I have a Cigna DHMO plan that I need to set up.
The plan features 2 fee schedules. One is a common fee schedule for all members. It has a name "Supplemental fee schedule" (let's call it SFS for short). The other one is named "Patient charge schedule" (let's call it PCS) and looks like this schedule's amounts vary from the patient to patient.
The schedules are suppose to work like this: I charge the patient amount from PCS, however, if SFS amount is higher for that particular code - then I bill the insurance for the difference.
Plus, in addition to that I charge the patient a fixed co-pay every visit.
Ho I set it up:
1. I go here - http://www.opendental.com/manual/insplantypes.html and follow the instructions on the bottom:
HMOs with supplemental payments and copays (very common in Texas)
2. I called the support and double checked that PCS is supposed to be entered as "co-pay" type and SFS - amounts added together with PCS amounts (sum) and entered as "normal" type.These must be entered as Type PPO. Set benefits to 100% for all categories. Create a 'Copay' fee schedule with patient copays. Also create a 'Normal' fee schedule with insurance supplemental amounts + patient copay for each procedure. Make sure to put 0 if there is no fee, or else the patient will get charged the UCR fee.
3. Entered 2 fee schedules and did the math to calculate the "normal" schedule.
So now for example for the D2391 I have following:
PCS=$45, SFS=$30. Cigna DHMO (co-pay)"=$45, "Cigna DHMO (Normal)"=$75
for D0140 and D0220:
PCS=$0, SFS=none. Cigna DHMO (co-pay)"=$0, "Cigna DHMO (Normal)"=$0, that's right, same for both...
4. I add an insurance plan to the patient and name it Cigna DHMO
5. Plan type change to "PPO percentage"
6. I assign Cigna DHMO to a "Fee schedule" from the drop-box.
7. I assign Cigna DHMO to "Cigna Co-pay Amounts" field below.
8. I change all benefit information values to 100% and close the window.
9. I create an N4391 code and in both of the copay and normal fee schedules for Cigna DHMO add $3.50 (that's how much it is numerically), also mark the code as "do not usually bill to insurance".
So, I am good to go, right?
Now, here's a problem. I want to do this patient a limited exam, PA and one-surf composite for the tooth #14
I added D0140, D0220, D2391 and N9430 to the appointment and set it complete.
I create a claim and what I see in the claim is the D0140 and D0220 are written off completely to $0, but the D2391 shows write off -$75 (from my fee which is $150 if it makes any difference), the insurance estimate is $5 and patient portion is $70.
The co-pay code adds $3.50 as expected.
Nevertheless InsEst (not from the claim window, but in the account window) shows $182 (in the claim window it was $5).
It is suppose to be Patient's portion $45 for a filling plus $3.50 (co-pay) totalling $48.50. Looks like I should not have added up these numbers for a "normal" schedule.
I tried to revert the code amount in a "normal" schedule for D2391 to $30 (from SFS, w/o adding values of SFS and PCS), however it did not give me a desired result either.
How is patient portion calculated in this scenario? "Normal" amount minus "Copay" amount? So that part of the tutorial is for those plan that deduct patient charge from the supplemental schedule?
In my case I collect from the patient according to his PCS and bill the insurance the difference from PCS and SFS. If PCS amount is higher - then that's the only payment I get.
Please see the screenshots for visualizing.