim transfers made upon loading the window are not transferring write-offs for total payments.
Dynamic Payment Plan - Unchecking 'Show Attached P&I' Causes UE When An 'Amount Override' Cell Is Selected In Production Grid
Procedures Charted As Existing Current Provider Have A Fee Sometimes
User Query - Printing Ignores Page Ranges
DentalXChange Attachments - Error when sending a claim after an attachment has been sent
Edit Referral Attachment window - The Fill Sheet window is modal when opening a saved referral slip
Accounting report Profit Loss shouldn't show pennies
Income Transfer Manager window, block the user from creating income transfers when an As Total insurance payment exceeds the total value of the claim.
FormEmailMessageEdit - An error may occur when sending an email where the subject and body have content
Appointment Module - Breaking appointment with multiple monitors can show the break options on the second monitor
The 'Sign & Print / View & Print buttons on Insurance Payment Plans can't be used after the Global Lock Date
Pearl AI panel label could be stuck at "Uploading" on error
Patient Dashboard setup window - The recommended text width in a static text field that is marked as bold is too small and doesn't fit within the dashboard
Appointment Module - A Routing Slip with a lot of treatment planned procedures can cause there to be lost information at the page break sometimes
Super Statement - Payment Plans Don't Show Correctly Sometimes
Fix for Known MariaDB Bug Not Getting Applied
FormFeeSchedNotes - The "Add" button slightly overlaps the grid header when zoom is enabled and the nocustomborders.txt file is present
Global Lock date is interfering with closing Dynamic Pay Plans
DentalXChange - Uploading some images to DXC as claim attachments can trigger UEs that do not crash OD
Canadian short date time not displaying correctly in autocomm messages
EForm Printer Select Window not Populating
CareCredit-Validation Errors are cutoff when more than one error.
Payment Plan - A procedure with an adjustment will let you add an amount override to that procedure.
Internal statement sheet title says INTERNAL statement
Setting the clipboard would sometimes cause an error
Default path for CADI bridge has incorrect syntax
Appointments broken from the Chart Module shows misleading Audit Trail entry.
Printed claims for Medicare Part B to include KX Modifier in Box 30.
Alert icon was cut off in Procedure Info window
Setting the Zoom to 106% caused text to distort in text boxes when spell check was turned on.
Patient missing from payplan printing audit trail
(Enhancement)Rename the Individual Procedures report back to Daily Procedures report
(Enhancement) Payment window - The security check for the permission "Payment Create" was being enforced after it displayed the Payment window
Print All In Category - Cancel button did not cancel printing.
Canada - Treatment plan discounts applied to a lab code that is attached to a procedure were not calculated in various parts of the appointment module/appointment view
OD Cloud - Program Link Output File Browse Button did not set the correct path
"Other" Limitation Benefits with CodeGroups are not excluded from Annual Max
Claim Table calls could be too slow
Manage Time Cards window, PTO from a previous pay period showed up on subsequent pay periods sometimes.
eClipboard - Saved treatment plan PDFs were not linked to the treatment plan
Code Group - Codes with a Ddash within them caused UE when opening Family Module with insurance
Attachment History window, changed DentalXChange to be all one word
Imaging Module - Print All in Category - Added DICOM to unsupported message popup
Added Pearl AI license info
FrmEFormFillEdit - Removed "Unmatched to Pat" radio button status
API Service - Always Install on Dental Office Update
(Enhancement) Canada - 'Predetermination rejections' were titled 'Claim rejections'
(Enhancement) Canada - Claimstream ROT should not go to the TelusA folder.
Save and delete hotkeys didn't work when combo boxes had focus.
Sheets- Numbers line up with text
Individual Procedures Report - Printing this report was not considering the "Procedure Codes" filter within the grid
Canada - Sometimes claims with downgraded procedures were sent to secondary insurance when they shouldn't have been
Canada - secondary claims sometimes weren't generated
Developer Portal: The export keys functionality could show incorrect dates based on when you exported
Referral selection window - Widened the Specialty Column
Canada - auto code prompt for composite could show when it shouldn't
Custom Aging report - Income transfers could incorrectly impact aging buckets sometimes
FormPatientForms - Pre-filling a form did not include the ProcsNoFee and ProcsWithFee grids
Imaging Module - Selecting a dcm file that was deleted from the A to Z folder did not show a "File not Found" message
(Enhancement) API - Providers POST - add ability to set StateLicense and NationalProvID
Individual Procedures report - The report column header names did not match the printed report
Accounting report Profit and Loss was showing pennies
UE when trying to email a sheet with the Pat Image field in it.
eClipbard - toast message appeared behind drawer and popover
"Allow multiple Tasks attached to one Appointment" preference had to be checked to send non-appointment tasks to multiple task lists
Opening Fee Schedule Notes with clinics disabled threw an error
Appointment audit trail was inconsistent when sending to Unscheduled List
Opening the Referred Procedure Tracking Report closed the Reports window
Chart Letters were showing in the first image category in the Imaging Module
Hyphens caused an early line break in Code Group Setup and Edit Forms
Flutter - About page did not load
Topaz Signatures on eForms were Getting Over-Compressed
(Enhancement) API - Add PayPlans GET single
(Enhancement) API - Add a ToothInitial table ApiEvent
Fill Sheet window - Signatures on filled sheets were not including date and time
Net amount of adjustments not showing on invoices when "Balances don't subtract insurance estimates" is enabled
Statements sometimes did not saved to the Imaging Module
Canada - when dropping insurance Canadian labs did not have their estimates dropped
Fee schedule tool - copying from one fee schedule with no Effective Dates to a fee schedule with an Effective Date could clear the effective date
Chart Letter documents were showing in the Imaging Module
Edit Appointment window - The blocking popup verbiage for the Appointment Move security permission was inconsistent
Select Procedure / Select Account Entries window - The filter labels should use "Credit" instead of "Production"
Patient Status Setter window - Dropdown was not properly anchored
When printing a claim, DateHospitalizationFrom field didn't display if patient hadn't been discharged
Account Module had discrepancies between the payment plan grid and other balances
Insurance History window - Did not consider all codes for latest date sometimes
Exam Sheets window - This window could show a discrepancy in information if an exam sheet was unlocked and edited, but the window was exited instead of saving
Web Forms Setup window - The Date Format dropdown wasn't loading correctly sometimes
Appointments Module, if user did not properly restart after enabling or clinics, right click could cause crash
PayPlan- Days in Advance pref was being used in DPP statements
Income Transfer Manager window, creating a transfer incorrectly impacted aging buckets sometimes.
Payment window, the Outstanding Charges grid was not considering write-offs on 'As Total' claim payments.
Claimprocs were not properly cleaned up after the missing data preference triggers
DateHospitalizationFrom/To ClaimForm fields did not get hidden when claim not within date range
eClipboard Flutter - Users could spam button clicks
API - Add payments POST Refund
Edit Fee Schedule window - An error would occur when clicking the Notes button using a middle tier connection
Imaging Module, thumbnails could cause OD to crash for cloud storage users
eClipboard Flutter - Sheets could be pushed after patient submission
Select Image window | Context menu was visible when it should not be
Edit Fee Schedule window | Alt+N Auto HotKey didn'tt work
Open Dental Cloud, pasting text in WPF forms would not work sometimes
(Enhancement) API - treatplans - Add DELETE
(Enhancement) API - ProcTPs PUT
(Enhancement) PayConnect Information window - The Save button will now close the window after a payment has been declined
(Enhancement) Canada Carriers window Update Carriers button to automatically uncheck CDANet for carriers not on the global list.
(Enhancement) Hospitalization Dates From/To as claimform fields (for CMS 1500 box 18)
USPS Address Validation - Unit Designator Spelling Error caused incorrect formatting of result
Wiki List characters in HTML emails were translated into HTML list tags
Patient Forms window - Attempting to use a form containing the "Patient Info.gif(internal)" resource threw an error
Moving an appointment to the pinboard without time increments threw an error
Message To Pay - [ClinicName] tag was replaced with Practice Name in email subject line when clinics were enabled
Message To Pay - Single M2P Statements weren't using Billing Prefs
Chart Letter Properties window - The save hotkey did not work
CC Recurring Charges - An error could occur when clicking the Copy All button on the PayConnect2 declined card popup
Global Lock Date was interfering with closing Payment Plans
Flutter - eClipboard - Pref cache did not take into account clinic preferences
(Enhancement) API - PaySplits GET by ProcNum
(Enhancement) Improved medication search
(Enhancement) The TSI logo has been updated
(Enhancement) DoseSpot - Disable two-way sync
(Enhancement) Enhance string scrubbing logic to replace all Unicode character pairs that can cause a GDI+ exceptions
EServices WebSchedRecall Setup - Moved Max Number of Texts button
Manual Web Sched messages were not sending if using Exclusion Days
Canada - Enabling 'Out of network fee schedules treat blank entries as zero' zeroed out pri & sec estimates if no OutOfNetwork fee schedule was set
Using Zoom affected the Perio Chart created from the Perio buttons in Claim Edit attachments
Fee Tools window - An error would occur when copying a fee schedule using a middle tier connection
(Enhancement) API - Laboratories - Add PUT
(Enhancement) API - Queries PUT and POST - enhance query screening
Individual Procedures report - The order of the columns in the grid did not match the printed report
Select Appointment Type window - This window would load the grid inconsistently when using zoom sometimes
Chart Letter Properties - ImageEdit window was adding an audit trail entry on save when the user didn't have that permission
Appointments - Sync method incorrectly called crud sync prior to security hash
Select Procedure - The breakdown was showing a WriteOff Est of $1 when it should be $0
Select Procedure window did not show completed procedures overpaid by insurance
DentalXChange attachments, changed the submittal UI to match requirements
(Enhancement) API - Appointments GET by AppointmentTypeNum
(Enhancement) New Preference to toggle updating "Billed to Ins" values on Secondary Claims
(Enhancement) API - Laboratories - Add POST
(Enhancement) Update places that use old PayPlan Charge terms
Individual Procedures report - some data in the columns is not formatted correctly
Credit Card Recurring Charges window - For every declined PayConnect card, a window would pop up with the declined information
WebSched Recall - Manual recalls skipped sending validation
Middle Tier - Error when opening Incomplete Procedure Notes report on a middle tier connection
Sheet Patient Forms - auto fill form did not fill in student status sometimes
Imaging Module - Copy and pasting an image caused UE sometimes
Appointment Move security permission - Users without the permission could not create a new appointment
Canada secondary non-assignment claims were not auto receiveing
eForms - Saving filled eForm would result in UE when connected via MiddleTier
Procedure Codes Tool - Updated paint type defaults for veneer
ODMobile - eRx feature always used DoseSpotV1
eForms - FrmEFormLabelEdit would sometimes reset your cursor position to the beginning after inserting static text
High priority signals were not being processed sometimes
Procedures Report, could not filter by name and procedure code for a date range
Imaging Module | Document thumbnails are extra blurry
Tasks - remove future dated reminder popup was showing on past reminders
Database Integrity Warning showed on appointments when no 3rd parties are involved
(Enhancement) API - New TaskNotes resource
Referral Slip window - This window was preventing user interaction with the rest of OD
Daily Procedures Report window - This window wasn't defaulting to the clinic selected in the main toolbar when loading
eClipoard Beta - Disabling self check-in did not update app
XConnect - had a validation error for Primary Claims with additional subscribers
Chart Letter sometimes displayed OD prompt followed by a similar Word prompt
Chart Letter Properties - OD crashed when clicking X in audit mode
Some Message-to-Pay emails were sending with unformatted markup text in the body
Email Client window - buttons and grid overlapped if window was resized too much sometimes
Family Module - The Patient Clones grid did not get populated
Edit Claim Window - had UE when clicking save on a middle tier connection
Edit Clock Event window, calculated or overridden overtime should be treated as Rate 1 Overtime.
