Software Type | Version Start | Version End | Cost($) | What's Converted |
AbelDent | 9 | 13 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, patient notes, patient plans, patients, payments, perio (depths and bleeding), providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and super codes (explosion codes). |
AccPacPlus | 5 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto-generated), carriers, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Ace Dental | 8 | 19 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinical notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pending claim data, perio, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Ace Dental Cloud | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinical notes (may be truncated), employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
ACT! Pro | | | 1350 | appointments, activity notes, carrier list, employer list, history notes, insurance plans (some), patient demographics, procedures (auto-generated based off of appointments), and recall (auto-generated). |
AD2000 | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (may be wrong), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patients, patient associated insurance plans, payments, pharmacies, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
AD2008 | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (may be wrong), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patients, patient associated insurance plans, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Adstra | 15 | 20 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, patient notes, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Advanced MD | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, insurance plans, operatories, patients, payments, procedures, and providers. |
AlphaDent | | | 800 | some patient demographics |
AlphaDent (TAB) | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, carriers, insurance plans, operatories, patients, providers, and referral list. |
Alta Point | 4 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (regular and auto generated). |
Alta Point ADT | 10 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, general notes, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Alumni | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, carriers, contact list, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans (default), patients, payments, popup alerts, procedures, procedure codes, procedure notes, providers, recall (auto-generated), and referral list. |
American Dental Partners | | | 800 | employers, patient alerts, patient demographics, and recall (auto-generated) |
Amkai Office | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, carriers, employees, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
AOS (Automated Office Systems) CSV Based | | | 800 | beginning balances and patient demographics |
AOS (Automated Office Systems) MDF Based | 3 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, and providers. |
Appointments Plus | | | 800 | appointments and patient demographics |
APS (DOS) | 7 | 7 | 1000 | benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patient notes, patients, providers |
Apteryx | | | 300 | patients only |
Archy | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, carriers, clinical notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated). |
Aspire | 10 | 11 | 1350 | account notes, adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes (if FPC decrypts them), employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio (if FPC decrypts them), popups, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall, and referrals. |
Athena One | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, insurance plans, operatories, patient conditions, patient associated insurance plans, patient problems, patients, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Autopia | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), referrals, subscribers, and treatment planned procedures. *** This application is also known as Dental Works and Time Shift Solution *** |
Axxium Vision | | | 1350 | appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Blue EHR | | | 1350 | adjustments (some), appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments (some), providers, procedures (some), and recall (auto generated). |
Booker | | | 300 | patient demographics |
BR4 | | | 1350 | beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Camsight CDM | 3 | 15 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient medical alerts, missing teeth, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, popups, prescriptions, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, providers, recall (auto generated), tasks, and treatment planned procedures. |
CareStack | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), care notes, carriers, chart notes, clinics, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
CareStream CS R4 | 3 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, clinical notes, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated) |
CentricityPS_VisDental | | | 1350 | beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, insurance plans, missing teeth, patient associated insurance plans, patients, pharmacies, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
Cerner | | | 1350 | appointments, carriers, clinics, insurance plans, patients, procedures, and providers |
Chart It | | | 1000 | beginning balances (set to zero), chart notes, fee schedules, patients, procedures, and providers |
Claim Tek | | | 0 | All Claim Tek (DentOffice) database data is converted because it is an Open Dental reseller. |
ClearDent | 8 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefit percentages, carriers, clinical notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medical history notes, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, prescriptions, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Clinic Office | | | 1000 | appointments, beginning balances, commlog notes, contact list, employers, operatories, patients, payments, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), and task list. |
Cloud 9 | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patients, patient comments, patient associated insurance plans, payments, procedures, procedure codes, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
CompDent | | | 1350 | adjustments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, patients, patient associated insurance plans, payments, procedures, provider initials, and recall (auto generated). |
Compedent | | | 1000 | adjustments (most), appointments (most), beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, employers, patients, payments (most), procedures(most), providers, and recall (auto generated) |
Complete Exam | 3 | 4 | 1000 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Computer Age Dentist | 4 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall, and referrals.
Apparently Computer Age has a bug in their software related to families being split apart, and the transactions will be re-assigned to the guarantor of a family when a family member is moved to a new family. So there may be situations where all of a patient's transactions are assigned to the former guarantor of the family. There is nothing that we can do to fix this for you since the issue is in the raw data files of Computer Age. |
Computer Age Dentist DOS | 8 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, contact list (rolodex), employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, recall (auto-generated), and referrals.
