New Crop Rx pharmacy search needs some love

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New Crop Rx pharmacy search needs some love

Post by wjstarck » Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:59 am

The pharmacy search for NewCrop Rx could use some TLC.

For example, if they have a Walgreen's entered in their system, the search 'Walgreen' won't find it, nor will 'Walgreens' because it has been capitalized in their DB. There's no consistency either. Some will be capitalized. Some won't. Some will have an 's' at the end. Some won't So, the only search that will find it is WALGREENS. The guessing game is pretty tedious :oops:

Is there a reason why they're not using Google's API for search?

Bill Starck, DDS
Big Idea Software, LLC
Developer, EASy(Electronic Anesthesia System) for Open Dental

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