Canada - had create claim error when 'Require Claims to have no missing data' pref enabled
eClipboard Beta - Check-in screen date picker did not use correct keyboard
DentalXChange Attachments - The Delete Images button has been removed
Text message edit window character count was inaccurate
Audit Trail entry for Enterprise Reporting Server changes attached a patient when it did not need to.
Deleting a double clicked procedure through the edit Appointment form would throw an error
(Enhancement) Security - Update UI when cycling through users via arrow keys
(Enhancement)API - Labcases - Add DELETE
(Enhancement)API - Labcases - Add PUT
(Enhancement)API - Labcases - Add POST
Canada Claim Edit window detached newly attached documents if attachments were sent before saving the claim.
Payment Plans- sales tax is shown on principal balance initially but not on reopen
Payment plan terms are sometimes not added to the note when saving
Middle Tier - Changing appt status from Complete to Scheduled was dropping attached procedures
Insurance Payment Plans could be deleted after the Global Lock Date
Scheduling Recall from Recall List did not push calendar to one day after Recall Due Date
Mobile Notifications - Grouped mobile notifications were not sorted by DateTimeEntry
Static image sheet fields were distorted in PDF
Image Module | Image display didn't disappear after canceling import
Audit Trail entry for Reporting Server changes attached a patient when it did not need to.
OD Cloud - EDS claim attachment behavior correction
OD Cloud - Importing a file failed when using an older version of the OpenDentalCloudClient
FormPatientForms - saving an eForm to an Image Category wouldn't always refresh the grid
Pearl images fail to upload with GDI+ error
(Enhancement) Canada 2025 BCDA Fee Guide
(Enhancement) Canada Splash Screen Copyright Updates
(Enhancement) API - Add SigOnFile to Providers resource
(Enhancement)OD Cloud - Imaging Module, Enable File Import Multiselect
(Enhancement) API - InsVerifies GET (multiple) - add FKey filter
(Enhancement) Imaging Module - Enhance error messages for Print All In Category
Patient Forms window - An error could occur when when clicking the copy button when copying a sheet with a procedures grid
Query Filters window - The 'Export' and 'Import' buttons were providing inaccurate messages when canceling those procedures
Task History window - This window would sometimes move or launch in inconsistent locations
Billing - Email autograph prompts for HTML signature edit when symbols at start or end of signature
Outstanding Insurance Claims window - Accessing this report through the Send Claims window would act as a modal window but when accessed through reports it was non-modal
Patient clones grid is no longer cutoff when first going to the Family Module with a clone patient selected
XConnect - had validation error on a claim where insurance plan was dropped
Appointment Move security permission could be bypassed by sending appointment to pinboard
Preferences - Enterprise Report Server Setup changes were not logged in Audit Trail
Valid short URLs are no longer prevented from being sent via email
Appointment Move security permission - Users could bypass the permission and change the appointment status to Unscheduled
Imaging- TWAIN UI was freezing the Imaging Module
Fee Tools - Clear group message shortened some words when it shouldn't
Open Dental Cloud, multi-page scanning could cause an exception sometimes
Statement window - Date range did not initially apply when "Show all transactions since zero or negative balance" was checked
Creating an appointment through specific workflow took longer to display
Imaging Module - Signature from previously selected image could sometimes appear on next selected image
About window - The labels were not evenly spaced
eConnector - Check version should pull from database insatead of prefcache
Asap List window - The buttons in the Web Sched ASAP groupbox overlapped with zoom
ERA Verify and Enter Payment window Split Claim button forced InsPaid amounts to be zero.
Imaging Module | Unnecessary queries when loading mounts
Canada - Estimated Patient portion in the appointment view was not calculating correctly.
Too many queries getting run when opening Treatment Plan Module if using Payment Plans.
Procedure Codes Tool - Updated treatment area defaults
(Enhancement) API - Add more fields to Referrals object
(Enhancement) Transaction History window - Allowed exporting as a .csv
Grid column widths incorrectly calculated when grid is hidden
Payment window - The Surcharge field could show and is editable on income transfers
Appointment Module - The toolbar buttons and the confirmation status grid were sometimes disabled even though an appointment was selected
Select Image window - The order of images listed via the Attach button after clicking on the Edit Task Attachment window didn't list the images in a logical way
Future dated procedures were creatable even when pref was disabled
Commlog - red bar disappeared for all misspelled words if one misspelled word is replaced with suggestion
Open Dental Cloud, when launching AppStream an incorrect message said unable to communicate with the cloud client
PayPlanDynamic - totalCostOfLoan and totalFinanceCharge were incorrect when printing via "Sign/Print" button sometimes
Imaging Module - Temporary PDFs created by Print All In Category were not deleted if ODI was network folder
Ortho Chart - Rows were not being saved sometimes
CareCredit - payment sometimes did not show Refund button
Open Dental Cloud, in AppStream, double-clicking an image that doesn't exist would cause OD to crash
Saving a Payment Plan Template attached to a Hidden Clinic caused UE
DoseSpot - can be chatty with HQ
Fee Tools - Copying fees did not insert new fees with a new effective date when an old fee matches a selected fee
eForms - Printing eForms with conditional logic would sometimes fail
eForms - inserting static text into a label was reseting the font
Sales Tax Proc Code - Place Of Service was not matching that of the procedure being taxed sometimes
(Enhancement) Patient Forms - minor UI changes to the grid.
(Enhancement) Updated Website Links
(Enhancement) Central Manager User Setup window, enhance the error message when using Middle Tier and there is an authentication failure
(Enhancement) Fee Tools - Updated UI for using Date Effective controls
(Enhancement) Web Sched Recall - Email recalls failed when no signup and text templates had URL tags
Billing - Aging is run too frequently when clinics enabled
Edit Patient Information - DoseSpot medication history consent did not use DoseSpotV2
Fee Tools should have been inserting instead of updating if there's a new Effective Date
Sheets - large Static Text boxes would ppill into fields that were below sometimes
Procedure Edit - "Date Entry" for Procedures could differ depending on the "Require use of suggested auto codes" preference setting
Ins Plans Window - Changed search to be less frequent when typing and updated UI.
eForms - Cancelling while exporting eFormDef would sometimes fail
Billing - Statement values updated too early for billing
Procedure Edit - Procedures were automatically detaching from new appointments
(Enhancement) Message To Pay - For single patient, add checkbox to Send to guarantor
(Enhancement) Log On window, stop sending a signal to all workstations to refresh their user cache when a user logs on.
(Enhancement) Message-to-Pay - Disable message-to-pay preference
(Enhancement) ERA claims with different claim fee or date of service than expected now match claim in OD with warning.
(Enhancement) API - Referrals GET by BusinessName
(Enhancement) EDS Auto Download Reports (277s and 835s), don't save empty files
Recall List Undo Date box was reformatting incorrectly.
Canada Update Carriers now updates support flags to exactly match public carrier list.
Claim Edit window - claim creation error was missing specific DBM for fix
Patient Dashboard - Account balance wasn't updating after completing appointment
PayPlan Window - Ungrouping was causing edited future charge to have wrong charge number
PayPlan Window- Editing a future charge was setting its text to black
Imaging Module - thumbnails were not properly scaled for cropped images
PayPlan- Clicking out of amount override was causing OD to crash
Open Dental Cloud, requests to the ODCloudClient were not being processed
Fee Tools - Fee Schedules should be able to copy into themselves even with different effective dates
API - Appointments GET Single would sometimes fail
eService Activity Log window - Entering a non-numerical value into the PatNum field could cause an error
Manual WebSched Recall - 'Send to all the selected patients?' prompt didn't have "Yes/No" buttons
Middle Tier - Changing appt status from Complete to Scheduled was dropping attached procedures
Manage Module - Manage button crashed OD if an Employee was clocked out
FormE835 Editor Window - Alt+S shortcut did not work
FormRpProcSheet - Form title has not been updated to Individual Procedures
eForms - patient forms were not always visible from Kiosk Manager
Query Filter Edit - Alt key for Delete was not showing
ClaimConnect 5010 provider NPI numbers ending in newline character \n were sent when they should not.
FormCarriers - Improve search in text boxes
Remove GPL license
(Enhancement) Check ImageSignatureCreate and SignedImageEdit permissions when the "Sign" button is clicked.
(Enhancement) API - Add Status filter to claimprocs GET multiple
(Enhancement) API - Tasks GET (single)
(Enhancement) API - Add MedicaidID to patients POST/PUT
(Enhancement) API - Labturnarounds - Add PUT
(Enhancement) API - Labturnarounds - Add POST
(Enhancement) Text messages may be viewed without signup in case customer cancels service
(Enhancement) Improve Employer search in Insurance Plans window
(Enhancement) Recall Types Sync button no longer triggers patients without Completed Procedures to have a Recall added
Web Forms - Users were unable to use the electronic signature button when retrieving web forms
Automated Messaging Preferences - Patients under age of 18 checkbox was not saving when clinics were enabled sometimes
Time Card Manage window - the 'Calc Daily button makes adjustments if breaks over 30 minutes' preference caused Calc Weekly to behave unexpectedly sometimes.
Statements were still showing the insurance estimate value when the "Balances don't subtract insurance estimates" preference is checked
Chart Letter "save?" prompt popped up behind Microsoft Word
Report Setup window - Several reports did not display their internal names
Imaging Module - selecting mount with missing images in unmounted items caused crash
Imaging Module - opening many .DCM files in a row could crash OD
Global Lock date did not apply to the date of agreement on Insurance Payment Plans
Select Procedure window sometimes did not show overpaid procedures
Incomplete Procedure Notes Report - Regex did not escape brackets
(Enhancement) DBM - Enhance the Raw Emails tool to cleanup Unicode white space characters
Fee Tools - Some labels were cut off when Zoom is set
Frequency Days values on eClipboard Image Capture definitions can be too great
Crashed when adding a new auto note after text with an English Canada Keyboard
Incomplete Procedure Notes Report - grouped by procedure does not show all procedures
Individual Procedures Report - Form height exceeded screen size when zoom is set high
Print Screen Tool had error "No Printer Installed" crashing Open Dental
Credit Card Recurring Charges window - The error messages for PayConnect2 credit card payments didn't specify when they were declined
Sales Tax Proc Code - no clinic was assigned to procedure
Patient Select window - Auto Hotkeys for previous and next buttons did not work
Statement window - Date range did not properly apply the first time a statement was viewed
XConnect - Incorrect validation warning about secondary claim when creating a primary claim
Auto hotkeys did not work in a few eForms windows
ERAs - Alter claim table for indexing
Tasks List - Deleted appointment tasks were sorting to the top rather than the bottom
Some WPF Frms were holding onto resources
Treatment Plan Module was crashing for patients with benefits attached to hidden Code Groups
eClipboard - Patients could fill out pushed forms when filling out forms is prohibited
eClipboard Beta - Check-in drawer item was misspelled
Open Dental Cloud, some actions were not being sent to the local workstation for AppStream
Statement balances did not match Patient account balances sometimes
eClipboard - Sheet definition frequency 'Each Visit' did not work
(Enhancement) Add audit trail for Report Setup window, detailed report for report server changes
User Query Favorites window - Editing a query stored as a Query Favorite would not load the "Prompt for SET statements" setting when editing
DoseSpot, new clinics were always registered in V1
ODCloud - AppStream - Open Dental froze when switching users
Appointment ProcsColored field supported more characters than ProcDescript
Fee Schedule Group UI dropdown menu was misplaced
ODCloud - AppStream - Single session is working but multi sessions were not
Database Maintenance - FeeDeleteDuplicates deleted fees with different effective dates
Code Group Edit Form - Window referred to D codes, which aren't universal
Edit Procedure Code - You could add fees with duplicate effective dates
Payment Plan - Error window showed twice when payment terms invalid.
