Setting up Email - requires running Services?

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Setting up Email - requires running Services?

Post by drawab » Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:52 pm

I've been trying to setup email using Google / Gmail using tokens, but I'm unable to get it connected - it prompts "No Instance of Open Dental Service is running" -

im running 22.2.45 (foreign)

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Re: Setting up Email - requires running Services?

Post by jsalmon » Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:26 am

You should be able to send emails without the service but you will need to have the Open Dental Service running in order to have the Inbox Receive Interval feature work correctly.
Inbox Receive Interval: Set the time, in minutes, to automatically check for and download new emails using Open Dental Service. Five minutes is the default.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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