change in the monthy report due to credit cards

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change in the monthy report due to credit cards

Post by dand » Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:29 am

I like the monthly report. About once a week I pull the report up and enter my deposits into Quicken by reading the amounts from the "total income" column. I have now started accepting credit cards, which means the totals are different on my bank statement, as the "total income" amounts is not equal to the bank deposit due to the deposit amount from the credit card. Would it be possible to have a monthly report which splits the "total deposit" into "credit card deposit" and "all deposits less credit card" so as to make the reconciling of my bank statement easier and quicker.

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Re: change in the monthy report due to credit cards

Post by jordansparks » Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:10 am

Are you talking about in our deposit slip or in some other report? In the deposit slip, be sure to change your 'start date' every few days to get rid of clutter. Also, deselect CC and cash from the patient payment types list.

Yes, it is a hassle when you don't know the exact amount ahead of time that will be deposited into your bank account. We recommend using online banking. Every day or two, pull up your bank account, and look for new CC deposits. Take those numbers and enter them into OD (or QB in your case). That way, you will stay right on top of it instead of letting it build up for a month.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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Re: change in the monthy report due to credit cards

Post by dand » Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:44 am

Specifically, I am talking about the "This Month" report listed as a report in the OD Production and Income list. It really doesn't matter if one is using online banking, OD, or Quicken. You still need to determine if your total deposit for a particular day matches with the "total income" for the day. I could run a payment report for each day, and see what the different totals are(which would be a hassle) would be much nice to be able to pull up a month report and see the two deposit amounts (CC deposit and total-CC deposit) separated out for each day of the month. It would make reconciling ones bank account much quicker no matter if you are using online banking or quicken.

I have never had a problem staying on top of my checking account for the 20+ years of my practice, but I am always looking for ways to do it more efficiently while keeping it accurate.

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Re: change in the monthy report due to credit cards

Post by DavidWolf » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:39 am

I have a separate checking account for my CC transactions. It makes it just that much easier to match/track the direct deposits with OD and Quicken.
Dave Wolf

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Re: change in the monthy report due to credit cards

Post by dand » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:26 am


Thanks for the suggestions. I had someone else suggest that as well.
I would still like to have a monthly report that gives the total dep - CC, as it would be much easier/quicker to balance the checkbook.

Again thanks for the suggestion.


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