I'm working with various Open Dental API modules to sync data, and I have several questions regarding the handling of specific parameters like `DateTStamp` and the behavior of certain endpoints. Below are my questions for different modules:
1. Tables used in GET Insurance response:
What are the names of the tables that generate the GET Insurance response in the FamilyModule? I'm trying to understand which tables are involved in fetching insurance data through the API.
1. GET operatories/1 behavior:
When I call the `GET operatories/1` API with a specific request parameter, it returns the entire list of operatories instead of the requested single record. Is this the expected behavior?
2. DateTStamp missing in response:
The response from the `GET operatories` endpoint does not include the `DateTStamp` field, even though this column exists in the `Operatory` table. Is there a reason why this field is not being returned?
3. DateTStamp filter not working:
When I call `GET operatories?DateTStamp=2024-10-09` with a timestamp filter, it still returns the entire list of records instead of the ones matching the `DateTStamp`. Could you clarify how this parameter should work?
RefAttaches Module
1. DateTStamp filter not working:
I called `GET refattaches?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16` to filter records by the `DateTStamp`, but the API returned the entire list instead of filtered records. Is this a bug, or am I using the parameter incorrectly?
2. Empty response on POST:
When using the `POST /refattaches` endpoint to insert data, the response model shown in the documentation is not returned in Postman. Instead, I receive an empty result with a `201 Created` status. Is this the expected behavior for successful insertions?
Recalls Module
1. DateTStamp filter not working:
When calling `GET recalls?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16`, I expect to see only records updated after that timestamp, but the entire list is returned. Can you provide guidance on how to use the `DateTStamp` filter effectively?
ProcedureLogs Module
1. GET procedurelogs/20 behavior:
I called `GET procedurelogs/20` expecting a single record, but the API returned the entire list of procedure logs instead. Is this normal behavior, or should I be getting only the record with the specified ID?
PatientNote Module
There is no `DateTStamp` column in the `PatientNote` table. Can data sync be achieved using the `SecDateTEdit` column instead?
ProcedureCodes Module
1. GET procedurecodes/81 behavior:
When I call `GET /procedurecodes/81`, the API returns multiple records instead of the single one specified. Is this expected?
2. Missing fields in response:
The response from the API in Postman contains fewer fields than what is listed in the documentation. Could you explain the discrepancy between the documented response model and what is returned via the API?
3. DateTStamp filter not working:
I used `GET procedurecodes?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16` to filter records by timestamp, but the API returned the entire list instead. How can I ensure that only records after the specified timestamp are fetched?
ProcNote Module
1. GET method not valid:
When attempting to call `GET /procnotes`, the API returns the message "procnotes GET is not a valid method." Is this endpoint supported for fetching records?
2. No DateTStamp in table:
There is no `DateTStamp` column in the `ProcNote` table, and there is no update API available for this resource. Can I use the `EntryDateTime` column for data sync?
TreatPlan Module
There is no `DateTStamp` column in the `TreatPlan` table. Can the `SecDateTEdit` column be used for data sync in place of `DateTStamp`?
RecallType Module
When accessing the `RecallTypes` resource, the API returns "Recalltypes is not a valid resource." Is this endpoint supported, or is it currently unavailable?
Referrals Module
1. DateTStamp missing in response:
In the Referrals module, the `DateTStamp` field is present in the `Referral` table, but it is not included in the API response model. Is there a reason for this?
2. DateTStamp filter not working:
I called `GET referrals?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16` expecting a filtered list of records, but the API returned the entire list instead. How should I properly use the `DateTStamp` filter for this endpoint?
Any guidance or best practices on resolving these issues and syncing data efficiently using `DateTStamp` filtering would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Clarification on DateTStamp Filtering and API Behavior Across Multiple Open Dental Modules
Re: Clarification on DateTStamp Filtering and API Behavior Across Multiple Open Dental Modules
1. FamilyModules GET Insurance states what tables are referenced when calling this endpoint.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 amI'm working with various Open Dental API modules to sync data, and I have several questions regarding the handling of specific parameters like `DateTStamp` and the behavior of certain endpoints. Below are my questions for different modules:
1. Tables used in GET Insurance response:
What are the names of the tables that generate the GET Insurance response in the FamilyModule? I'm trying to understand which tables are involved in fetching insurance data through the API.
1. What version are you on? Operatories GET (single) was added in version 24.1.10.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 am
1. GET operatories/1 behavior:
When I call the `GET operatories/1` API with a specific request parameter, it returns the entire list of operatories instead of the requested single record. Is this the expected behavior?
