Can someone explain why a historic line item 2 recently got replaced by line item 3. What triggered the Date and the Writeoff to change automatically? This is in the Patient Account table in the Account Module. I'm still on version 7.9.17.
Code: Select all
Date Patient Prov Code Tth Description Charges Credits Balance
05/10/2009 XYZ ABC Claim Pri Claim $350.00 Metlife
Received 08/21/2009
Payment: $269.00
Writeoff: $81.00
08/21/2009 XYZ ABC InsPay Insurance Payment for Claim 05/10/2009 350.00 6525.00
Payment: $269.00
Writeoff: $81.00
08/16/2012 XYZ ABC InsPay Insurance Payment for Claim 05/10/2009 330.00 14,259.00
Payment: $269.00
Writeoff: $61.00