Carestream CS3600 Bridge

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Carestream CS3600 Bridge

Post by QVANguyenDDS » Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:23 am

Hi everyone:

I have just purchased the CS 3600 IntraOral Scanner from Carestream and was very excited to implement it in my office.

However, CS support cannot bridge OPEN DENTAL this into their program Carestream Imaging Suite (TW.exe) so that I can select patient images/scans within the patient selection window or main tool bar button inside OPEN DENTAL.

Can someone help and tell me what is the exact command line prompt to do this?

Perhaps even the CS CBCT users would need / would have a similar command line to bridge into CS Imaging Suite to view the patient's conebeams?

Thank you in advance everyone

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Re: Carestream CS3600 Bridge

Post by jsalmon » Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:29 am

Open Dental can bridge with the "PWImage.exe" provided by Carestream:

We do not have any documentation regarding the TW.exe. We don't even know if the TW.exe can even accept command line arguments.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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Re: Carestream CS3600 Bridge

Post by QVANguyenDDS » Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:37 pm

Hi Everyone,

So I have the "new" Carestream Imaging Suite along with my CS3600 along with CS Model and CS STL Convertor.

I believe TW is "Trophy Windows" the name Carestream assigns to its exe application for this suite.

This is what I did:

I used the Trophy Bridge from Open Dental, non enhanced version, and put in Carestream as the button text and passed along patient number as the variable to TW.exe and it worked.  TW.exe opened the program with me as the patient.

However, when I tried to use the acquire 3D image, I got error 325. Stitching Licensing Problem.

I was just thinking how convenient it would be to pull up a patient inside Open Dental and then Link to Carestream to Scan in a crown impression, or study model, and then have it for review at a touch of a button. I hope this is not just all wishful thinking on my part.

I will ask Carestream Tech Support how to proceed from here, but apparently, it did link to the patient name and the patient folder within TW. All the imaging files are stored on the server under the TW directory.

See enclosed pictures (I tried but cannot attach my screenshots)

Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

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Re: Carestream CS3600 Bridge

Post by QVANguyenDDS » Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:45 am

Hi Everyone:

I think I have figured this out and we are almost there.

I clicked on acquire 3D image when I do not have a CS CBCT.  I clicked on the CS3600 Scanner Icon on the top of the screen and then the CS Imaging Suite opened with options for Ortho, Restorations, Implants, and Import.

The Patient information is passed on and is correct, and I will try this out during training session for patient scan storage and scan file management.

Thank you again Jason for your time, and I hope others will find this helpful.

Again, I cannot post pictures, but if I could, we can see that it bridged.

First, OPEN DENTAL bridged TW.exe and then another program is bridged inside TW.exe when the CS3600 Scanning Icon is clicked.

Hope this helps.

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