Migration script for Version 23.2 - benefit/frequency

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Migration script for Version 23.2 - benefit/frequency

Post by phi.bui » Fri Sep 08, 2023 1:22 pm

We're aware of a major change to the frequency/benefits for the new version 23.2 that would impact our integration when we're upgrading the open dental into this new version. Would it be possible that you could provide the migration script that you use when doing the upgrade? This will help us with the mapping/relationship on the changes. I believe it is directly impact the benefit table. If you have any questions or clarifications, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you very much!

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Re: Migration script for Version 23.2 - benefit/frequency

Post by jsalmon » Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:23 am


Wouldn't you just need to change your integration from looking at the deprecated preferences to looking at the new codegroup table?
An arbitrary preference dictated a group of codes for very specific benefits (based on how they were set up).
A structured link is made between the benefit row and the group of codes it utilizes.
benefit.CodeGroupNum => codegroup row which holds the ProcCodes
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Jason Salmon
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Re: Migration script for Version 23.2 - benefit/frequency

Post by phi.bui » Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:25 am

Could you provider some details on the deprecated preferences? where do I find those information?
As checking the database schema on 23.2, I do see CodeGroupNum added to benefit table, and a new table for codegroup for linking to the procedures. Could you help me understand the purpose for using the codegroup?

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Re: Migration script for Version 23.2 - benefit/frequency

Post by jsalmon » Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:10 pm

phi.bui wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:25 am
Could you provider some details on the deprecated preferences? where do I find those information?
They just held a comma delimited list of procedure codes. They all started with "InsBen..."
For Example:

Code: Select all

///<summary>Comma delimited list of procedure codes that represent bitewing codes.  Defaults to D codes for all users.</summary>
[Obsolete("This preference has been deprecated. Use CodeGroups instead.",true)]
https://github.com/OpenDental/opendenta ... es/Pref.cs
phi.bui wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:25 am
Could you help me understand the purpose for using the codegroup?
The summary on the table type is probably the best description for the purpose behind using the codegroup.

Code: Select all

/// <summary>These groups of procedure codes are used in Benefit Frequencies and Insurance History. We can't use CovCats because those spans are frequently far too broad.  We often need specific codes. Cached.</summary>
https://github.com/OpenDental/opendenta ... deGroup.cs
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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