2. DateTStamp missing in response:
The response from the `GET operatories` endpoint does not include the `DateTStamp` field, even though this column exists in the `Operatory` table. Is there a reason why this field is not being returned?
3. DateTStamp filter not working:
When I call `GET operatories?DateTStamp=2024-10-09` with a timestamp filter, it still returns the entire list of records instead of the ones matching the `DateTStamp`. Could you clarify how this parameter should work?
2. The reason that operatory.DateTStamp is not being returned, is because it is not listed as a returnable field in the API documentation. Not all tables have DateTStamp fields.
3. The DateTStamp field is not working because it is not a supported parameter. Returning the field, and supporting it as a filter are two different things.
1. DateTStamp filtering will not function if it is not a supported refattaches GET parameter.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 am
RefAttaches Module
1. DateTStamp filter not working:
I called `GET refattaches?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16` to filter records by the `DateTStamp`, but the API returned the entire list instead of filtered records. Is this a bug, or am I using the parameter incorrectly?
2. Empty response on POST:
When using the `POST /refattaches` endpoint to insert data, the response model shown in the documentation is not returned in Postman. Instead, I receive an empty result with a `201 Created` status. Is this the expected behavior for successful insertions?
2. What version are you on? Refattaches POST was in enhanced in version 23.3.26. This enhancement added additional fields along with returning the object.
1. Recalls GET does not list DateTStamp as a parameter. However, you are free to filter your results anyway you'd like, after you receive them.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 am
Recalls Module
1. DateTStamp filter not working:
When calling `GET recalls?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16`, I expect to see only records updated after that timestamp, but the entire list is returned. Can you provide guidance on how to use the `DateTStamp` filter effectively?
1. What version are you on? Procedurelogs GET (single) was added in version 23.3.13.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 am
ProcedureLogs Module
1. GET procedurelogs/20 behavior:
I called `GET procedurelogs/20` expecting a single record, but the API returned the entire list of procedure logs instead. Is this normal behavior, or should I be getting only the record with the specified ID?
PatientNotes does not contain a DateTStamp field and patientnotes GET does not return SecDateTEdit or SecDateTEntry fields. I do not understand the value of constantly syncing entire tables. Are you planning on calling every one of these listed endpoints repeatedly every minute of the day?
1. What version are you on? ProcedureCodes GET (single) was added in version 23.3.25.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 am
ProcedureCodes Module
1. GET procedurecodes/81 behavior:
When I call `GET /procedurecodes/81`, the API returns multiple records instead of the single one specified. Is this expected?
2. Missing fields in response:
The response from the API in Postman contains fewer fields than what is listed in the documentation. Could you explain the discrepancy between the documented response model and what is returned via the API?
3. DateTStamp filter not working:
I used `GET procedurecodes?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16` to filter records by timestamp, but the API returned the entire list instead. How can I ensure that only records after the specified timestamp are fetched?
2. What version are you on? Procedurecodes was enhanced in version 23.3.25.
3. What version are you on? Procedurecodes DateTStamp was added in version 22.4.8.
1. What version are you on? ProcNotes GET was added in version 24.2.29.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 am
ProcNote Module
1. GET method not valid:
When attempting to call `GET /procnotes`, the API returns the message "procnotes GET is not a valid method." Is this endpoint supported for fetching records?
2. No DateTStamp in table:
There is no `DateTStamp` column in the `ProcNote` table, and there is no update API available for this resource. Can I use the `EntryDateTime` column for data sync?
2. The API can only filter by parameters listed for the specific endpoint. EntryDateTime is not a filterable parameter for the procnotes endpoint. EntryDateTime the server time when the row is inserted. It is never updated again.
Please see TreatPlans GET.
What version are you on? RecallTypes GET (multiple) was added in version 24.1.44.
1. DateTStamp is not returned in the API endpoint. 99% of API users do not use the DateTStamp field.Ummehani wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:21 am
Referrals Module
1. DateTStamp missing in response:
In the Referrals module, the `DateTStamp` field is present in the `Referral` table, but it is not included in the API response model. Is there a reason for this?
2. DateTStamp filter not working:
I called `GET referrals?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16` expecting a filtered list of records, but the API returned the entire list instead. How should I properly use the `DateTStamp` filter for this endpoint?
