Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

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Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by PBECKER » Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:32 am

We have found a bug, when a appoint post create is completed it is not updating the "PatientFirstVisitDdate" with datetime samp in Patient Table.

Can you please advise

Appointments POST (create)

Version Added: 21.1

The following fields cannot be set as part of a POST: AptNum, provAbbr, ProcDescript, and UnschedStatus. Attempts to set them will be silently ignored.

PatNum: Required.
Op: Required.
AptDateTime: Required. String in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". Use Appointments GET Slots to find available times.
AptStatus: Optional. Either "Scheduled", "Complete", "UnschedList", "Planned", or (rarely used) "PtNote", "PtNoteCompleted". Default "Scheduled".
Pattern: Optional. Time pattern in 5 minute increments. A string consisting of 'X' and '/' characters only. Default "/XX/" (20 minutes).
Confirmed: Optional. Definition.DefNum where definition.Category=2. Default is the first definition in that Category.
Note: Optional. Default blank.
ProvNum: Optional. Defaults to the PriProv of the patient, if set, or the dental office's default provider.
ProvHyg: Optional. Default 0.
ClinicNum: Optional. Default is the ClinicNum of the patient.
IsHygiene: Optional. Default "false".
IsNewPatient: (Added in version 21.3) Optional. Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
Priority: (Added in version 22.1) Optional. Either "Normal" or "ASAP". Default "Normal".
AppointmentTypeNum: (Added in version 22.1) Optional. FK to AppointmentType.AppointmentTypeNum. Default 0 (None). Follows the same logic for adding attached procedures, pattern, and color as in Open Dental. The pattern will only be applied if Pattern is not specified in the request.
colorOverride: (Added in version 22.3.9) Optional. Must be a color in R,G,B format. Default is (0,0,0), unless an AppointmentTypeNum was supplied, in which it will instead default to the AppointmentType's color.

Example Request:
POST /appointments

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Re: Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by DerekR » Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:11 am

Good morning,

We have confirmed the issue with Patient.DateFirstVisit is not populating when using Appointments POST. We have added this to our development list and will update this thread with our progress.

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Re: Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by PBECKER » Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:11 pm

Hello API Team,

Any timeline on getting this completed? Since its more of a bug will a new version of Open Dental be required once your team is able to resolved this?

Would this be an update to the OD api or to the practices OD version that is installed on their server and workstations?


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Re: Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by SLeon » Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:49 pm

Good afternoon Pedro,

We are currently working to enhance the Appointments POST method to set the patient's DateFirstVisit field in the same scenarios as Open Dental. This will be completed in roughly 3 weeks.

Developers may also find it useful to set this field directly in Patients PUT requests, so we have added that to our development list (behind your original Appointments request).

All API method changes, whether they are bugs or new features, require the dental office to update to use. I will update this thread once the change to Appointments POST is complete.

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Re: Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by PBECKER » Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:58 pm

Thank you so much Sarah.

Posts: 125
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:54 am

Re: Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by PBECKER » Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:33 am

API Team,

Is there any update on this item? As agreed this is a bug and its causing some big issues for us.

Apologies on asking again.


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Re: Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by SLeon » Mon Mar 27, 2023 1:53 pm

Good afternoon,

We have added the setting of Patient.DateFirstVisit to the Appointments POST method. This will be available in our next beta version, 22.4.33.

This enhancement follows the exact same behavior when setting this field in Open Dental, and includes the requirement that the appointment you create has IsNewPatient=true. I encourage you see when Open Dental normally does this in the "Date of First Visit Logic" section of our manual, specifically item #4.

Because setting appointment.IsNewPatient to true will not always result in Patient.DateFirstVisit being set (see above manual page), we are also developing a way for developers to set the patient field directly. In the near future, Patients POST and PUT methods will support setting DateFirstVisit. I will update this thread once it's completed.

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Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:13 pm

Re: Appointments POST (create) > PatientFirstVisitDdate not populating

Post by DerekR » Wed May 17, 2023 10:13 am

We have completed this feature request. Patients POST and PUT methods now support setting DateFirstVisit. The enhancements to these methods are available starting in version 22.4.42.

See: for more information.

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