Security - Only edit insurance adjustments for current day?

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Security - Only edit insurance adjustments for current day?

Post by khdilger » Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:52 am

There seems to be a small security hole for the editing of writeoffs. I can set opendental to not allow creating or even editing of adjustments for more than 1 day old transactions.

However anybody can go and change writeoffs for insurance claims that are finalized no matter how old. Is it possible to put a time stipulation on this? With the way it currently works a user could go and adjust an account throught writeoffs for insurance claims in the past.

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Re: Security - Only edit insurance adjustments for current d

Post by jsalmon » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:03 am

Write-offs aren't technically stored as adjustments in the eyes of Open Dental so they got their own category:
The InsWriteOffEdit permission is what you care to restrict.
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Open Dental Software

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Re: Security - Only edit insurance adjustments for current d

Post by khdilger » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:53 am

Thanks for the response. By turning that off though it completely turns off the ability to even enter a writeoff. The functionality that seems logical would be to be able to create the writeoff and edit it until the claim and check have been finalized. Then not allow it to be changed. To give your staff the ability to enter the insurance payments and enter the writeoff from the EOB then writeoffs also gives them the ability to go adjust old writeoffs. Is there a way to not allow changing an old writoff amount?

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Re: Security - Only edit insurance adjustments for current d

Post by jsalmon » Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:28 am

Correct, the InsWriteOffEdit permission controls the ability to enter write-offs and write-off estimates. The current logic in the program allows you to have a set amount of days (or a specific date) after the DateEntryC (automatically updated when the procedure gets created and when it gets set complete) to allow staff the ability to enter write-offs.
I'd recommend promoting and voting for Feature Request #7231 - "Security permission for editing write off relative to payment date (instead of procedure completion date)"
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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