Any guidance or best practices on resolving these issues and syncing data efficiently using `DateTStamp` filtering would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
2. The API can only filter by parameters listed for the specific endpoint. Referrals GET does not return the DateTStamp field and thus, does not support filtering by DateTStamp.
I question the need to call all these endpoints constantly to keep some 1:1 copy of database records. Most API developers do not do this. If you do need a massive amount of data, it is much wiser to use the queries POST endpoint and gather data in bulk, formatted however you want it.
Re: Clarification on DateTStamp Filtering and API Behavior Across Multiple Open Dental Modules
Thank you for your detailed response regarding my questions about the Open Dental API modules. I appreciate the clarifications provided. I have a few follow-up questions based on your insights:
1. GET Insurance Response Tables: Could you specify the names of the tables that generate the GET Insurance response in the FamilyModule? I would like to obtain a select query for this response.
2. DateTStamp Parameter: I noticed that there is no `DateTStamp` parameter in the FamilyModule response. Could you clarify why this is the case?
ProcedureLogs Module
1. DateTStamp Filtering: When I called `GET procedurelogs?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16`, it returned the entire list of records instead of filtering by the specified timestamp. Is there a reason for this behavior?
Additional Clarifications
1. For the ProcNote endpoint, I understand there’s no available parameter for syncing data. What would be the recommended approach for data synchronization in this case?
2. Regarding the Referrals endpoint, I noticed that the `DateTStamp` field is present, but it does not support filtering. Could you provide guidance on how I might effectively sync data from this endpoint?
Appointments Module
I encountered an issue with the Appointments module when trying to fetch slots. Specifically, I received a "date is invalid" response when hitting the following URL in Postman:
- URL: `https://api.opendental.com/api/v1/appoi ... 2024-10-08`
Could you please help clarify what might be causing this issue?
1. GET Insurance Response Tables: Could you specify the names of the tables that generate the GET Insurance response in the FamilyModule? I would like to obtain a select query for this response.
2. DateTStamp Parameter: I noticed that there is no `DateTStamp` parameter in the FamilyModule response. Could you clarify why this is the case?
ProcedureLogs Module
1. DateTStamp Filtering: When I called `GET procedurelogs?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16`, it returned the entire list of records instead of filtering by the specified timestamp. Is there a reason for this behavior?
Additional Clarifications
1. For the ProcNote endpoint, I understand there’s no available parameter for syncing data. What would be the recommended approach for data synchronization in this case?
2. Regarding the Referrals endpoint, I noticed that the `DateTStamp` field is present, but it does not support filtering. Could you provide guidance on how I might effectively sync data from this endpoint?
Appointments Module
I encountered an issue with the Appointments module when trying to fetch slots. Specifically, I received a "date is invalid" response when hitting the following URL in Postman:
- URL: `https://api.opendental.com/api/v1/appoi ... 2024-10-08`
Could you please help clarify what might be causing this issue?
Re: Clarification on DateTStamp Filtering and API Behavior Across Multiple Open Dental Modules
1. Open Dental calls this method when opening the Family Module. FamilyModules GET Insurance states what tables are referenced when calling this endpoint. 2. There can be no DateTStamp parameter in the familymodules response because it is derived from multiple tables.Ummehani wrote: ↑Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:47 amThank you for your detailed response regarding my questions about the Open Dental API modules. I appreciate the clarifications provided. I have a few follow-up questions based on your insights:
1. GET Insurance Response Tables: Could you specify the names of the tables that generate the GET Insurance response in the FamilyModule? I would like to obtain a select query for this response.
2. DateTStamp Parameter: I noticed that there is no `DateTStamp` parameter in the FamilyModule response. Could you clarify why this is the case?
1. I tested `GET procedurelogs?DateTStamp=2024-10-08 03:12:16` on version 24.2.28, and the return was filtered as expected. What version are you on? DateTStamp was added in version 21.3.34.
1. I question the need to keep a constant, up to the minute, dataset. I would only call procnotes GET with patNum and procNum parameters, as needed, for the specific patient and procedure.Ummehani wrote: ↑Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:47 am
Additional Clarifications
1. For the ProcNote endpoint, I understand there’s no available parameter for syncing data. What would be the recommended approach for data synchronization in this case?
2. Regarding the Referrals endpoint, I noticed that the `DateTStamp` field is present, but it does not support filtering. Could you provide guidance on how I might effectively sync data from this endpoint?