Appointments Setup - Combining Operatories would sometimes fail
(Enhancement) API - Add carriers GET (single) to carriers endpoint
(Enhancement) API - PlannedAptNum filter for ProcedureLogs GET Multiple
(Enhancement) Patient Select - Improve secondary query when exact matching on phone number
Sheets, checking the 'autosave to images' box did not always save to images
Edit Email Message window - Attempting to attach an already opened Word document would cause an error
Imaging Module: Mount thumbnails were initially not available
Drawings were not shown on document thumbnails
Imaging Module - PDFs would not load after Print All in category
Incomplete Procs Report - Some filters were excluding results when they should append
Imaging Module - Could not export a dicom image and save over an existing one
Daily Payment Reports - "Fee" column was too vague
DoseSpot, prescribing provider was not preserved when syncing prescriptions
Program Link didn't recognize [CurrentMonth] tag
3Shape Bridge | firstname was wrong for patients with a preferred name
Limited Statements - Pay plan charges still showed in the Items grid, Transaction type filters, and in some message boxes
Fee Tools - Copying fee schedules blanked out Clinic to dropdown instead of setting to 'None'
ASAP List gave UE when texting without [Time] tag
Fees were not being found for a patient with a fee schedule set sometimes
Query Filters and Fee Schedule Notes windows - Hotkeys did not work
Imaging Module - Using Automatic Import failed sometimes
Account Module - Module loaded slowly when patient had Payment Plans sometimes
Patient Select Window - next and previous buttons did not work when Refresh While Typing is off
OD Cloud - Web Sched Advanced URL browse right click option opens in VM
Preferences window - This window would take additional time to load sometimes
Help now launches in a browser instead of a window inside of OD
Mobile Credential creation emails were not sending
Time Card - Overtime was not calculated correctly sometimes
(Enhancement) Add audit trail for Report Setup window, detailed report for report server changes
Edit Insurance Payment window - The Virtual Credit Card Payment section includes a PayConnect option but wasn't displaying the payconnect graphic
XConnect claim validation had error when insurance is dropped for the patient.
Middle Tier - An error was thrown when going to Lists and selecting Procedure Codes
(Enhancement) 2025 Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide
Dynamic Payment Plan - Missing user prompt when terms invalid
Pay Plan Dynamic - There was a UE when 'Payment Attached' and 'Show Attached P&I' were checked sometimes
Canada - 2025 CDA codes
Proc fees with an effective date of 0001-1-1 were not displaying in Procedure Codes - Fee Schedules window
Imaging module Zoom gets reset too frequently
Imaging Module unable to select unmounted item with missing image
Secure Email Web App: Mobile menu is hidden behind other content on IOS
API - Patients POST - patients with same name and DOB but different phone numbers are flagged as duplicates
Canada electronic attachments sometimes gives error "Could not find file..."
Scanning a document with some printers can break WPF windows
User is no longer forced to choose email editing method before response text-field will show
ODCloud - Multi page scanning timing out before we return scan results
Income Transfer Manager window, claim transfers made upon loading the window are not transferring write-offs for total payments.
Dynamic Payment Plan - Unchecking 'Show Attached P&I' Causes UE When An 'Amount Override' Cell Is Selected In Production Grid
Procedures Charted As Existing Current Provider Have A Fee Sometimes
User Query - Printing Ignores Page Ranges
Edit Referral Attachment window - The Fill Sheet window is modal when opening a saved referral slip
Accounting report Profit Loss shouldn't show pennies
Income Transfer Manager window, block the user from creating income transfers when an As Total insurance payment exceeds the total value of the claim.
FormEmailMessageEdit - An error may occur when sending an email where the subject and body have content
Appointment Module - Breaking appointment with multiple monitors can show the break options on the second monitor
The 'Sign & Print / View & Print buttons on Insurance Payment Plans can't be used after the Global Lock Date
Pearl AI panel label could be stuck at "Uploading" on error
Super Statement - Payment Plans Don't Show Correctly Sometimes
Fix for Known MariaDB Bug Not Getting Applied
Global Lock date is interfering with closing Dynamic Pay Plans
DentalXChange - Uploading some images to DXC as claim attachments can trigger UEs that do not crash OD
Canadian short date time not displaying correctly in autocomm messages
CareCredit-Validation Errors are cutoff when more than one error.
Setting the clipboard would sometimes cause an error
Default path for CADI bridge has incorrect syntax
Appointments broken from the Chart Module shows misleading Audit Trail entry.
Alert icon was cut off in Procedure Info window
Setting the Zoom to 106% caused text to distort in text boxes when spell check was turned on.
OD Cloud - Program Link Output File Browse Button did not set the correct path
"Other" Limitation Benefits with CodeGroups are not excluded from Annual Max
Claim Table calls could be too slow
Added Pearl AI license info
API Service - Always Install on Dental Office Update
(Enhancement) Canada - 'Predetermination rejections' were titled 'Claim rejections'
(Enhancement) Canada - Claimstream ROT should not go to the TelusA folder.
Sheets- Numbers line up with text
Canada - Sometimes claims with downgraded procedures were sent to secondary insurance when they shouldn't have been
Canada - secondary claims sometimes weren't generated
Referral selection window - Widened the Specialty Column
Custom Aging report - Income transfers could incorrectly impact aging buckets sometimes
FormPatientForms - Pre-filling a form did not include the ProcsNoFee and ProcsWithFee grids
Imaging Module - Selecting a dcm file that was deleted from the A to Z folder did not show a "File not Found" message
Manual could not be accessed via '?' on earlier versions of OD
UE when trying to email a sheet with the Pat Image field in it.
"Allow multiple Tasks attached to one Appointment" preference had to be checked to send non-appointment tasks to multiple task lists
Appointment audit trail was inconsistent when sending to Unscheduled List
Opening the Referred Procedure Tracking Report closed the Reports window
Statements sometimes did not saved to the Imaging Module
Canada - when dropping insurance Canadian labs did not have their estimates dropped
Edit Appointment window - The blocking popup verbiage for the Appointment Move security permission was inconsistent
Select Procedure / Select Account Entries window - The filter labels should use "Credit" instead of "Production"
Patient Status Setter window - Dropdown was not properly anchored
Insurance History window - Did not consider all codes for latest date sometimes
PayPlan- Days in Advance pref was being used in DPP statements
Exam Sheets window - This window could show a discrepancy in information if an exam sheet was unlocked and edited, but the window was exited instead of saving
Income Transfer Manager window, creating a transfer incorrectly impacted aging buckets sometimes.
Claimprocs were not properly cleaned up after the missing data preference triggers
Appointments Module, if user did not properly restart after enabling or clinics, right click could cause crash
Open Dental Cloud, pasting text in WPF forms would not work sometimes
New version for trial users
Imaging Module, thumbnails could cause OD to crash for cloud storage users
Select Image window | Context menu was visible when it should not be
New trial version
(Enhancement) PayConnect Information window - The Save button will now close the window after a payment has been declined
Wiki List characters in HTML emails were translated into HTML list tags
Patient Forms window - Attempting to use a form containing the "Patient Info.gif(internal)" resource threw an error
Moving an appointment to the pinboard without time increments threw an error
Message To Pay - [ClinicName] tag was replaced with Practice Name in email subject line when clinics were enabled
Message To Pay - Single M2P Statements weren't using Billing Prefs
Global Lock Date was interfering with closing Payment Plans
(Enhancement) Improved medication search
(Enhancement) DoseSpot - Disable two-way sync
EServices WebSchedRecall Setup - Moved Max Number of Texts button
Manual Web Sched messages were not sending if using Exclusion Days
Canada - Enabling 'Out of network fee schedules treat blank entries as zero' zeroed out pri & sec estimates if no OutOfNetwork fee schedule was set
Using Zoom affected the Perio Chart created from the Perio buttons in Claim Edit attachments
Appointments - Sync method incorrectly called crud sync prior to security hash
(Enhancement) Update places that use old PayPlan Charge terms
WebSched Recall - Manual recalls skipped sending validation
Sheet Patient Forms - auto fill form did not fill in student status sometimes
Imaging Module - Copy and pasting an image caused UE sometimes
Appointment Move security permission - Users without the permission could not create a new appointment
Canada secondary non-assignment claims were not auto receiveing
Procedure Codes Tool - Updated paint type defaults for veneer
ODMobile - eRx feature always used DoseSpotV1
Imaging Module | Document thumbnails are extra blurry
Tasks - remove future dated reminder popup was showing on past reminders
Database Integrity Warning showed on appointments when no 3rd parties are involved
Referral Slip window - This window was preventing user interaction with the rest of OD
XConnect - had a validation error for Primary Claims with additional subscribers
Chart Letter Properties - OD crashed when clicking X in audit mode
Some Message-to-Pay emails were sending with unformatted markup text in the body
Family Module - The Patient Clones grid did not get populated
Edit Claim Window - had UE when clicking save on a middle tier connection
Canada - had create claim error when 'Require Claims to have no missing data' pref enabled
eClipboard Beta - Check-in screen date picker did not use correct keyboard
DentalXChange Attachments - The Delete Images button has been removed
Audit Trail entry for Enterprise Reporting Server changes attached a patient when it did not need to.
Deleting a double clicked procedure through the edit Appointment form would throw an error
Canada Claim Edit window detached newly attached documents if attachments were sent before saving the claim.
Payment Plans- sales tax is shown on principal balance initially but not on reopen
Payment plan terms are sometimes not added to the note when saving
Middle Tier - Changing appt status from Complete to Scheduled was dropping attached procedures
Insurance Payment Plans could be deleted after the Global Lock Date
Scheduling Recall from Recall List did not push calendar to one day after Recall Due Date
Mobile Notifications - Grouped mobile notifications were not sorted by DateTimeEntry
Static image sheet fields were distorted in PDF
Image Module | Image display didn't disappear after canceling import
Audit Trail entry for Reporting Server changes attached a patient when it did not need to.
OD Cloud - EDS claim attachment behavior correction
OD Cloud - Importing a file failed when using an older version of the OpenDentalCloudClient
Procedure Codes Tool - Updated treatment area defaults
Pearl images fail to upload with GDI+ error
(Enhancement) Canada 2025 BCDA Fee Guide
(Enhancement) Canada Splash Screen Copyright Updates
(Enhancement)OD Cloud - Imaging Module, Enable File Import Multiselect
Patient Forms window - An error could occur when when clicking the copy button when copying a sheet with a procedures grid
Billing - Email autograph prompts for HTML signature edit when symbols at start or end of signature
Outstanding Insurance Claims window - Accessing this report through the Send Claims window would act as a modal window but when accessed through reports it was non-modal
Patient clones grid is no longer cutoff when first going to the Family Module with a clone patient selected
XConnect - had validation error on a claim where insurance plan was dropped
Appointment Move security permission could be bypassed by sending appointment to pinboard
Preferences - Enterprise Report Server Setup changes were not logged in Audit Trail
Valid short URLs are no longer prevented from being sent via email
Remove GPL license
Appointment Move security permission - Users could bypass the permission and change the appointment status to Unscheduled
Imaging- TWAIN UI was freezing the Imaging Module
Creating an appointment through specific workflow took longer to display
Imaging Module - Signature from previously selected image could sometimes appear on next selected image
eConnector - Check version should pull from database insatead of prefcache
ERA Verify and Enter Payment window Split Claim button forced InsPaid amounts to be zero.
Imaging Module | Unnecessary queries when loading mounts
Canada - Estimated Patient portion in the appointment view was not calculating correctly.
Too many queries getting run when opening Treatment Plan Module if using Payment Plans.
