archiving treatment plans

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archiving treatment plans

Post by jrpappy » Tue May 03, 2011 12:59 pm

Wondering how others handle multiple treatment plans or changing tx plans throughout patient history and archiving.

I have a large restorative case that will either a combination of implants, fixed restorative, perio, etc, OR fixed restorative and partials, OR removable dentures OR removable overdentures with implants, OR fixed hybrid prostheses. Lots of options.

It gets very muddy trying to tx plan all of these items in a meaningful and understandable way. I wish there was a way to bring up multiple odontograms in chart module with existing and missing teeth and work out each tx plan separately. However, since there is not, I thought the best way to do this would be to work out a tx plan in chart module, save it, delete all of the tx plan items, and then work out a new tx plan. However, I noticed that my saved tx plan did not include all of my items, especially referred out items.

How does everyone else handle multiple plans so that they are meaningful, easy to read in chart module, and completely archived for medicolegal reasons.

Jordan, is there a chance of having multiple chart views for differential tx plans?


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