Apparently Computer Age has a bug in their software related to families being split apart, and the transactions will be re-assigned to the guarantor of a family when a family member is moved to a new family. So there may be situations where all of a patient's transactions are assigned to the former guarantor of the family. There is nothing that we can do to fix this for you since the issue is in the raw data files of Computer Age. |
Concise Vision Manager | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, prescriptions, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Curve Dental (Curve Hero) | | | 1350 | adjustments (most), appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, notes, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments (most), perio (only some of the perio depth probes), providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Curve DMS | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patient notes, patients, payments, providers, procedurecodes, procedures, recall (auto generated), and task lists. *** Some letters can be pulled out in an image conversion. *** Some of the transactions are duplicated in the data export from CurveDMS, so that duplication will be carried across into the conversion. This is why we have to set the balances to zero. |
Customer Appointment Manager Pro | | | 800 | appointments, patients, and providers |
D4W - Dental 4 Windows | | | 1350 | appointments, carriers, fee schedules, operatories, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Daisy | 3 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio (depths only), prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. *** Nearly every patient record in Daisy is duplicated at least one time within the Daisy data. The conversion attempts to auto-merge as many of these duplicates as we can, but some of the duplicates may not merge and it is possible that family members may be auto-merged in error if the family members have the exact same name. *** |
Data Team DDS | 6 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule (default only), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, recall (auto generated). |
Data Trac | 4 | 4 | 1000 | account notes, adjustments (most), appointments, appointment blockouts, beginning balances, carriers, employers, fee schedule, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, patient notes, payments (most), procedurecodes, procedures (most), providers |
DataCon | | | 1350 | appointments (some), beginning balances, birthdate, carrier list, fee schedule (default), gender, patient address (sometimes possible), patient names, phone (cell, home, work), providers, procedures (most), recall (partially auto generated), and referral list.
Decision Base Time | 5 | 5 | 1000 | general health summary, medical alerts, medical history answers, missing teeth, patients, perio, prescriptions, and referrals |
DenPro Web Desktop | | | 1000 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), fee schedule (standard only), operatories, patients, prescriptions, and procedures |
Dent Solutions | | | 1350 | adjustments, beginning family balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedule (main), insurance plans, patients, patient associated insurance plans (subscribers only), payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
DentaClinic | | | 800 | appointments, patients |
Dental 2000 | 6 | 6 | 1000 | adjustments, appointments (auto-generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances, patients, payments, procedures, and recall (auto-generated) |
Dental Data Management | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription list, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), referrals, and rolodex. |
Dental Exec | 10 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, comments/commlogs (account and patient), employees, employers, fee schedules, implant tracker (as commlog), insurance plans, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams (perio and bleeding), pharmacies, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures (completed, treatment planned, and pre-existing), procedure notes, progress notes (most), recall (auto generated), referrals, and tooth notes. *** The progress notes are very difficult to extract due to how the data is stored *** |
Dental Mac | 5 | 5 | 800 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), operatories, patient demographics, procedures (some), and recall (auto generated) |
Dental Mate | 11 | 12 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (may be wrong on some patients), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, diseases, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Dental Max | 9 | 15 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). ................... The insurance balance due, and the patient balance due will be displayed as two separate adjustments. Please run and print the Dental Max accounts receivable report prior to collecting the Dental Max data for a conversion, and use this report to fix any issues after the conversion. |
Dental Office | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, insurance plans, missing teeth, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedurecodes, procedures, providers, and recall |
Dental Office Management | | | 800 | patients, payments, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Dental Office Pro | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patients, patient associated insurance plans, payments, procedures, procedure notes, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
Dental Partners | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Dental Pro | 7 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedule (standard), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, prescription list, providers, procedures, and procedure notes. |
Dental Records | 1 | 2 | 800 | beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, fee schedules, patients (no SSN and no address), procedures, and recall (auto generated) *** Some of the data is obfuscated (like the patient addresses), so some of the data cannot be converted *** |
Dental Sleep Solutions | | | 800 | patient demographics, patient notes |
Dental Vision | 6 | 19 | 1350 | adjustments, allergies, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, clinics, contact notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, ledger notes, medical alerts, medications, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, progress notes, providers, procedures, procedure notes, quick notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, SVN notes, tooth conditions (some), and treatment planned procedures. |
Dental Ware | 3 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Dental Works | 5 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (may be wrong on some patients), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), referrals, subscribers, and treatment planned procedures. *** This application is also known as Autopia and Time Shift Solution *** |
