Confirm appointment status mapping

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Confirm appointment status mapping

Post by jarkkok » Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:16 pm

I use PUT /appointments/<appointment number>/Confirm with {"confirmVal":"Confirmed"} to confirm an appointment at one site. Somehow the status becomes mapped to a custom status value "Confirmed - <some string>". Could you tell me how that mapping is done, please? I have tried to find it in the manual and in the application, but no luck this far.

Also, can the status be mapped to a custom value for Cancel over the API, too?

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Re: Confirm appointment status mapping

Post by SLeon » Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:30 am

There are two distinct fields for an appointment that describe a status: Confirmed and AptStatus.

Confirmed describes the confirmation status of the appointment. It is the result of the dental office's attempt to contact the patient to confirm their appointment. This is a definition where the definition.Category equals 2. You can use GET /definitions?Cateogry=2 to see all of the definitions the dental office has made for the Appointment Confirmed category. Then use the DefNum as the "defNum" field in your Appointments PUT Confirm JSON.

Some dental offices have set up the Automated Messaging EService. They have decided which definitions they want to use when an appointment confirmation attempt has been made. See the eConfirmation Settings section of our manual ( ... anced.html). This is the case when you would use the "confirmVal" field in your Appointments PUT Confirm JSON.

The status of the appointment itself (such as Scheduled, Planned, or Broken) is stored in the AptStatus field. To your questions about marking an appointment as Cancelled, you will want to use Appointments PUT Break (

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Re: Confirm appointment status mapping

Post by jarkkok » Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:03 am

Thank you for the quick reply.

I have couple more questions, please:
1. Do the eConfirmation status settings (as in the picture in ... anced.html) apply to confirmations received over the REST API? For instance, I'd map Accepted to "Confirmed - <some string>" custom status value.
2. Do I need a subscription to Auto E-confirmation for this to work?

I could try it but I don't have a subscription the Auto E-confirmation.

The manual says that "confirmVal" status can only be one of "None", "Sent", "Confirmed", "Not Accepted", or "Failed" over the REST.

Posts: 575
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:00 am

Re: Confirm appointment status mapping

Post by SLeon » Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:56 am

1. Yes, the dental office can map any definition (where defintion.Category=2) to these eConfirmation statuses.
2. The dental office does not need to sign up for eConfirmations to set these preferences, but using the "confirmVal" field in appointments PUT Confirm is meant for offices that do.

In most cases you will just want to set the appointment confirmation using the "defNum" field in appointments PUT Confirm, which was added in version 21.2. This will allow you set any definition (where defintion.Category=2) as the appointment's confirmation status, and does not require any advance set up from the dental office.

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