I'm trying to use the api to retrieve the list of procedures performed at a given appointment to compose a appointment summery reports for referrals.
I have written python code that retrieves the procedures via GET /procedurelogs?AptNum, I just don't know where to find the AptNum for a given appointment.
thanks in advance for your help
Find AptNum for an apptointment on the schedule
Re: Find AptNum for an apptointment on the schedule
Good morning,
You will very likely determine an AptNum from one of the Appointments endpoints. In most use cases, you will use Appointments GET (multiple) and pass in the optional PatNum parameter to get all appointments for that patient. There are other parameters, such as AptStatus and date, you may want to utilize as well.
You will very likely determine an AptNum from one of the Appointments endpoints. In most use cases, you will use Appointments GET (multiple) and pass in the optional PatNum parameter to get all appointments for that patient. There are other parameters, such as AptStatus and date, you may want to utilize as well.