Open Dental Cloud, multi-page scanning could cause an exception sometimes
Grid column widths incorrectly calculated when grid is hidden
Payment window - The Surcharge field could show and is editable on income transfers
Appointment Module - The toolbar buttons and the confirmation status grid were sometimes disabled even though an appointment was selected
Select Image window - The order of images listed via the Attach button after clicking on the Edit Task Attachment window didn't list the images in a logical way
Future dated procedures were creatable even when pref was disabled
Commlog - red bar disappeared for all misspelled words if one misspelled word is replaced with suggestion
Open Dental Cloud, when launching AppStream an incorrect message said unable to communicate with the cloud client
PayPlanDynamic - totalCostOfLoan and totalFinanceCharge were incorrect when printing via "Sign/Print" button sometimes
Open Dental Cloud, in AppStream, double-clicking an image that doesn't exist would cause OD to crash
DoseSpot - can be chatty with HQ
(Enhancement) Updated Website Links
Billing - Aging is run too frequently when clinics enabled
Edit Patient Information - DoseSpot medication history consent did not use DoseSpotV2
Sheets - large Static Text boxes would ppill into fields that were below sometimes
Procedure Edit - "Date Entry" for Procedures could differ depending on the "Require use of suggested auto codes" preference setting
Ins Plans Window - Changed search to be less frequent when typing and updated UI.
Procedure Edit - Procedures were automatically detaching from new appointments
(Enhancement) Log On window, stop sending a signal to all workstations to refresh their user cache when a user logs on.
(Enhancement) ERA claims with different claim fee or date of service than expected now match claim in OD with warning.
Recall List Undo Date box was reformatting incorrectly.
Patient Dashboard - Account balance wasn't updating after completing appointment
PayPlan Window - Ungrouping was causing edited future charge to have wrong charge number
PayPlan Window- Editing a future charge was setting its text to black
Imaging Module - thumbnails were not properly scaled for cropped images
PayPlan- Clicking out of amount override was causing OD to crash
eService Activity Log window - Entering a non-numerical value into the PatNum field could cause an error
Middle Tier - Changing appt status from Complete to Scheduled was dropping attached procedures
ClaimConnect 5010 provider NPI numbers ending in newline character \n were sent when they should not.
FormCarriers - Improve search in text boxes
Claim Edit window - claim creation error was missing specific DBM for fix
Open Dental Cloud, requests to the ODCloudClient were not being processed
(Enhancement) Improve Employer search in Insurance Plans window
(Enhancement) Recall Types Sync button no longer triggers patients without Completed Procedures to have a Recall added
Web Forms - Users were unable to use the electronic signature button when retrieving web forms
Crashed when adding a new auto note after text with an English Canada Keyboard
Report Setup window - Several reports did not display their internal names
Imaging Module - selecting mount with missing images in unmounted items caused crash
Imaging Module - opening many .DCM files in a row could crash OD
Global Lock date did not apply to the date of agreement on Insurance Payment Plans
Select Procedure window sometimes did not show overpaid procedures
Incomplete Procedure Notes Report - Regex did not escape brackets
Print Screen Tool had error "No Printer Installed" crashing Open Dental
Credit Card Recurring Charges window - The error messages for PayConnect2 credit card payments didn't specify when they were declined
Patient Select window - Auto Hotkeys for previous and next buttons did not work
XConnect - Incorrect validation warning about secondary claim when creating a primary claim
ERAs - Alter claim table for indexing
Tasks List - Deleted appointment tasks were sorting to the top rather than the bottom
Some WPF Frms were holding onto resources
Open Dental Cloud, some actions were not being sent to the local workstation for AppStream
Treatment Plan Module was crashing for patients with benefits attached to hidden Code Groups
eClipboard - Sheet definition frequency 'Each Visit' did not work
eClipboard - Patients could fill out pushed forms when filling out forms is prohibited
eClipboard Beta - Check-in drawer item was misspelled
User Query Favorites window - Editing a query stored as a Query Favorite would not load the "Prompt for SET statements" setting when editing
DoseSpot, new clinics were always registered in V1
ODCloud - AppStream - Open Dental froze when switching users
Appointment ProcsColored field supported more characters than ProcDescript
ODCloud - AppStream - Single session is working but multi sessions were not
Payment Plan - Error window showed twice when payment terms invalid.
(Enhancement) Patient Select - Improve secondary query when exact matching on phone number
Sheets, checking the 'autosave to images' box did not always save to images
Edit Insurance Payment window - The Virtual Credit Card Payment section includes a PayConnect option but wasn't displaying the payconnect graphic
Edit Email Message window - Attempting to attach an already opened Word document would cause an error
Imaging Module: Mount thumbnails were initially not available
Drawings were not shown on document thumbnails
Imaging Module - Could not export a dicom image and save over an existing one
DoseSpot, prescribing provider was not preserved when syncing prescriptions
Program Link didn't recognize [CurrentMonth] tag
3Shape Bridge | firstname was wrong for patients with a preferred name
Limited Statements - Pay plan charges still showed in the Items grid, Transaction type filters, and in some message boxes
Fee Tools - Copying fee schedules blanked out Clinic to dropdown instead of setting to 'None'
ASAP List gave UE when texting without [Time] tag
Imaging Module - Using Automatic Import failed sometimes
Account Module - Module loaded slowly when patient had Payment Plans sometimes
OD Cloud - Web Sched Advanced URL browse right click option opens in VM
Preferences window - This window would take additional time to load sometimes
XConnect claim validation had error when insurance is dropped for the patient.
(Enhancement) 2025 Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide
Dynamic Payment Plan - Missing user prompt when terms invalid
Canada - 2025 CDA codes
(Enhancement) Edit Badge ID window - The combobox showed users that were no longer active
(Enhancement) EForms - Add new internal eForms
Pay Plans - Overpayment on principal was creating principal split
Imaging Module - Was unable to drag an already selected PDF to File Explorer or desktop
Editing a statement's mode to match a selected default texting mode did not send a message
Account Module - The right click DentalXChange options showed for Canada users
Open Dental Controls were leaking NativeWindow handles
Task Attachments were not included in sent task copies
Limited Statements - The Balance column on Grid:StatementMain included payplan debits when the other total fields don't
Appointment Module - Users who did not have permission to move appointments could still move them
Select Account Entries - Positive adjustments did not show when exclude all credits was checked and the adjustment was attached to a payment plan
Forms were being pushed behind other programs
XConnect - claim validation missing from Manage Module - Send Claims window
DoseSpotV2 not all clinics signed up for DoseSpot
Main Toolbar 'Commlog' button caused UE when user not allowed to edit/create commlog
Payment Plans - Editing the schedule could clear out future charges
Pasting in commlog while sending email threw an error
(Enhancement) API - Add EmployerNum field to Patient resource
(Enhancement) The appointment preference 'Force users to break scheduled appointments before rescheduling' showed the incorrect prompt for the Missed and Cancelled broken appt procedure types
Daily Payments Report - The surcharges for voided PayConnect 2 payments were not showing up
Appointment Search may return unavailable timeslots when considering blockouts
Advanced Appointment Search may ignore the specified provider
Payment Plan: Creating a schedule with an incomplete payplan was creating a confusing warning message.
Imaging Module - The Forms drop-down would show an empty box when you didn't have any saved Forms in your OpenDentalImages folder
AI annotations are not deleted with mount item
FrmReferralSelect - Grid scrollvalue was causing results to be hidden
Family Module - Disbanding a super family did not create a securitylog entry
Edit Sheet Def - 'Force patients to fill out again' prompt did not show properly when sheet defs are in use by eClipboard
Select Account Entries - "Include all credits" did not show positive adjustments with a remaining balance or would show the wrong Amt End
Benefit Edit Form - All CodeGroups Should Always Show
Email Inbox - Reply All did not copy over email addresses correctly
Reopening same sheet in formsheetfilledit no longer causes UE
Edge Express receipt was not showing cents on total amount
Imaging Module - Selecting one of the bottom most image categories when there was a scroll bar present would auto scroll back to the top sometimes
Imaging Module - 'Find Tasks' right-click menu option was available for mounts
Open Dental Cloud, pasting an image in Open Dental caused the program to crash sometimes
Open Dental Cloud, exporting auto notes caused an error for AppStream
Send Claims Form - Query could form incorrectly
Flutter - eForms WebApps
SMS Messaging - Sending URLs with period in path could result in malformed links
(Enhancement) User Query window - When exporting, the cursor indicates something is happening while the file dialog loads
Select Procedure window, procedures that were paid off by payment plans were showing as outstanding production.
Canada Claims missing TransRefNum prevented sending attachments.
Carriers window - The combine button in Insurance carriers list had the wrong explanation text
Mobile - Available 2FA Options did not consider if the patient has opted out of texting
Mobile Notifications - Logger did not work on eConnector
Some beta databases have a duplicate program link
Account Module - The DentalXChange right click options were grayed out if an insurance payment for the claim was also highlighted in the grid
Limited Statement: payPlanAmtDueValue field was showing incorrect balance on limited statements
Send Claims window could take a long time to load
ODMobile - DoseSpot V2 caused an error
Open Dental Cloud - Wiki shortcut closes google chrome
Error messages repeat when closing forms with keystroke
ODTouch - Rx Manage - Saving without a pharmacy caused UE
Send Claims Form - Query could form incorrectly
(Enhancement) API - Payments PUT - add field ProcessStatus
Imaging - exported DICOM images were invalid
Account Module: Selecting pay plan debits was causing inconsistent behavior
Payment window - Manually entering a surcharge amount into the Surcharge field wasn't always saving
CareCredit - The Surcharge Fee field would remain editable after a successful transaction.
Canada - Lab Fees - Prevent more than two lab procedures from being attached to a procedure
Web Form Setup window - Clicking the 'Delete' or 'Remove' button would sometimes cause an error
OD Cloud - Import button incorrectly opened files from Appstream VM
Dexis GXTwain Images taken with sensor import out of order to mounts
PayPlanCharge: PayPlanChargeType was causing the API to break
Family Balancer window, warn users when the As of Date predates the Income Transfer Date.
Alt keyboard shortcuts were not working in License Accept form
Appts Module, trying to create a new appointment would crash the program.
(Enhancement) API - Add ClaimPaymentNum to ClaimProcs PUT
(Enhancement)Accounting window - Allowed exporting as a .csv
Payment plan credits for ortho cases should behave more consistently
Sheets - Static text that goes over a page break sometimes omits lines when printing
Procedure Code Tools - Running the tool with Treatment Areas checked did not update the Treatment Area correctly
Hidden taskbar was additionally revealed on wrong screen sometimes
New security permission for modifying chart views
New Security Permission for Disband Superfamily button
SignatureBoxWrapper was not disposed properly when converting Sheets to PDFs
Appointment bubble - Procedure description sometimes disappeared when changing the appointment and procedure status
Pay Plans - TP procs were affecting the main account balance
Add RMT related tables to convert scripts in WebApps
Fill sheet window - A single minus symbol as a combo box option would cause an ampersand to be inserted when selecting the option within the combo box
Open Dental Cloud, viewing PDFs would sometimes hide access to form buttons
Open Dental Cloud, some actions when viewing a PDF would cause the program to crash
(Enhancement) Patient Forms window - Arrange by column names
(Enhancement) Mobile Notifications - Mobile notification inserts and selections are logged
(Enhancement)Pay Plans - Enhance the warning message for overlapping dates on charges
(Enhancement)Task Attachments - Allow files in the imaging module to be attached to tasks
Appointment selection did not update when switching patients
ODTouch - Incorrect treatment plan sheet could be used to generate PDF
Confirmations do not use appointment's ProvName
DBM - ProcedurelogNotCompletedAttachedToReceivedClaimprocOrPaySplitOrAdj ran slowly for large offices
Claim As Total payments was causing an error when an existing total payment row was on the claim.
