I recently got a new WIndows 11 PC to swap out my old desktop at the office. Everything is great so far, except I cannot print prescriptions on my network printer in Open Dental. I can print schedules, notes, even medication lists... but sending an Rx to my printer results in no response. Not even the dignity of an error message to tell me off. (Weirdly, even doing Print to PDF, then trying to print the PDF also resulted in nothing. As if my printer has taken a staunchly anti-prescription stance). Again, printing ANYTHING else in Open Dental or other programs works great.
OD support could not readily identify a solution*, and suggested I reach out to my (nonexistent) IT person. Who, I suspect will cringe and suggest I contact Open Dental to complete the loop.
Has anyone encountered such an issue, or does anyone have ideas? Thanks!
*Support speculated the printer might be rejecting RXs due to a paper size concern vs the physical size of the prescription (I didn't really understand fully) which they said would necessitate changing a printer or WIndows setting -- but this has never been a problem in the past, and I use a basic single tray HP laserjet.
Cannot print prescriptions after PC upgrade
Re: Cannot print prescriptions after PC upgrade
your printer probably got messed up with a paper size setting. You need to go to the printer IP interface and reset the paper size to normal letter