command line for OD backup

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command line for OD backup

Post by ssmiles » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:26 am

We use Open Dental and XDR. When we take a back on OD it only takes a back up of Open dental data but not the XDR. If there is a command like for Open dental, may be I can have one BAT file for both OD and XDR so that any one in the office can just run the BAT file for back up.

Any suggestions.

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Re: command line for OD backup

Post by ssmiles » Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:25 pm

Is my question was not clear ?

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Re: command line for OD backup

Post by Jorgebon » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:07 am

I don't know anything about the OD command line feature. We use a backup software called Backup4all in our office. It's very economicallly priced and you can choose to backup whatever you want. The backup/restore feature in OD is more limited, but very usefull for taking a backup of the OD database home and restoring it to another computer.
Jorge Bonilla DMD
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Re: command line for OD backup

Post by wjstarck » Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:32 am

Or you could consider Carbonite. It's simple and reliable, and doesn't require anyone to remember to do the backup, eliminating another point of failure. Another plus is that backups are secured offsite.

Bill Starck, DDS
Big Idea Software, LLC
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Re: command line for OD backup

Post by jordansparks » Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:51 pm

I don't think this topic has anything at all to do with our command line options.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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Re: command line for OD backup

Post by Justin Shafer » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:18 am

This creates a backup file from the server and restores it to mysql running on a workstation called DOCTOR-PC in this example. It also backs up the files in a mapped drive called M:\ and copies all the files and subfolders in c:\data. Be sure to create the folder c:\data or add mkdir c:\data or mkdir %bkupdir% or change it to a folder you prefer. Also Mysql directory could be 5.5 instead of 5.1..

I am not responsible for anything below. :) Honest I like Syncback Pro and use the pre post commands to either stop and start mysql, or use it to backup the opendentaldatabase to a file. The cool thing is that backup file will have the data appended to the filename.. So you can create many copies of the database stored in a folder. For transferring data I like rsync, which for windows to windows I either use deltacopy (rsync wrapper with a gui) and hamachi or cygwin (linux commands and shell in windows) and hamachi..

for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date/t') do (
set dw=%%a
set mm=%%b
set dd=%%c
set yy=%%d
SET datadir=M:\
SET bkupdir=C:\DATA
SET mysqldir="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1"
SET dbname=opendental
SET dbuser=root
SET workstation=DOCTOR-PC
@ECHO Beginning backup of %dbname%...
%mysqldir%\bin\mysqldump --host %server% -B %dbname% -u %dbuser% > %bkupdir%\dbBkup_%dbname%_%yy%%mm%%dd%.sql
@ECHO Restoring backup of %dbname% to %workstation%...
%mysqldir%\bin\mysqldump --host %workstation% -B %dbname% -u %dbuser% < %bkupdir%\dbBkup_%dbname%_%yy%%mm%%dd%.sql
XCOPY %datadir%\*.* %bkupdir% /D /E /Y /I /C

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Re: command line for OD backup

Post by jimgaas » Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:06 am

In our office we back up 3 different ways. We have a server with a very inexpensive add on that accepts a sata drive through a five inch slot in the front of the machine. I added this to a regular box I bought at Microcenter.

1. So we do serial backups with a different drive for a different day on an internal type sata drive, that is to say it looks like a raw drive, not a drive in an enclosure. We clone the disk with Acronis. This is backup number one. This is good for hard drive failure. Everything is backed up; all the network settings, all OD info, all xray info, all our personal papers, everything. We have a BIOS that allows us to select the removable drive, so we restart the computer and boot off that drive. Now we have verified the data on the drive. If the rest of the computer is OK, this is a trivial recovery. In the event of the need to recover to a different machine we do the next two backups.
2. We wrote a "bat" file to back up just data. We place this on a separate removable hard disk drive or a thumb drive. This is to remove the data from the office or restore it to a different computer. You must know where all your data is in order to back it up. The backup built into OD is only good for OD data and we all have extra data we need to back up, like QuickBooks, etc. If you don't know how to write a batch file, you can find out on the internet or buy special backup software and just pick the folders you wish to backup.
3. We also back up using the internal OD backup utility to the same disk. This should be easier to restore at home, but I can't seem to make it work. I always have to go through gyrations to fix it in the end.

As has been pointed out previously, this data should be encrypted if it is leaving the office in case you lose the drive.

Because of Windows anti-piracy efforts, you can't run a cloned hard drive on a different computer. So if your motherboard goes down, you need to be ready to restore data. Now you must worry about all your "settings." For these reasons you should consider built in programs like Easy Transfer.

Your post caught my eye because I am looking at the xray sensor you use. I use Schick. How do you like your sensors and does anyone know about compatibility between Schick and the type you use?

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