Online Health History

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Online Health History

Post by fmoore3 » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:55 am

Would any one else like to have a list of Dental Hx questions to check yes or no. Medical Hx link on your Website that the patient could check Yes or No on a standard list of Diseases and Allergies and type in a text block a list of medications and a text block for chief complaint. And all this could be imported into the Patient Info area of the Chart, then the Dr. could edit or make additions and sign off after interviewing the patient. This would save front desk staff hours of new patient data entry. Feature request #1268 is not mine but it heads us in the right direction. If you have any interest in this enhancement please vote, or brain storm this request.

Joe Gordon
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Re: Online Health History

Post by Joe Gordon » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:06 pm

Yes. This is something important for me and our staff as well. I emailed Jordan on Thursday with a list of features and was hoping for a price for each as he has done in the past. He and the programmers are working on EHR now with a deadline, so it is possible that we may not see any new features soon for at least a couple months. Many feature requests have been in limbo for many many months, even though they may have many votes, low level of difficulty, and high priority. That is why I was looking for a price.
For what it's worth, here is the list I sent to Jordan (#3 is close to what you are discussing):

1. Drop-downs for Sheets- How far to completion have you gotten until it was put on the back burner? What would be the cost to complete the feature?

2. Ability to save the exam sheet in designated folder in Image module. You may already have this ability. We have a folder named “Exams.” So the name of the sheet and the date would be inserted into Exam folder.

3. Custom Fields for Medical Info (Pink area in Chart). So instead of the ones that show now, we could have the fields displayed as PMH (Past Med Hx), PI (Present Illness), Past Meds, Current Meds, Allergies, CC (Chief Complaint). These could populate onto the exams as output/input fields. [and imported from Pt Hx's]

4. Fields we need in Forms and Merge: NamePref, NameMiddleI, GuarFName, GuarLName, GuarFName. (Req# 1575)

5. Referral PreferredName field and available in Forms and Merge.

6. Schools in the Lists with the standard fields + Nurse and Email. A School Form linked with School and Grade, and print/email function. Pt field for School and Grade- I know you have a Site and Grade field, but would like all these schools to show in the “Schools” List. Then we could select from the drop down or such. For now they are in the Referrals List with a space before them so they show at the top. [in Illinois, children must have a school form for K,2nd, 6th grades]

7. Referral List search box so no scrolling all the way up and down to find a name. Maybe just click on any name and start typing first few letters, or same box like Insurance Carriers List. (Req# 111 & 254)

8. Able to arrange order of PtFieldDefs and ability to customize which fields and custom fields show in Chart module. (Req# 1616)

9. Integrated functionality for appointment confirmations with sms, emails, and automated voice. Of course the confirmed times would be tagged to TimeAskedToArrive.

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Re: Online Health History

Post by jordansparks » Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:27 am

Yes, we are working very hard on the EHR right now. But that does not mean that you won't see new features; quite the opposite. EHR includes electronic Rx, splitting diseases into problems and allergies as a foundation for better web forms, automatic logoff, enhancements to audit trail, a patient portal to allow patients access to certain information, and many other features. We chose to work on the EHR module because we felt that it would benefit the most users. In fact, you will notice that your specific feature request is partially addressed in the list of EHR features above.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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Re: Online Health History

Post by asanders » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:20 am

It's extremely important to us as well. Personally, I would like most of the form to be in the form of yes/no checkboxes as the OP mentioned. I don't see a need for a lot of user input fields. Better yet, if we could customize the user input fields, that would be exceptional. For instance, I like to know when a patient last visited a dentist. Chief complaint comes to mind as well.

For medications, if we could somehow link to lexicomp for patient input, I'd be all for that. I'm envisioning the patient inputs "L-I-S-" and then lisinopril pops up as a choice. Very much like selecting a patient from within open dental. Type in the first few letters and it starts generating a list of possibilities.

But, I don't think we need an open-ended health history where a patient simply inputs their conditions. I created my own health history in sheets. It took me forever as I generated an electronic copy of my paper health history. Once I figured out that it wasn't linked to the database, I quit.


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Re: Online Health History

Post by jordansparks » Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:55 am

Yes, it's request 1268. Looks like it could use some more votes. We don't go exclusively off of the vote count, but it helps.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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Re: Online Health History

Post by asanders » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:56 pm

I think that's my request if I recall correctly. I guess I could use all my votes on it.

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Re: Online Health History

Post by asanders » Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:14 pm


What are you envisioning for the health history? How will it work and flow? Just curious. If integrated with Lexicomp, I've love to see drug interactions pop up. For instance, we go to print out a prescription and a box would pop us warning of a potential interaction with the patient's meds.

Also, when the patient the ability to choose when the health history pops up for update. For instance, if we want to update at checkin, then the med hx will pop up for transfer to a tablet or kiosk. Or, if we want to update in the operatories, then once the patient is marked "in room", then the med hx will pop up then for update.

Along the same lines of automation, it would be great if we could trigger a consent to pop-up when a patient is marked "in room" for an extraction for instance.

And, updates for demographics/insurance for that matter. It wouldn't need to be @ every visit, maybe user customizable, to where the demographic form could be triggered for update based upon a predetermined length of time.

thinking out loud.


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Re: Online Health History

Post by jordansparks » Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:01 pm

Drug-drug interactions are live as of version 7.9.

I'm pretty sure that our automation can already trigger a sheet to pop up when you set a procedure complete.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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Re: Online Health History

Post by drtech » Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:41 am

I think pop ups are a great idea, the problem is implementation.

The problem with popping up the form for the pt when you mark them as checked in...are they going to fill it out on the same computer as you checked them in? (for example, I have a assistant and doctors computer in each op, the assistant will usually mark them seated, but they would not use that computer to have the pt fill anything out.) I think maybe a pop up reminder to have the pt do that would make more since(and a slick pop up and fading away reminder and not one you a forced to click)....just thinking about logistics...
David Fuchs
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Re: Online Health History

Post by asanders » Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:02 am

That would probably be best. Instead of the form/consent/etc. itself popping up, then just a reminder to do it.

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