Payment window - An error could occur when attempting to create a PayConnect2 payment via middle tier
Pay Plans - Only prompt when principal is greater than remaining
Insurance Payment Plan window - The text "Signature" displayed when the signature box was hidden
Database Maintenance tool incorrectly caught payment plan prepayments
Edit All Procs sometimes prompted the user when only changing the clinic
Form Perio - Holding left click when select perio chart entries would sometimes cause an error
Canada - Eligibility will use the patients default provider and Attachment (09) transaction will use the claim's treating provider
Appt cards only printed in portrait instead of using printer orientation setting
Edit Referral window - Selecting multiple clinics did not save
Imaging Module - The right click print option was not grayed out for unsupported file types
OD Cloud - Imaging Module PDF did not close when clicking close button
Payment Plan - Updated message box to new "Permanent Lock" language with preference checked
Referrals for patient window, more info button, changed the text
(Enhancement) Program Link output parameter for currently selected clinic
Changing appt status from Complete to Scheduled may have drop attached procedures
Referral For Patient Window - Error on more info link click and create buttons
Receivables Breakdown Report - Prod - PPCred columns had wrong totals
PayConnect Payment Information window - This window would not resize properly with zoom set to max
Form eServices Payment Portal - An error could occur when clicking Save
Procedures for New/Existing Patient WebSched appointment were appearing in Chart on different day.
Database Integrity Check: Whitespace in "localhost" blocked repair
Payment Plan - Signature wasn't invalidated when payment plan terms were changed and saved before exiting the window
PayConnect program link showed in the claim payment edit form but not the payment form if using PayConnect 2.0
Treatment Plan Module - Clicking the Consent button showed a popup message
DentalXChange attachments - The warning message to enable attachments saving locally was misleading
Payment Plan - Clicking Sign & Print locked the terms and blocked user's from editing
Payment Plan - Sheet signature was initially invalid on middle tier
OD Cloud - eServices Setup Behavior corrections
eServices eClipboard window - Adding eForms
Imaging Module - Single-clicking on a document sometimes removed hover effect from controls outside the image selector
Preferences: Controls did not have consistent alignment. Enterprise control text did not have consistent font.
Canada - Eligibility requests didn't use the 'Elig' default clearinghouse
Edit Sheet Def window: Copy+paste static images caused OD to crash
API - API Service requires PasswordVaultWrapper.dll
Imaging Module - Clicking through documents could crash Open Dental
Print Screen Tool - error "No Printer Installed" crashed Open Dental
(Enhancement)API - Enhance API Service to utilize middle tier
Imaging Module - moving a docked image around too fast sometimes resulted in UE
Account Module - Selecting 'Get CareCredit Self-Service Link' would prefill with a negative amount when the patient had a credit balance
Change Provider Prompt - The window's location was sometimes not on the current screen.
Imaging Module - Single-click could move files
Improved memory handling in various places that use WPF
DoseSpot V2 medication sync - implement pagination
(Internal Request)Pay Plans - Add pref that controls if we show production date, or date prod attached
DoseSpot V2 eRx button was always red
Foreign - Changing windows language caused printer spooler errors
(Enhancement) Update SSH to newer version
(Enhancement) Appointment table, added DateTStamp INDEX
Hyperlinks in wikis for files wouldn't open
eConnector - logger does not use cache to determine if clinics are in use
ERAs: Refactor how we get claims and preauths from the DB
DoseSpot V2 - API Response Bodies Changed
Reimplemented fix for: Patient Select window could be blank
Unscheduled Setup window- Form clipped invalid data entry warning symbol
FormPayConnect2- Updated label text for Refresh button
SOTACloud bridge created invalid URL if patient name had whitespace
Open Dental Cloud, have AppStream instances with Edit Printer - Prompt checkbox checked used Windows print dialog window. Removed visibility of Virtual Printer for AppStream users.
Rolled back fix for: Patient Select window could be blank
Imaging Module - Files could no longer be dragged outside of OD
Autonotes - Could not use keyboard to un-check prompts
Insurance Verification List was not showing a patient when it should
Imaging Module - The Image Viewer could cause an error when the Image Preview Toolbar buttons were pressed and only one monitor was in use
Edit Claim - Print button had a Printer Spooler Service error
CareCredit BatchQS - Change to nightly sync pref
Preference "Require claims to have no missing data" blocked claim creation for preauthorizations when it shouldn't
OD Cloud - View EOB button did not show existing PDF when first opening.
2025 CDT Code Contained Extra Character in Description, Wrong Category for Other
Patient Select window could be blank
ODCloud - Edit Patient - Map button opened the browser on the VM
Imaging Module: Mount thumbnails did not auto refresh
2025 CDT Codes available
Edit Wiki Table window: Alt+S was not saving changes to cell being edited
(Enhancement)API - ClaimPayments DELETE
(Enhancement)Chart Module - Updated the Tooth Chart button to open with a dropdown menu
(Enhancement)Chart Module - Updated the Consent button to open with a dropdown menu
Edit Referral Attachment - Referring Provider field would sometimes show a "-1" within the provider listbox
Pay Plans - Global lock date was not correctly blocking changing the date of agreement
Account Module - Patient Grid no longer puts amount on multiple lines when pat has credit of $1000+
FormInsFeesForIns - Mass Changes of Insurance Plan Type only allows changing to/from PPO and Cat%
Limited Statement: Selecting a pay plan debit and payment displays the correct balance
(Enhancement) DoseSpotV2 Add MedispanClientId Param to Body
Ins Edit - users without Carrier Edit permission caused carrier splits
OD Cloud - Imaging Module PDF preview did not close when changing Images/Modules/Patients
Open Dental Cloud, gave AppStream instances access to the printer settings window
Attempting to open Program Links could cause OpenDental to crash
(Enhancement) CareCredit BatchQS- add an ODHQ preference to determine times we process and pullback batch quickscreens
(Enhancement) Payment window - The surcharge field for payconnect 2 payments will now be editible prior to processing a payment
(Enhancement) Appointment Views, Add Ward
Preferences window - Typing in the search bar would sometimes cause extreme slowness
Clicking Print in various places with Spooler Service disabled caused an error
Middle Tier - upgrade from old version can cause crash
Imaging Module - signatures were not invalidated when document changed
There was an Error on help feature window link click
Updating message for an appointment with an attached procedure
ERAs never showed as processed if any auto generated by total payments were manually redistributed to the procedures.
Edit Claim window - Saving a claim would not give an attachment required warning when XConnect was enabled
PayConnect 2 - Save button was cutoff with terminal transaction selected
Select Image attachment window - Users were unable to send mounts as attachments
PayConnect2 Window - Clicking Refresh after processing a transaction caused an error
Appointment View Edit - Change delete message verbage
Account Module, Payment dropdown: incorrect label "Care Credit" should be one word
Payment Portal - The welcome page for verify and pay view had a typo
Patient Select - records displayed text too high when NoCustomBorders.txt was present
EConnector - MsgToPay Feature
Choose Database sometimes did not show all databases
(Enhancement) Perio Chart ability to select multiple cells
Imaging Module - PDF files were not maximizing when clicking the maximize button within the image docker window
DBM Raw Emails - was still giving the same results sometimes while running more than once
Referrals for Patient window had invisible buttons on load that caused formatting to look strange.
After clicking a remote folder link in FormWiki, Ctrl+F shows "no matches found" regardless of input.
CareCredit - Pre-Approval Amounts were not added for patients in batch
Video Capture: Capture button was not saving images
Commlog Edit Window - Signature was wrong size at higher dpi or zoom
apiUrl incorrect
Appointment Tasks Window: incorrect label "Appt Edit" instead of "Edit Appointment"
(Enhancement)ODTouch - Clinician Home - Hide eRx for Canada
(Enhancement) PayConnect 2 moved iFrame to Payconnect Window
In Appointments Module weekly view, if the window was reduced to just the right size, then some appointments might jump to wrong locations
Imaging Module - When loading a PDF initially, the image title bar would overlap the PDF toolbar
Payment Plan: Setting up a Payment Plan was causing an error popup to be triggered too often
Edit Wiki List Item window cleared all non-pick list columns after setting a Pick List item
Unscheduled Appointment List Setup: Entering a large number was causing OD to crash
Edit Claim Window - XConnect - Had Incorrect reporting for adjustments
Replying or forwarding an HTML email message sent the message in the raw format.
Generate Mount - Valid num error message suggested incorrect value
OD Cloud - File Import/Export Behavior corrections
Fill Sheet clicking OK when 'Autosave to Images' is checked no longer causes UE sometimes
Edit Claim Window - XConnect - Had blank organization name for providers
Letter Merge - Edit template caused a MySQL error
Canadian eligibility response is now enabled.
Opening Appointments for Patient sometimes caused slowness
Limited Statement: Selecting a pay plan charge displays the correct balance
FormOpenDental - Signal Processing - Prevent UE on signal processing set to 0.
CareCredit - Batch could send duplicate requests after successful lookup
(Enhancement) CareCredit BatchQS- Change the time we process and check pullbacks for batch quickscreens to use local time
(Enhancement) ODXam - Change 'Recovery Code' to 'Verification Code' on user authentication UI
Customer can now reveal (hidden) Windows taskbar even when OD is fullscreen with a modal window open
Referrals window results found text was too close to groupbox
If there are procedures attached to a preauthorization, we will not allow those procedures to be deleted
Insurance Claims window - XConnect did not show missing attachment warning
Fill Sheet - Imported input text was not displaying with empty color
Claim creation was blocked if an institution is listed as a provider sometimes.
(Enhancement) API - EobAttaches POST UploadSftp
(Enhancement) Track Planned Appointments Setup- Empty dates now consider all past history
(Enhancement) Manual websched recalls and message-to-pay messages did not send when patient opted out of receiving automated messages
ODMobile - Mobile notifications did not work for ODMobile
API - Documents methods may respond with a version error message
OD Cloud - URL navigation behavior corrections
Message-to-Pay - Single Patient statements
Alt keyboard shortcuts were not working in Patient Field Pick Item Form
(Enhancement) Income Transfer Manager - Added more information to insurance overpayments warning message about mismatch adjustments
Imaging - unmounted images were not fully deleted
PayConnect 2 - The receipt for a recurring charge transaction with a Surcharge was missing the surcharge amount
Email Address - Malformed email addresses caused exceptions
WebSchedRecalls - Manual Recalls were marked as automatic messages
Message-to-Pay statements did not follow Billing Default preferences
Patient Dashboard Patient Picture was unavailable if it was in a mount
Change Provider prompt - Could no longer use keyboard to select Yes or No
Sheet Import dindow did not include Student Status
Procedures Not Billed to Insurance Report - Procedures completed on an insurance plans effective To date did not show
Change Provider Prompt - The location of the window did not align with the Move Appointment? message box
DoseSpot V2 API
Static text replacement fields for apptDateMonthSpelled and apptProcs were not functioning
Imaging module Zoom gets reset too frequently
Imaging Module unable to select unmounted item with missing image
API - Patients POST - patients with same name and DOB but different phone numbers are flagged as duplicates
Scanning a document with some printers can break WPF windows
User Query - Printing Ignores Page Ranges
Manual could not be accessed via '?' on earlier versions of OD
Statements sometimes did not saved to the Imaging Module
Imaging Module, thumbnails could cause OD to crash for cloud storage users
(Enhancement) DoseSpot - Disable two-way sync
Image Module | Image display didn't disappear after canceling import
Too many queries getting run when opening Treatment Plan Module if using Payment Plans.
Grid column widths incorrectly calculated when grid is hidden
Billing - Aging is run too frequently when clinics enabled
Supplemental restores failed to restore sometimes
Imaging Module - opening many .DCM files in a row could crash OD
DoseSpot, new clinics were always registered in V1
(Enhancement) Patient Select - Improve secondary query when exact matching on phone number
Sheets, checking the 'autosave to images' box did not always save to images
DoseSpot, prescribing provider was not preserved when syncing prescriptions
3Shape Bridge | firstname was wrong for patients with a preferred name
Fee Tools - Copying fee schedules blanked out Clinic to dropdown instead of setting to 'None'
Account Module - Module loaded slowly when patient had Payment Plans sometimes
(Enhancement) 2025 Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide
Imaging Module - Was unable to drag an already selected PDF to File Explorer or desktop
XConnect claim validation had error when insurance is dropped for the patient.
