Is there a way to set an office's schedule using the API?
Is there a way to set an office's schedule using the API?
I'm trying to get an office's open appointment slots to schedule an appointment, but sometimes I query for open appointment slots on days where the office hasn't filled out their schedule for the day. Is there an API to set an office's schedule for a certain time period (day or beyond)?
Re: Is there a way to set an office's schedule using the API?
Good Morning adam25123,
We do not have a Schedules POST method. When looking for open appointment slots, we tend to recommend using Appointments GET Slots or Appointments GET multiple, alongside Schedules GET. The core reason for this is the many different ways that dental offices utilize blockouts. This forum post has a detailed workflow that may be of assistance.
We do not have a Schedules POST method. When looking for open appointment slots, we tend to recommend using Appointments GET Slots or Appointments GET multiple, alongside Schedules GET. The core reason for this is the many different ways that dental offices utilize blockouts. This forum post has a detailed workflow that may be of assistance.
Re: Is there a way to set an office's schedule using the API?
Thanks DerekR, that definitely helps