We've got dynamic payment plans working pretty well via the API but we are struggling with prepayments. I'm sure it's a setting we're missing somewhere, but when a patient does a prepayment and we post this, it sits as a prepayment rather than being associated with the payment plan. Originally we thought that was because nothing was due (as the patient was paying early) but even once the installment is due, it remains as a prepayment. We are including the procedures associated with the dynamic payment plan when posting the payment.
Is there a way for this prepayment to automatically be associated with the payment plan? I don't mind if it doesn't happen until the installment is due, I'm just trying to prevent the need for our end users to have to go into OpenDental and manually attach these prepayments to the dynamic payment plan.
Prepayments for dynamic payment plans
Re: Prepayments for dynamic payment plans
You are correct that this is not currently possible via the API. I recognize the need to pay on Payment Plans and we are looking into how we can provide that functionality. I'll update this thread soon.
Re: Prepayments for dynamic payment plans
I'm wondering if there's any update on this? Thanks!
Re: Prepayments for dynamic payment plans
Good morning, this is currently next in the development list and should be completed within a few weeks.
Re: Prepayments for dynamic payment plans
Is there a target release date for this? Thanks!
Re: Prepayments for dynamic payment plans
Payments POST now supports an optional 'payPlanNum' parameter. This parameter allows you to create prepayments on Dynamic Payment Plans, which will automatically associate to the Payment Plan once a new charge becomes due.
This parameter is available in our beta version, 23.1.31. For more information, please see: https://www.opendental.com/site/apipayments.html
This parameter is available in our beta version, 23.1.31. For more information, please see: https://www.opendental.com/site/apipayments.html