Account Module - The right click DentalXChange options showed for Canada users
Open Dental Controls were leaking NativeWindow handles
Task Attachments were not included in sent task copies
Appointment Module - Users who did not have permission to move appointments could still move them
Forms were being pushed behind other programs
XConnect - claim validation missing from Manage Module - Send Claims window
DoseSpotV2 not all clinics signed up for DoseSpot
Main Toolbar 'Commlog' button caused UE when user not allowed to edit/create commlog
Payment Plans - Editing the schedule could clear out future charges
Pasting in commlog while sending email threw an error
Dynamic Payment Plan - Missing user prompt when terms invalid
(Enhancement) The appointment preference 'Force users to break scheduled appointments before rescheduling' showed the incorrect prompt for the Missed and Cancelled broken appt procedure types
Daily Payments Report - The surcharges for voided PayConnect 2 payments were not showing up
Advanced Appointment Search may ignore the specified provider
Payment Plan: Creating a schedule with an incomplete payplan was creating a confusing warning message.
FrmReferralSelect - Grid scrollvalue was causing results to be hidden
Select Account Entries - "Include all credits" did not show positive adjustments with a remaining balance or would show the wrong Amt End
Email Inbox - Reply All did not copy over email addresses correctly
Reopening same sheet in formsheetfilledit no longer causes UE
Appointment Search may return unavailable timeslots when considering blockouts
Imaging Module - Selecting one of the bottom most image categories when there was a scroll bar present would auto scroll back to the top sometimes
Open Dental Cloud, exporting auto notes caused an error for AppStream
Edge Express receipt was not showing cents on total amount
Open Dental Cloud, pasting an image in Open Dental caused the program to crash sometimes
SMS Messaging - Sending URLs with period in path could result in malformed links
(Enhancement) User Query window - When exporting, the cursor indicates something is happening while the file dialog loads
Canada Claims missing TransRefNum prevented sending attachments.
Carriers window - The combine button in Insurance carriers list had the wrong explanation text
Mobile - Available 2FA Options did not consider if the patient has opted out of texting
Mobile Notifications - Logger did not work on eConnector
Account Module - The DentalXChange right click options were grayed out if an insurance payment for the claim was also highlighted in the grid
Dexis GXTwain Images taken with sensor import out of order to mounts
Limited Statement: payPlanAmtDueValue field was showing incorrect balance on limited statements
Send Claims window could take a long time to load
ODMobile - DoseSpot V2 caused an error
Open Dental Cloud - Wiki shortcut closes google chrome
Error messages repeat when closing forms with keystroke
ODTouch - Rx Manage - Saving without a pharmacy caused UE
Imaging - exported DICOM images were invalid
Account Module: Selecting pay plan debits was causing inconsistent behavior
Canada - Lab Fees - Prevent more than two lab procedures from being attached to a procedure
Web Form Setup window - Clicking the 'Delete' or 'Remove' button would sometimes cause an error
OD Cloud - Import button incorrectly opened files from Appstream VM
PayPlanCharge: PayPlanChargeType was causing the API to break
Family Balancer window, warn users when the As of Date predates the Income Transfer Date.
Alt keyboard shortcuts were not working in License Accept form
Appts Module, trying to create a new appointment would crash the program.
Sheets - Static text that goes over a page break sometimes omits lines when printing
SignatureBoxWrapper was not disposed properly when converting Sheets to PDFs
Appointment bubble - Procedure description sometimes disappeared when changing the appointment and procedure status
Pay Plans - TP procs were affecting the main account balance
Fill sheet window - A single minus symbol as a combo box option would cause an ampersand to be inserted when selecting the option within the combo box
Open Dental Cloud, viewing PDFs would sometimes hide access to form buttons
Open Dental Cloud, some actions when viewing a PDF would cause the program to crash
(Enhancement) Mobile Notifications - Mobile notification inserts and selections are logged
Appointment selection did not update when switching patients
ODTouch - Incorrect treatment plan sheet could be used to generate PDF
Claim As Total payments was causing an error when an existing total payment row was on the claim.
Pay Plans - Only prompt when principal is greater than remaining
Database Maintenance tool incorrectly caught payment plan prepayments
Edit All Procs sometimes prompted the user when only changing the clinic
Canada - Eligibility will use the patients default provider and Attachment (09) transaction will use the claim's treating provider
Appt cards only printed in portrait instead of using printer orientation setting
Edit Referral window - Selecting multiple clinics did not save
Imaging Module - The right click print option was not grayed out for unsupported file types
OD Cloud - Imaging Module PDF did not close when clicking close button
Referrals for patient window, more info button, changed the text
Changing appt status from Complete to Scheduled may have drop attached procedures
Referral For Patient Window - Error on more info link click and create buttons
Procedures for New/Existing Patient WebSched appointment were appearing in Chart on different day.
Database Integrity Check: Whitespace in "localhost" blocked repair
Canada - Eligibility requests didn't use the 'Elig' default clearinghouse
Payment Plan - Signature wasn't invalidated when payment plan terms were changed and saved before exiting the window
PayConnect program link showed in the claim payment edit form but not the payment form if using PayConnect 2.0
DentalXChange attachments - The warning message to enable attachments saving locally was misleading
Payment Plan - Sheet signature was initially invalid on middle tier
OD Cloud - eServices Setup Behavior corrections
Imaging Module - Single-clicking on a document sometimes removed hover effect from controls outside the image selector
Edit Sheet Def window: Copy+paste static images caused OD to crash
API - API Service requires PasswordVaultWrapper.dll
Imaging Module - Clicking through documents could crash Open Dental
Print Screen Tool - error "No Printer Installed" crashed Open Dental
(Enhancement)API - Enhance API Service to utilize middle tier
Imaging Module - moving a docked image around too fast sometimes resulted in UE
Account Module - Selecting 'Get CareCredit Self-Service Link' would prefill with a negative amount when the patient had a credit balance
Imaging Module - Single-click could move files
Improved memory handling in various places that use WPF
DoseSpot V2 medication sync - implement pagination
(Internal Request)Pay Plans - Add pref that controls if we show production date, or date prod attached
DoseSpot V2 eRx button was always red
Patient method had missing parameter when called over middle tier
Foreign - Changing windows language caused printer spooler errors
(Enhancement) Update SSH to newer version
(Enhancement) Appointment table, added DateTStamp INDEX
Hyperlinks in wikis for files wouldn't open
eConnector - logger does not use cache to determine if clinics are in use
ERAs: Refactor how we get claims and preauths from the DB
DoseSpot V2 - API Response Bodies Changed
Reimplemented fix for: Patient Select window could be blank
Unscheduled Setup window- Form clipped invalid data entry warning symbol
SOTACloud bridge created invalid URL if patient name had whitespace
Open Dental Cloud, have AppStream instances with Edit Printer - Prompt checkbox checked used Windows print dialog window. Removed visibility of Virtual Printer for AppStream users.
Rolled back fix for: Patient Select window could be blank
Imaging Module - Files could no longer be dragged outside of OD
Autonotes - Could not use keyboard to un-check prompts
Insurance Verification List was not showing a patient when it should
Imaging Module - The Image Viewer could cause an error when the Image Preview Toolbar buttons were pressed and only one monitor was in use
Edit Claim - Print button had a Printer Spooler Service error
CareCredit BatchQS - Change to nightly sync pref
OD Cloud - View EOB button did not show existing PDF when first opening.
2025 CDT Code Contained Extra Character in Description, Wrong Category for Other
Patient Select window could be blank
Edit Referral Attachment - Referring Provider field would sometimes show a "-1" within the provider listbox
ODCloud - Edit Patient - Map button opened the browser on the VM
Pay Plans - Global lock date was not correctly blocking changing the date of agreement
Account Module - Patient Grid no longer puts amount on multiple lines when pat has credit of $1000+
FormInsFeesForIns - Mass Changes of Insurance Plan Type only allows changing to/from PPO and Cat%
Imaging Module: Mount thumbnails did not auto refresh
2025 CDT Codes available
(Enhancement) DoseSpotV2 Add MedispanClientId Param to Body
Ins Edit - users without Carrier Edit permission caused carrier splits
OD Cloud - Imaging Module PDF preview did not close when changing Images/Modules/Patients
Open Dental Cloud, gave AppStream instances access to the printer settings window
Message To Pay - Text was not an option
(Enhancement) CareCredit BatchQS- add an ODHQ preference to determine times we process and pullback batch quickscreens
(Enhancement) Appointment Views, Add Ward
Clicking Print in various places with Spooler Service disabled caused an error
Middle Tier - upgrade from old version can cause crash
There was an Error on help feature window link click
Updating message for an appointment with an attached procedure
Select Image attachment window - Users were unable to send mounts as attachments
Appointment View Edit - Change delete message verbage
Payment Portal - The welcome page for verify and pay view had a typo
Imaging Module - PDF files were not maximizing when clicking the maximize button within the image docker window
CareCredit - Pre-Approval Amounts were not added for patients in batch
Video Capture: Capture button was not saving images
Commlog Edit Window - Signature was wrong size at higher dpi or zoom
apiUrl incorrect
(Enhancement) CareCredit BatchQS- Change the time we process and check pullbacks for batch quickscreens to use local time
In Appointments Module weekly view, if the window was reduced to just the right size, then some appointments might jump to wrong locations
Imaging Module - When loading a PDF initially, the image title bar would overlap the PDF toolbar
Referrals window results found text was too close to groupbox
If there are procedures attached to a preauthorization, we will not allow those procedures to be deleted
Edit Claim Window - XConnect - Had Incorrect reporting for adjustments
Generate Mount - Valid num error message suggested incorrect value
Fill Sheet - Imported input text was not displaying with empty color
OD Cloud - File Import/Export Behavior corrections
Edit Claim Window - XConnect - Had blank organization name for providers
Letter Merge - Edit template caused a MySQL error
Canadian eligibility response is now enabled.
Opening Appointments for Patient sometimes caused slowness
FormOpenDental - Signal Processing - Prevent UE on signal processing set to 0.
CareCredit - Batch could send duplicate requests after successful lookup
ODMobile - Mobile notifications did not work for ODMobile
API - Documents methods may respond with a version error message
OD Cloud - URL navigation behavior corrections
Alt keyboard shortcuts were not working in Patient Field Pick Item Form
(Enhancement) Income Transfer Manager - Added more information to insurance overpayments warning message about mismatch adjustments
Imaging - unmounted images were not fully deleted
PayConnect 2 - The receipt for a recurring charge transaction with a Surcharge was missing the surcharge amount
Message-to-Pay statements did not follow Billing Default preferences
DoseSpot V2 API
Static text replacement fields for apptDateMonthSpelled and apptProcs were not functioning
WebSchedRecalls - Manual Recalls were marked as automatic messages
Patient Dashboard Patient Picture was unavailable if it was in a mount
Claim Attachments window - Snipping an attachment forced the Claim Edit window to close
Sheet Import dindow did not include Student Status
(Enhancement) CEMT, credential obfuscation when used as command line arguments for launching new instances of Open Dental for connections.
