Visual Studio 2013

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Visual Studio 2013

Post by ajhalls » Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:49 pm

Anyone try compiling with 2013? I am fairly new to this and not sure if I need to go back and get the 2012 version. This refers to version OpenDental_13_3
When just loading it I get these 3 warnings:

Code: Select all

Warning	1	The referenced project '..\..\..\Shared Projects Subversion\EHR\EHR_13_3\EHR\xEHR.csproj' does not exist.	OpenDental
Warning	2	The referenced component 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs' could not be found. 	OpenDental
Warning	3	The project 'xEHR' cannot be referenced. 	OpenDental
When trying to build I get this error:
Error 3 Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v1.1.4322' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information. C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\SGEN OpenDental

And then the list of warnings during build:

Code: Select all

Warning	1	The referenced project '..\..\..\Shared Projects Subversion\EHR\EHR_13_3\EHR\xEHR.csproj' does not exist.	OpenDental
Warning	2	Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs, Version=". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.	OpenDental
Error	3	Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v1.1.4322' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\SGEN	OpenDental
Warning	4	The referenced component 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs' could not be found. 	OpenDental
Warning	5	The referenced component 'xEHR' could not be found. 	OpenDental
Warning	6	The field 'OpenDental.FormIcd9s.changed' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormIcd9s.cs	15	16	OpenDental
Warning	7	The field 'OpenDental.FormSnomeds.changed' is assigned but its value is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormSnomeds.cs	17	16	OpenDental
Warning	8	The field 'OpenDental.FormCpts.changed' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormCpts.cs	17	16	OpenDental
Warning	9	The field 'OpenDental.FormPasswordReset.masterHash' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormPasswordReset.cs	18	18	OpenDental
Warning	10	The field 'OpenDental.FormMobile.statementLimitPerPatient' is assigned but its value is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormMobile.cs	20	22	OpenDental
Warning	11	The result of the expression is always 'false' since a value of type 'OpenDentBusiness.ContactMethod' is never equal to 'null' of type 'OpenDentBusiness.ContactMethod?'	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormCommPrefPicker.cs	21	7	OpenDental
Warning	12	The field 'OpenDental.FormWikiEdit.AggregateContent' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormWikiEdit.cs	21	18	OpenDental
Warning	13	The field 'OpenDental.FormSheetFieldCheckBox.inputMedList' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormSheetFieldCheckBox.cs	21	24	OpenDental
Warning	14	The field 'OpenDental.FormPhoneTiles.msgCount' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\InternalTools\Phones\FormPhoneTiles.cs	23	15	OpenDental
Warning	15	'OpenDental.TextBoxWiki.TextChanged' hides inherited member 'System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.TextChanged'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\User Controls\TextBoxWiki.cs	23	29	OpenDental
Warning	16	The field 'OpenDental.FormEcwDiagAdv.g' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEcwDiagAdv.cs	24	20	OpenDental
Warning	17	The field 'OpenDental.FormASAP.headingPrintH' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormASAP.cs	25	15	OpenDental
Warning	18	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEhrEduBrowser.cs	27	29	OpenDental
Warning	19	'OpenDental.TextBoxWiki.ContextMenuStrip' hides inherited member 'System.Windows.Forms.Control.ContextMenuStrip'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword.	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\User Controls\TextBoxWiki.cs	31	27	OpenDental
Warning	20	The field 'OpenDental.FormToothGridDef.ListShowing' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormToothGridDef.cs	32	30	OpenDental
Warning	21	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormWikiEdit.cs	78	20	OpenDental
Warning	22	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEcwDiag.cs	80	20	OpenDental
Warning	23	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormMapSetup.cs	91	4	OpenDental
Warning	24	The field 'OpenDental.FormProcEdit.CurUser' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormProcEdit.cs	100	18	OpenDental
Warning	25	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormSnomeds.cs	102	20	OpenDental
Warning	26	The field 'OpenDental.FormModuleSetup.IsLoading' is assigned but its value is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormModuleSetup.cs	114	16	OpenDental
Warning	27	The field 'OpenDental.ContrAccount.CCChanged' is assigned but its value is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Main Modules\ContrAccount.cs	130	16	OpenDental
