Add a surface, remove a surface buttons

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Add a surface, remove a surface buttons

Post by mzrdmd » Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:32 pm

Maybe I'm the only one that this happens to, but whenever I have a tooth treatment planned for say a DO, and it turns out to be just an O, it sure would be nice to have a button to simply allow us to remove a surface. Likewise, if it turns into an MOD, it would be nice to have a shortcut button to add a surface.

What we're doing right now is going into the chart, double clicking on the procedure, clicking "Change", changing the code, correcting the surfaces, and clicking OK. Is there an easier way ?

I'm thinking that you could double click the appointment, single click that particular procedure, single click "Add a surface", and a window would open with the tooth number listed on top, and all of the surfaces listed with check boxes next to them. The currently scheduled surfaces would be checked, and the other surfaces would not be checked. The user could then toggle the check boxes to reflect the change, and the program would automatically change the code to the appropriate code for the new number of surfaces, and if it was planned as an amalgam, it would update to the appropriate amalgam code, and if planned as a composite it would use the new composite code.

Doesn't this sound like it would be SO much easier ?


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Re: Add a surface, remove a surface buttons

Post by jamesx2 » Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:58 pm

OD already does that, just click on the procedure and add or subtract the surface you want. When you leave that screen the program will automatically change the code for you.

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Re: Add a surface, remove a surface buttons

Post by drtech » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:44 pm

and as of v5.6, there are actual buttons on the procedure edit window (when you double click the procedure) to allow you to change the surfaces just like you do when you first enter the procedure and not have to reach for your keyboard. Then OD will automatically pop up a window asking if you would like to change the code automatically. (unless you disabled this at some time this case it will not ask you and will not automatically change and you have to fix it in your procedure code list)
David Fuchs
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Re: Add a surface, remove a surface buttons

Post by DavidWolf » Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:49 pm

Ver 5.6.14
Has anyone else noticed that in the procedure info window if the surfaces box is yellowed because the info is missing that when you click on the buttons or type in a surface the box stays yellow and you cannot close the window without seeing an error message. In order to get the box to change from yellow you have to click on another box or hit the tab button then the window will close.

I think that this maybe a minor bug. The text box should know that the data was enetered without having to tab out or click on another box.

It is possible that this is already a known bug.

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Re: Add a surface, remove a surface buttons

Post by drtech » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:49 pm

I just had that happen to me today too. I will see if I can address that problem.
David Fuchs
Dentist - Springfield, MO
Smile Dental

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