(Enhancement) ODCloud - Appstream DCV Extension
User Query window - An error could occur when replacing a file after exporting a query when the file was still open
Fill Sheet Edit - With Autosave to Images checked, it should only save the sheet if changes were made
Edit Claim Window - XConnect - Had Error on save button patient with secondary insurance
(Enhancement) API - new method RxPats GET
(Enhancement) API - new method Pharmacies GET
Patient Portal - The Download Statement button could overlap the container that it's supposed to be in when viewing in mobile mode
Imaging Module - When canceling a paste or import the image still showed in the image selector
CEMT - Central Manager Patient Search sometimes did not work with Domain Login Enabled
OD Cloud - Email Attachments sometimes did not behave properly
Web Chat Session - Chat box sometimes did not display the entire text
Quick Paste Notes - Pressing key for list box with an empty item threw an error
Grid scroll bar sometimes did not show on initial load
(Enhancement) (Canada) Fee Tools - Import Canada add audit trail entries
(Enhancement) Closing Ortho Auto Claims didn't refresh the Account Module
(Enhancement) Closed payplans did not appear to be closed when using any other charge logic besides Age Credits and Debits
PaySimple and EdgeExpress - Voiding a refund transaction would automatically change the Payment window Amount field to a negative amount
Edit Appointment - was missing message if trying to move procedures from a planned appointment to a new appointment
Imaging Module Had UE When Clicking Under Toolbar With Empty Image Preview Section
Canada Request for Outstanding Transactions (ROT) to Telus was sending too many requests.
Shift + F3 no longer toggled text casing in OD
Auto Note Categories - Deleting parent category removed all corresponding child categories in Auto Notes Setup
Preauthorizations - Receiving claim prompted unrelated message regarding unfinalized claim
Open Dental Cloud, allow temporarily enabling NewCrop for testing in cloud
EConnector / ODService - Update thread interval to 1 second
(Enhancement) API - Laboratories - Add GET
Appointment Edit - Could throw an error when saving based off of appointment type selected
Procedure fee update behavior was not working as expected when set to 'Prompt, when patient portion changes'
Running DB Maintenance tool with 'DBM Skip Check Table' preference enabled displayed incorrect warning message
Edit All Procs - Procedure fee update behavior was not working as expected
Treatment plan discount adjustments were sometimes added to a procedure twice
(Enhancement) API - Documents DELETE
(Enhancement) API - Documents PUT
Deposit Slips - Adding a deposit slip with HQ selected for clinic threw an error
Referral Slip - Generating Referred From slip sometimes threw an error
Sheets with output text were not resized properly
Preferences - Font size was wrong in a few sections
(Enhancement) API - new method Recalls PUT
(Enhancement) API - new method Recalls POST
Perio Chart - Coordinates were shown in title bar when BolaAI is hidden for clinic
XConnect - Had a Validation error 'Line item control number cannot be more than 30 characters'
eConnector - resource usage
CEMT - Attempting to open Central Manager User Setup when logged in with Single Sign-On showed an error
Sheets - Text fields over page breaks were getting cut off
EServiceListener - Programatically add firewall rule
XConnect - Had a Validation error for secondary insurance
ODService - memory leak
(Enhancement) Patient Dashboard, Appointments for Patient grid order did not match FormApptsOther
ListBoxes for WPF now have arrow key and spacebar events implemented
Edit Deposit Slip - The Bank Account Info initially showed the wrong information with clinics enabled
Custom aging report included a discount transaction type for TP procedures
(Enhancement) API - Labturnarounds - Add GET
(Enhancement) API - ProcNotes POST - add ability to digitally sign
(Enhancement) API - new method ProcNotes GET
FormOpenDental - Task processing could happen before the user cache is initialized.
Procedure fee override did not apply when changing clinic and provider simultaneously
Email autograph did not automatically insert with no email address sender
Fill Sheet - Last pixel on multipage sheets did not display
(Enhancement) When setting the provider for treatment planned procedures with an appointment today, also set the clinic
(Enhancement) API - Labcases - Add GET
Textboxes selection could calculate incorrectly when there are newline characters for auto notes
Imaging Module unable to select category folder with single-click
AutoNotes could throw an error when adding new AutoNotes after a newline
Edit Appointment window - The message warning that's in bold would get cut off when using Zoom sometimes
API - ChartModules GET PlannedAppts returns incorrect ProcDescript sometimes.
Width of Clone table now updates correctly - independantly of the Super Family grid
Imaging Module - The right-click menu on PDFs no longer had Print grayed out
Secondary Claims printed from "Outstanding secondary claims" prompt did not populate dates in "Authorizations" section
User Query - Could throw an error when dragging the resize bar up to fast and releasing
User Query window - When exporting cells that contained commas as a .csv, the cell would be split into multiple columns
Credit Card Recurring Charges window - Patients could remain in the list even though they had their card charged
FrmReferralSelect could take a bit to load
Wording on database table of document schema summary was incorrect
Reduced algorithm search time when loading patfields for SuperFams display in modules
Deposit Slip Sheets - Static text fields specific to the currently selected clinic did not populate
Edit Mount Layout - Mount item location did not save when dragging
Ins Verify List was taking a long time to load
Appointments Module, changed next appointment warning to say planned instead
Sheets - Y position of fields adjacent to signature box changed unexpectedly
FormAllocationsSetup-change text from OK to Save
Family Module - Admit and Discharge dates fields could show minimum date instead of blank
FormArManager - Fix Typo "Aging Already Run" Popup
ODcodeBox allowed images to be pasted in
Perio Chart - Attempting some actions without a cell selected causes Open Dental to crash.
Canada Outstanding Transactions Request window no longer supports retrieval of version 2 mailbox messages.
Claim Edit Window - procedure date on claimproc was inheritng from DateTp due to droppped Insurance Plan
Patient Dashboard - There was an additional white space gap between the dashboard and the right edge of main window sometimes
DBM Raw Emails - Was giving the same results sometimes while running more than once
Custom Aging Report - Syntax error when report ran on MySQL 5.5
WebForms - Prompt user if deleting webform would break Appt Thank You link
Appointments for Patient - Completed planned appointments sometimes did not show correctly
WPF listbox - Users could unselect an index
Wiki error messages could not be closed if error message was too long
Edit Claim window - A popup message used the old description of a preference
Patient Name/Clinic Name in title bar changed multiple times when switching clinics
API - Documents POST UploadSftp may fail
EvaSoft Bridge - Patient DOB was not populated in EvaSoft when the 'Country or region' is set to Canada
XConnect - Had an incorrect validation error when clicking Save on the Edit Claim window
Payment Plans Report ignored discounts on treatment planned procedures
(Enhancement) User Query window - Allowed users to export as a .csv file
Imaging Module - Selecting mount with missing images causes UE sometimes
Preferences window - The 'Verify Addresses with USPS' preference is not applicable for foreign users but showed as an available preference
Send Claims - Printing with virtual printer not saving mulitple files correctly
ODTouch - Appt Edit, appointment type procedures were not created properly
ODMobile - Sending new text message notification could cause UE
Edit Clearinghouse window - The Location ID textbox did not sync with the default Unassigned/Default Clinic
Scheduled appointment's planned appointment reference could switch between multiple planned appointments
Payment Portal - The DOB field size didn't match the size of the other fields on some mobile devices
Adjustments attached to payment plans aged with the incorrect date
Preferences window - One of the Enterprise - Appts options was not aligned with the other options
Planned Appointments grid - Date Scheduled sometimes did not populate as expected
Insurance Plans grid did not populate when opening form
ODTouch - Appt edit, appointment length was not being set correctly
(Enhancement) Enhance Security Hashing to start threads earlier
(Enhancement) API - Statements - Add GET(single)
(Enhancement) Sheets - PDF - Detect if there is a missing printer / spooler service
(Enhancement) Perio Chart - "Save to Images" will no longer highlight the first cell
(Enhancement) Perio Chart - Add birthdate to printed Perio Charts
API - Appointments POST - some fields are not set by default
ODCloud - appstream - links on wikis launched in the vm
Prevented UE when clicking clinic dropdown from select patient window
Open Dental Cloud, printing an EOB image incorrectly showed the windows choose printer window
Imaging toolbar hover was in wrong place
Email Client window - With Zoom set to Max, reducing the size of this window could cause overlapping buttons
Tertiary Insurance Plans with Secondary Medicaid COB affected primary estimates
ODTouch - Perio, Count toolbar menu item did not hide when clicked
OD Cloud - Import actions cause crash if communication with CloudClient fails
Appointments for Patient - Planned appointments were showing when attached procedures are complete
If clinics are not enabled, there is no option to enable or disable sending statements secure
Right click context menu didn't properly identify weblinks
OD Cloud - Communication with Cloud Client did not work without restarting OpenDental
CareCredit - Staging URL changes
CareCredit - update Api credentials
XConnect - Edit Claim Window had a Ortho Remaining Months validation error
Account Module - Family Financial Notes was cut off at max zoom
Pick Sheet window - The label above the list of consent forms said "LabelPatient" from eRouting Def Edit form
'All workstations will shutdown' message was popping up on Help -> Update
Treatment Plan Module - Update Fees tool output differed from Global Update Fees for medical insurance plans.
Log On window - Scanning a badge filled the password field without clearing it out
User Query window - Exporting as an .xls created a file that Excel thought was corrupted
USPS Address Validation - Could not save when enabled and using 3 character state abbreviation
Edit Claim Window - 'Outstanding secondary claims' prompt pops up when receiving preauthorizations.
Edit Email Message window - The Add Image button would not always open the Select Image window when clicked and no explanation was provided
Name for Canadian .pem files for telus a and b claims was incorrect
UE sometimes occurs when right clicking textboxes
Pay Plans - No longer update last ran pref when opening Pay Plans
ODFileUtils IsKnownFileType method sometimes threw a UE
(Enhancement) PayConnect 2 - Cardholder field returned by payconnect2 api shows on receipts
(Enhancement) PayConnect 2 API - Integrations send correct frequency based on where the payment originated.
(Enhancement) Each clinic/practice to choose secure vs non secure email for sending statements
(Enhancement) Perio Chart - Instead of using patient primary provider on new exam, use provider attached to current user, typically the hygienist
(Enhancement) Planned Appointments, remove blocking behavior and improve Chart Module display
Signup Portal - The warning for TenDLC registration would sometimes show up for foreign users when making changes to signups
ODMobile - Implement local notifications for new text messages
Edit Wiki List window - Renaming an existing wiki list to include a special character would cause an error
EServiceLog Activity Log window - The Payment Portal logs for patient verification had a couple of typos
Age Limits and Frequency Limitations can affect procedures outside their Code Group
Pick Sheet window didn't select the single clicked row on OK after searching
Context menu incorrectly treated file names in text as weblinks
Voiding a refund through XCharge(OpenEdge) created a negative payment
Task - Go To button sometimes did not update patient
Chart Module thumbnail double-click doesn't set title bar for image float window sometimes
Old Images window - Pasting an image copied from the Imaging Module did not work
Entering a tooth number between 1-10 on the Procedure Edit window while using tooth nomenclature FDI international, would have thrown an error and crash on save click
Slowness when searching Ins Plan list, specifically related to size of list of employers
Procedure Info and Group Note - Signature cleared when moving the window with zoom
Wiki - lists followed by lines containing * or # caused error
Edit BadgeId window - The title and username label were inconsistent with other areas of the program
Removed registry searching code from the list of known filetypes from mobile
Imaging Module - Double-clicking behavior was sometimes based on image type and not extension
Bola program link was not hidden for clinic selected in OD
eClipboard - Grouped mobile notifications were not processed properly
Spell Check prevented using undo shortcut in Commlogs
Web Sched New Patient - Check for duplicate FName against patient preferred name
Preferences window - Within the Ortho tab the 'patient clone' checkbox was not always updating after being checked
Automated Messaging - Patient Portal Invites cannot be sent zero hours before/after appointments
Slowness when using XDR
Appointments for Patient window shows Planned Appointments on load.
Edit Display Field window allowed setting column width values that threw an error
Reassigning primary provider sometimes reassigned to non-person provider
Open Dental Cloud, copying a large image could be slow for AppStream sometimes
(Enhancement) Restricted clicks to the checkbox for several fields in the Edit Insurance Plan
Audit Trail - HQ-only preferences are visible for all
Message to pay - penny format was invalid
Procedure Info - Could not apply discounts to TP procedures with the Adjustment Create date limit
Treatment Plans - Signature could split between two pages
In foreign contries, Production and Income, and Monthly Production Goal reports both crashed because of number punctuation issues.