Warning	28	The field 'OpenDental.FormClaimProc.DeductibleOtherIns' is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormClaimProc.cs	132	18	OpenDental
Warning	29	The result of the expression is always 'true' since a value of type 'long' is never equal to 'null' of type 'long?'	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\SheetFramework\SheetPrinting.cs	136	9	OpenDental
Warning	30	The result of the expression is always 'true' since a value of type 'int' is never equal to 'null' of type 'int?'	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormProgress.cs	157	7	OpenDental
Warning	31	Accessing a member on 'OpenDental.FormWikiListItemEdit.ItemNum' may cause a runtime exception because it is a field of a marshal-by-reference class	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormWikiListEdit.cs	190	40	OpenDental
Warning	32	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormSupplyOrders.cs	262	20	OpenDental
Warning	33	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEcwDiag.cs	269	8	OpenDental
Warning	34	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEcwDiag.cs	274	8	OpenDental
Warning	35	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEcwDiag.cs	280	8	OpenDental
Warning	36	The field 'OpenDental.ContrChart.orionProvNum' is assigned but its value is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Main Modules\ContrChart.cs	294	16	OpenDental
Warning	37	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEhrSetup.cs	294	20	OpenDental
Warning	38	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormWiki.cs	405	21	OpenDental
Warning	39	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormWiki.cs	419	21	OpenDental
Warning	40	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormWiki.cs	427	21	OpenDental
Warning	41	The variable 'mtDataReader' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEcwDiag.cs	468	43	OpenDental
Warning	42	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormEcwDiag.cs	485	20	OpenDental
Warning	43	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormMedical.cs	560	4	OpenDental
Warning	44	The variable 'clinic' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormBilling.cs	777	11	OpenDental
Warning	45	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormChooseDatabase.cs	789	20	OpenDental
Warning	46	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormUpdate.cs	854	4	OpenDental
Warning	47	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormMedical.cs	897	4	OpenDental
Warning	48	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormTimeCardManage.cs	910	22	OpenDental
Warning	49	Unreachable code detected	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormMedical.cs	942	4	OpenDental
Warning	50	'OpenDental.FormProcGroup.Refresh()' hides inherited member 'System.Windows.Forms.Control.Refresh()'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword.	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormProcGroup.cs	968	16	OpenDental
Warning	51	The variable 'guid' is assigned but its value is never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormRecallList.cs	1283	9	OpenDental
Warning	52	Accessing a member on 'OpenDental.FormXchargeTrans.CashBackAmount' may cause a runtime exception because it is a field of a marshal-by-reference class	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Forms\FormPayment.cs	1304	20	OpenDental
Warning	53	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Main Modules\FormOpenDental.cs	3736	21	OpenDental
Warning	54	The variable 'ex' is declared but never used	C:\Users\Alan\Downloads\OpenDental\opendental13.3\OpenDental\Main Modules\FormOpenDental.cs	4938	20	OpenDental
Dr. Alan Halls DMD - A new way to save

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Re: Visual Studio 2013

Post by jsalmon » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:16 pm

A lot of answers to building Open Dental can be found in the Build section of
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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Re: Visual Studio 2013

Post by ajhalls » Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:23 pm

Thanks, I was going through it step by step, the only thing I differed on was using Visual Studio 2013. I can switch if I need to, I just didn't know if someone else had already found a way to make it work in 2013.
Dr. Alan Halls DMD - A new way to save

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Posts: 1569
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Re: Visual Studio 2013

Post by jsalmon » Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:43 am

I've run it with VS 2013 express before.

The fix to your problem is described in the Error: Mixed mode assembly section of

If you want a workaround, turn the "Generate serialization assembly" in the OpenDental project to Off.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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