2. I wouldn't keep a constant sync of data, I'd call referrals GET (single) as needed, or I'd call referrals GET (multiple) and use the available parameters and pagination. API results are returned 100 at at time. After filtering, most offices will return 100 referrals or fewer. Alternatively, you can use a ShortQuery or Query to get data formatted however you'd like.
1. You are trying to fetch appointment slots that are in the past. The date parameter must be today or a future date.Ummehani wrote: ↑Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:47 am
Appointments Module
I encountered an issue with the Appointments module when trying to fetch slots. Specifically, I received a "date is invalid" response when hitting the following URL in Postman:
- URL: `https://api.opendental.com/api/v1/appoi ... 2024-10-08`
Could you please help clarify what might be causing this issue?
Re: Clarification on DateTStamp Filtering and API Behavior Across Multiple Open Dental Modules
Thank you for your insights and clarifications regarding my previous questions. I have some additional inquiries based on the responses I received:
ProcedureLogs Module
1. GET /procedurelogs Response: In the response from the `GET /procedurelogs` endpoint, I noticed the fields "Priority" and "priority." Could you clarify which database tables are used to populate these fields?
1. DateTStamp and Main Table: In the FamilyModule, which field is considered the `DateTStamp`, and which table is regarded as the main table for generating the response?
2. Query Confirmation: I have generated the following SQL query. Will it provide me with an identical response to what we receive from the Family Module GET API? Since there is no option to get multiple records, I plan to use this query for API queries and want to confirm its validity.
Additional Modules
1. AppointmentTypes, ApptFields, and ApptFieldDefs: For these modules, there are no columns available to sync Open Dental data to our database. Could you suggest how I can sync this data effectively?
2. RecallTypes Table: In the RecallTypes table, there is no column for syncing Open Dental data. Do you have any suggestions on how we can address this issue?
3. Software Update: If we update the Open Dental software version, will the data remain intact, or will it be cleared during the update process?
Thank you for your continued assistance. I look forward to your insights!
ProcedureLogs Module
1. GET /procedurelogs Response: In the response from the `GET /procedurelogs` endpoint, I noticed the fields "Priority" and "priority." Could you clarify which database tables are used to populate these fields?
1. DateTStamp and Main Table: In the FamilyModule, which field is considered the `DateTStamp`, and which table is regarded as the main table for generating the response?
2. Query Confirmation: I have generated the following SQL query. Will it provide me with an identical response to what we receive from the Family Module GET API? Since there is no option to get multiple records, I plan to use this query for API queries and want to confirm its validity.
Code: Select all
CONCAT(pat.FName, ' ', pat.LName) AS subscriber,
insub.SubscNote AS SubscNote,
WHEN pp.Ordinal = 1 THEN 'Primary'
WHEN pp.Ordinal = 2 THEN 'Secondary'
WHEN pp.Ordinal = 3 THEN 'Tertiary'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS ordinal,
WHEN pp.IsPending = 1 THEN 'true'
ELSE 'false'
END AS IsPending,
pp.PatID AS PatID,
plan.GroupName AS GroupName,
plan.GroupNum AS GroupNum,
plan.PlanNote AS PlanNote,
fs.Description AS feeSchedule,
plan.PlanType AS PlanType,
WHEN plan.PlanType = '' THEN 'Category Percentage'
WHEN plan.PlanType = 'p' THEN 'PPO Percentage'
WHEN plan.PlanType = 'f' THEN 'Flat Copay'
WHEN plan.PlanType = 'c' THEN 'Capitation'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS planType,
plan.EmployerNum AS PlanEmployerNum,
empPlan.EmpName AS PlanEmployerName,
pat.EmployerNum AS PatientEmployerNum,
empPat.EmpName AS PatientEmployerName,
WHEN plan.IsMedical = 1 THEN 'true'
ELSE 'false'
END AS IsMedical
patplan pp
inssub insub ON pp.InsSubNum = insub.InsSubNum
patient pat ON pp.PatNum = pat.PatNum
insplan plan ON insub.PlanNum = plan.PlanNum
carrier car ON plan.CarrierNum = car.CarrierNum
feesched fs ON plan.FeeSched = fs.FeeSchedNum
employer empPlan ON plan.EmployerNum = empPlan.EmployerNum
employer empPat ON pat.EmployerNum = empPat.EmployerNum;
1. AppointmentTypes, ApptFields, and ApptFieldDefs: For these modules, there are no columns available to sync Open Dental data to our database. Could you suggest how I can sync this data effectively?
