Appointments PUT Confirm (add value)

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Appointments PUT Confirm (add value)

Post by PBECKER » Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:31 pm

Request: Please add "Reschedule" as a value for "confirmVal" as we would pr3fer to utilize "confirmVal" instead of defnum

Please let us know if approved and timeline.


Appointments PUT Confirm

Version Added: 21.1

Only one field is allowed in the JSON object, either confirmVal or defNum. A confirmVal of "None" corresponds to the default status for all new appointments, which is based on the first item listed in Definitions, Appt Confirmed. The other four confirmVal options are managed by the office in eServices Setup, Automated Messaging. Use the defNum field to set the status to any ApptConfirmed type.

confirmVal: Either "None", "Sent", "Confirmed", "Not Accepted", or "Failed".
defNum: (Added in version 21.2) Definition.DefNum where definition.Category=2.

Example Requests:
PUT /appointments/34/Confirm



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Re: Appointments PUT Confirm (add value)

Post by SLeon » Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:55 pm

Good afternoon,

The "confirmVal" options are confined to the ones listed to the documentation as a result of how they are mapped for eConfirmations. Each one corresponds to a preference set by the Dental Office.

PrefName.ApptEConfirmStatusSent - "Sent"
PrefName.ApptEConfirmStatusAccepted - "Confirmed"
PrefName.ApptEConfirmStatusDeclined - "Not Accepted"
PrefName.ApptEConfirmStatusSendFailed - "Failed"

There isn't any other confirmations preferences, so there is nothing to map "Reschedule" to. You would just use Definitions POST to make your own definition, and use it's DefNum in as the "defNum" option in Appointments PUT Confirm.

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