Xamarin - Users were not able to login to demo mode
Appointment Module - Appointments sometimes overlapped when triple booked
Perio Chart - Clinics were forced to use Bola even when hidden
Open Dental Cloud, scanning could be slow for AppStream sometimes
Preferences window - The order of two Enterprise options made the workflow confusing
(Enhancement) API - ClaimPayments POST Batch
(Enhancement) The Wiki search page uses the report server instead of the read-only server
Billing Options window - Modes for SMS statements were not being saved correctly when changed from the Billing Defaults window
Edit Mount Layout - Mount item location changed after single-click
Imaging Module - Closing Edit Mount form sometimes caused an error
Procedure Info - The attached to claim text was cutoff at the bottom
Edit Clearinghouse - List box did not show all options with zoom
Payment Plan - Prepaying on principal posted the PayPlan Debit to the wrong account
Select Image Attachment window - Capitalized file extensions were not supported
(Enhancement) Microsoft OAuth - Receiving encrypted emails did not decrypt when downloading
ODTouch - Medical, viewing patient medication could cause UE
DBM for Patient - ProcedurelogNotCompletedAttachedToReceivedClaimprocOrPaySplitOrAdj included treatment planned prepayments sometimes
Device Manager - Deleting device could cause an unhandled exception
Imaging Module - Clicking Copy button causes crash when using Middle-Tier connection
Reassigning primary provider was sometimes reassigning to a secondary provider
Header was missing from sent billing list statements
Snip Attachment window - The newly created document was missing the description information attached to the snipped file
Enterprise-General Preference label sometimes had format issue with zoom
Planned Appointments - Changing ProcStatus to Treatment Planned still showed as Complete sometimes
(Enhancement) API - Add CustomTracking to Claims GET, PUT, and POST
PayConnect 2 - Refund receipts didn't show "Electronically Signed" when the patient signed in the PayConnect2 window
Patient Select window was delayed showing up
Edit Claim Window - 'Outstanding claims' prompt popped up receiving preauthorizations for medical or primary insurance
Lists in Wiki tables failed to parse when they did not contain bulleted or numbered lists
Imaging Module - Closing the 'Mount Information' window sometimes causes crash
Imaging Module, drawings not shown upon opening image
Imaging Module - Deleting the last item in a mount caused an error
Chart Module - Double-clicking mount images causes UE
Documentation for Patient Table was missing information
Edit Mount Layout - Mount item was anchored to mouse after double-clicking
Payment Portal - An empty Auth header could be added to the requests sometimes
Billing Defaults window - Saving a General Message wasn't saving when returning to the Billing Options window
Wiki Setup window did not enter returns or tabs
Account Module - The "Superfamily checkbox" could get cutoff in the Account Module when using Zoom sometimes
Imaging Module - Sign button did not work even with image selected
Chart Module Image Double-Click Was Causing UE
Select Image - Dragging to new category did not work from some parent forms
Imaging Module - Using the 'Move to Patient' option threw an error
Carestream Was Showing A 'Form Is Null' Error For New Patients
Imaging Module Contrast Slider only worked when left click was held down long
Select Image Attachment window - UE occured when attempting to send txt, doc, or xml file types
(Enhancement) XConnect refactored/removed CallAPI() and replaced with calls to APIRequest.
(Enhancement) SOTA Cloud - Launch program link in external browser
(Enhancement) Canada - Sometimes claims sent to secondary when they shouldn't
Imaging Module, some minimized images may not be restorable
Clear Duplicate Blockouts tool sometimes did not reflect accurate number of duplicates.
Database Maintenance - InnoDB tool timed out for large DBs
Edit Insurance Plan window - Drop Plan set Date last verified to invalid date
Account Module - Insurance Estimates and Unearned Breakdowns pop down grids had vertical scrollbar with zoom
Email Edit Window - Image attachment allows for document selection
Declined credit card payments on Recurring Charges still had unearned type
Patient select window used to double query iif a patient was passed in
Saving declined credit card transactions with unallocated $0 paysplits is prevented when Allocations setup for Paysplits is set to Rigorous
Ortho Chart - Clicking the signature cell sometimes showed the wrong user
WPF button icons still sometimes cause a UE
Wiki window, pages with tables wouldn't load.
WikiLists window - Adding a list with a special character in the name would cause an error
Confirmation messages used incorrect ClinicName sometimes
Lists in wiki tables failed to parse when they contained numbered and bulleted list items
Imaging Module, grabbing title bar of a docked image to move it stopped working if dragged too fast
Treatment Plan Module - Adjustment Create permission prevented users from creating discounts with date limit
Imaging Module was asking to move image to another category when it shouldn't.
Imaging Module - Copy/Pasting documents across different databases could result in errors or incorrect images
Checking/Unchecking "Show SuperFamily" now updates Account grid appropriately
Edit Claim - As Total did not mark claimprocs as received with a payment of 0
Account Module - Super Family grid was not resizing correctly with zoom
In old Imaging Module, the signature window loaded off screen
(Enhancement) API - Add Provider, Operatory, and Schedule tables to ApiEvents
Clicking OK on an unsent statement could result in duplication
Canadian lab overpayments require an overpayment on the attached parent procedure to show in the Edit Claim window.
Sheet Def Edit window - This window would not always show that a user was placing fields below where the sheet height ended
Edit Insurance Plan Window - new Ins Verify Hist had blank fields on Last Verified Now button click
USPS API Integration - Including Zip+4 caused correction to fail.
PayConnect - zip code was not sent for non-surcharge accounts
CEMT, attempting to select patients from a Middle Tier connection while it is offline would lock up the program.
OD Cloud - Pasting DentalXChange claim attachment from right click option sometimes caused crash
Imaging Module Double-Clicking Folder Caused OD To Crash
Edit Benefits - Part of the simplified view was still present with forced row view
Error occured when using plannedAppointmentInfo sheet field
Account Module Super Family grid did not display correctly
Launching XVWeb could sometimes throw an unhandled exception
API - InsPlans - Add GET(single) and Add optional CarrierNum and PlanType filters
PaySimple program link - Unchecking the "allow online payments" checkbox with clinics disabled threw an error
Account Module - Highlighting procedures could cause an unhandled exception
(Enhancement) Bamboo bridge - Make error messages clearer
(Enhancement) Add new Place of Service Code for Outreach Site/Street
(Enhancement) For OmhNy, colored rows in Pt Select window logic changes
ProgramLinkEdit Window Not Hiding Button In Reports Menu For Specific Clinics
About -> Diagnostics did not show DbmsVersion patch version
Account Module Shows 'Show SuperFamily' Checkbox For Patients Without SuperFamilies
Patient Portal - Message-To-Pay did not bind statement to URL
Device manager - Mobile notification did not work when devices were enabled or disabled
Payment Plan - The check box for "Show Attached P&I" was sometimes hidden when "Hide past activity" was checked
Chart Module - Charting some procedures with entry status set to complete set procedure fee to 0
Reseller Portal - Some users were unable to see their accounts once logged in
API - Tasks PUT - Allow taskStatus to be updated
Custom Aging Report - This report did not account for the "Transactions attached to a procedure offset each other before aging" preference
Insurance Claims Window - had redundant messages when sending e-claims
Entire Family row now correctly shows all family members items in main account grid
Edit Benefits window - Could not save changes to the # column of the Frequency Limitation Benefits grid
Edit Payment Plan Charge window - Delete creates charge sometimes
Edit Claim - Irrelevant message popped up when opening pending payment procedure line
Research temperature monitoring with IT
Insurance Plans - List Subscribers button caused an error when clicked
Check Insurance Plan Fees - permission popup did not use standard wording
Printers - Return order of checkboxes in the grid
Recall list - grid context menu was missing items
PayConnect 2 - Void receipts would show a $0 surcharge fee even though the original transaction had a surcharge
CDS Intervention - Error was sometimes thrown when trying to open this form
Sheet Def Edit window - This window was not scaling correctly when adding pages and using zoom
Imaging module import or paste was crashing when no image previously selected
Receivables Breakdown report attached positive adjustments used procedure date instead of adjustment date with experimental preference enabled
Patient select window doesn't clear pre-filled patients
(Enhancement) Set prepayment split unearned type to none when credit card payment is declined
SuperFam grid doesn't resize properly to accomodate columns when used with zoom
Insurance Patient Plan Edit Log - Showed wrong date for "Eligibility Last Verified"
Treatment Plan Module - Right clicking on the Pre Authorizations grid when it is empty caused an error
Statements Display [InstallmentPlanTerms] Incorrectly When No Installment Plan
Account Module - Quick Procs sets procedure fees to $0
Bamboo bridge threw an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error sometimes
Perio Chart - Opening form with Bola AI enabled and no exams threw error
Patient Field Defs and Edit Patient Field Def - Column sorting had incorrect row assignment
Wiki Edit - Incorrect message was sometimes shown when clicking Save as Draft
Automated Messaging Advanced Settings - Use Practice Defaults enabled when Calendar Title disabled
Appointment Module Create Routing Slip Caused UE
BolaAI launch - File path doesn't exist error
WPF Combobox - Window closed on scrollbar click
eClipboard - Birthdate field did not display correctly when patient did not have birthdate entered
Check insurance plan fees - change buttons don't check permission
Employees window - Doesn't load with employees initially
Imaging Module, grabbing title bar of a docked image to move it was jumpy
Appointment Module Create Routing Slip Is Very Slow When Patient Has Large Amount of Insurance Benefits
Patient Dashboard, patient information wasn't loading or would get stuck displaying previously selected patient information sometimes.
ODXam - Custom DateTime pickers did not behave as expected
Chart Module - Sometimes had an error on Enter Treatment Type Proc Code for complete procedures
Program link window - Bola AI invalid path
(Enhancement) Employees window - Slowness when searching for an employee
Sheet Fill Edit window - Growth behavior for text fields was not always displaying properly when importing web forms
Sheet Fill Edit window - The text size in a combobox didn't adjust when the combobox's height was enlarged
Pay Plans - Future charges - Allow editing future charges with the right click context menu.
Lists in wiki tables were formatted poorly
Printers - Set virtual printer file name only when not blank.
Tab sequence out of order in Appointment View Edit window
Printers - Indicate printers are virtual printers
Imaging Module, dragging the contrast slider may cause UE
API - Diseases GET make PatNum optional
(Enhancement) Insurance Plan Edit, plan settings could be unintentionally changed while scrolling
eRx - set fallback for provider number during sync
Mobile Web Forms - Information entered into the list for medications was showing up in the wrong order when retrieving web forms
Accounting Form could cause an error when double clicking a row
Moving appointment views in the appointment view list sometimes moves other views
API - New method RecallTypes GET
Daily Payments Report, PayConnect and CareCredit fees may not have separate rows
Treatment Plan Module - Unchecking Totals did not keep Discount checked
Random Crashes sometimes happened when Archiving Task List
Patients with Two Insurance Plans got Two Entries in the Recall List
Repeating Charges Tool - had an error on run
Insurance Claims window - The background of the window and the "To date range" area were different colors
Clicking on a combobox dropdown can open other comboboxes
XConnect - Edit claim window sometimes had an error when saving claim with clinics disabled
Recall List window - This window would hide all of the control buttons at the top when using Zoom sometimes
Error when clicking on tasklist with clinics and date sorting enabled
Static Text and Output Text fields could show text outside of the field box when creating a PDF
API - Add SecUserNumEntry, DateEntry, and SecDateTEdit to Adjustments GET
EForms - Only show eForms at HQ
API - DiseaseDefs GET Add Get (single)
Appointment Tasks - Loading appointment with no tasks showed all appointments and sometimes caused memory errors