2. RecallTypes Table: In the RecallTypes table, there is no column for syncing Open Dental data. Do you have any suggestions on how we can address this issue?
3. Software Update: If we update the Open Dental software version, will the data remain intact, or will it be cleared during the update process?
Thank you for your continued assistance. I look forward to your insights!
Re: Clarification on DateTStamp Filtering and API Behavior Across Multiple Open Dental Modules
1. Priority: Definition.DefNum where definition.Category=20. priority: String version of Priority.Ummehani wrote: ↑Tue Oct 15, 2024 6:28 amThank you for your insights and clarifications regarding my previous questions. I have some additional inquiries based on the responses I received:
ProcedureLogs Module
1. GET /procedurelogs Response: In the response from the `GET /procedurelogs` endpoint, I noticed the fields "Priority" and "priority." Could you clarify which database tables are used to populate these fields?
1. As previously stated, there is no DateTStamp field for the FamilyModules GET Insurance endpoint. There cannot be one since this particular endpoint is derived from many tables. None of the tables are considered the 'main table'.Ummehani wrote: ↑Tue Oct 15, 2024 6:28 am
1. DateTStamp and Main Table: In the FamilyModule, which field is considered the `DateTStamp`, and which table is regarded as the main table for generating the response?
2. Query Confirmation: I have generated the following SQL query. Will it provide me with an identical response to what we receive from the Family Module GET API? Since there is no option to get multiple records, I plan to use this query for API queries and want to confirm its validity.
Code: Select all
SELECT pp.PatNum, insub.InsSubNum, insub.Subscriber, CONCAT(pat.FName, ' ', pat.LName) AS subscriber, insub.SubscriberID, insub.SubscNote AS SubscNote, pp.PatPlanNum, pp.Ordinal, CASE WHEN pp.Ordinal = 1 THEN 'Primary' WHEN pp.Ordinal = 2 THEN 'Secondary' WHEN pp.Ordinal = 3 THEN 'Tertiary' ELSE 'Other' END AS ordinal, CASE WHEN pp.IsPending = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS IsPending, pp.Relationship, pp.PatID AS PatID, car.CarrierNum, car.CarrierName, plan.PlanNum, plan.GroupName AS GroupName, plan.GroupNum AS GroupNum, plan.PlanNote AS PlanNote, plan.FeeSched, fs.Description AS feeSchedule, plan.PlanType AS PlanType, CASE WHEN plan.PlanType = '' THEN 'Category Percentage' WHEN plan.PlanType = 'p' THEN 'PPO Percentage' WHEN plan.PlanType = 'f' THEN 'Flat Copay' WHEN plan.PlanType = 'c' THEN 'Capitation' ELSE 'Other' END AS planType, plan.CopayFeeSched, plan.EmployerNum AS PlanEmployerNum, empPlan.EmpName AS PlanEmployerName, pat.EmployerNum AS PatientEmployerNum, empPat.EmpName AS PatientEmployerName, CASE WHEN plan.IsMedical = 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS IsMedical FROM patplan pp INNER JOIN inssub insub ON pp.InsSubNum = insub.InsSubNum INNER JOIN patient pat ON pp.PatNum = pat.PatNum INNER JOIN insplan plan ON insub.PlanNum = plan.PlanNum INNER JOIN carrier car ON plan.CarrierNum = car.CarrierNum LEFT JOIN feesched fs ON plan.FeeSched = fs.FeeSchedNum LEFT JOIN employer empPlan ON plan.EmployerNum = empPlan.EmployerNum LEFT JOIN employer empPat ON pat.EmployerNum = empPat.EmployerNum;
2. I do not review queries for validity. Queries written by third parties are outside the scope of my responsibility.
1. As previously stated, I would not sync data via the API. Instead, I recommend calling individual endpoints, as needed.Ummehani wrote: ↑Tue Oct 15, 2024 6:28 am
Additional Modules
1. AppointmentTypes, ApptFields, and ApptFieldDefs: For these modules, there are no columns available to sync Open Dental data to our database. Could you suggest how I can sync this data effectively?
2. RecallTypes Table: In the RecallTypes table, there is no column for syncing Open Dental data. Do you have any suggestions on how we can address this issue?
3. Software Update: If we update the Open Dental software version, will the data remain intact, or will it be cleared during the update process?
Thank you for your continued assistance. I look forward to your insights!
2. I do not recommend using the API to sync data.
3. The data will remain intact.