Treatment Plan that was not choosen

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Treatment Plan that was not choosen

Post by parksjdp » Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:52 am

What does everyone do with Treatment plans that are not choosen? Currently, we will save different options (ex. Option 1 RCT/PFM Option 2 Ext.) Lets say that the patient chooses Option 1 and we perform the procedures and set it complete. Now the only way to get the red x off that tooth from the TP'd extraction is to delete the procedure from the chart. Not a problem, however when looking back at that saved TP is shows as "Done" in the saved TP. Any ones else have this problem or have a better way of doing this?

JD Parks
Pratice Manager
Patera Family Dentistry

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Re: Treatment Plan that was not choosen

Post by jordansparks » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:05 pm

It's a known shortcoming. We recommend talking more with the patient while still in the chair to get a feel for what they can really afford. If someone is unemployed, it doesn't matter how much they want that RCT, it's a waste of time to print it out. Tell them right up front that it's going to be $1900 and watch their expression. In my office, we never ever give choices on the TP. If they still can't decide what they want while in the chair, it's almost always because they can't emotionally deal with the reality of their financial situation. So we print out the extraction and tell them they are always welcome to call us if they change their mind.

But realizing that all offices are not the same, we do plan to further enhance that area. High priority is not showing "Done" if it's really just been deleted.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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