Payment Plan Issues/Question

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Payment Plan Issues/Question

Post by atd » Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:10 am

I have the following issues with payment plans. I'm hoping some of these things will be considered bugs instead of feature requests. :)

1) A patient only paid half of their payment plan and then stopped making payments. I'm going to turn the balance to collections, so I deleted the scheduled charges after the last payment was made so the remaining balance would show on the aging report again. The "Total Amount" was automatically updated after I deleted each scheduled line, but the "Tx Completed Amt" remained at the original loan amount. Therefore, when I went back to the main account screen it still didn't show a balance due! There either needs to be some kind of warning when the Total Amount and Tx Completed Amt don't match, or it needs to automatically update this amount. Otherwise, where did the balance go? From an accounting perspective this is very scary that you can just go in and enter any amount in that field and adjust the patient's account balance to something arbitrary - it wouldn't show up on the aging report or the payment plan report, so the money would have essentially disappeared.

2) When I open a payment plan, the provider and clinic fields are cleared. If I set them, click OK, then go back in to the payment plan they have disappeared again.

3) When I run the payment plan report, plans that are paid in full show up on the list. I have already voted for feature request 112, but I think this could be considered a bug.

4) I need to have payment plans separated by clinic - the current payment plan report only allows you to run one for the entire practice.

5) When the family balance spans multiple patients do you have to manually setup individual payment plans for each patient? Or is there an easier way to set one up for the entire family automatically?

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Re: Payment Plan Issues/Question

Post by atd » Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:36 am

Any thoughts Jordan?

#1 is my biggest concern - it seems like an accounting security loophole to me. Someone could pocket the money, change the amount on the payment plan and no one would know the difference because the patient balance could be changed without every posting the payment.

#2 is a bug.

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Re: Payment Plan Issues/Question

Post by jordansparks » Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:19 pm

Both have been added to the bug list.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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