Dental Works BiteSoft | 2 | 2 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, carriers, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans (some), patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto-generated), and referrals. | | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Dental1 | | | 1350 | adjustments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, comments, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Dentalis | | | 1000 | adjustments, beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, fee schedule (default), patients, payments, procedurecodes, procedures, and recall (auto generated) |
Dentech (By Reports) | | | 1350 | appointments (some), beginning balances (may be wrong), carriers, employers, operatories, patients, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Dentech (T-Link) | 8 | 15 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (may be wrong), carriers, operatories, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). *** Dentech has been disabling the TLink option for most offices, so this may not be an option for a conversion *** |
Dentech Dynamic | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), clinical notes, clinics, commlogs, fee schedules, lab cases, laboratories, operatories, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and users. |
Dentech NextGen | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set from account table), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, disease list, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patient prescriptions, patients, payments, prescription list, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Denticon | 2009 | 2024 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinics, contracts, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medical history (as clinical note), operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, prescriptions, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, providers, and recall (auto generated). ............ The insurance plans may need to be checked and fixed after a final conversion. |
DentiGreat | | | 1000 | appointments, carriers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, and patients |
Dentimax | 2 | 14 | 1350 | appointments, adjustments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, chart notes (if they are not encrypted), clinical notes (if they are not encrypted), employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient alerts (as popups), patients, payments, perio (probe and bleeding), procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), and referrals |
DentiSoft | 6 | 16 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, disease list, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patient prescriptions, patients, payments, prescription list, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). *** There is a bug in the Dentisoft software that affects the real account balances for families, and the running total may be different from the displayed total. Check the "Account Ledger" report for confirmation. *** |
Dentisoft Office Online | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes (they may be cut off if they are long), disease list, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patient prescriptions, patients, payments, prescription list, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated).
As of 08/05/2010, Dentisoft Office Online will export a copy of the database tables for $250. Apparently there is no other way to access your data, and you will need to sign a waiver before Dentisoft will release your data to you. It is best to ask for them to "ftp" the data, otherwise you will have to wait for them to mail you a CD. You can call Dentisoft Office Online at 800-847-7638 (option 3) and ask for Kathy or Eric. Once Open Dental has a copy of the data files, then we can perform a conversion. Apparently there is a "DentiSafe Data Sync" option for $25/month where they will backup your Dentisoft data to a workstation, and perhaps this might be a solution to obtaining a copy of your data. |
Dentist Mate | 6 | 6 | 1000 | adjustments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedule (standard), insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto-generated) |
Dentitek | 6 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes (most), fee schedule (standard), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedure codes, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), and referrals. |
DentOffice | | | 0 | All Claim Tek (DentOffice) database data is converted because it is an Open Dental reseller. |
Dentrix | 6 | 24 | 1350 | adjustments, alerts, appointments, benefit percentages, carriers, claims (primary only), clinical notes, disease list, employees, employers, fee schedules (normal, allowed), insurance plans, labcases, laboratories, medical alerts, medication list, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, task list, and treatment planned procedures. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
Dentrix Ascend | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, clinics, conditions, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans (subscribers only), medical alerts, operatories, patient associated insurance plans (subscribers only), patients, payments, perio (bleeding, depths, GM, MGJ), providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). *** Dentrix Ascend tends to provide the data backups in different ways, and so we cannot guarantee that the patient balances will be correct due to the random changes in the database backups provided to their customers *** |
Dentrix Enterprise | 1 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, alerts, appointments, benefit percentages (most), carriers, claims (primary only), clinics, disease list, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medication list, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, popups, prescriptions (aka "medications" in Dentrix), providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Dentrix Imaging Center (Real Cloud) | | | 800 | patient demographics and imaging folder relationships [$600 for the image conversion from Dentrix Imaging Center to Open Dental] |
Denttio | 3 | 15 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient medical alerts, missing teeth, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), tasks, and treatment planned procedures. |
Desco | 4 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (on guarantor), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, oral chart notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Dexis | | | 300 | patient demographics |
Dialog Dental System | 4 | 4 | 800 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, patients, and providers |
Diamond Dental | 1 | 4 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (percentages), carriers, comments, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medical history, missing teeth, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), treatment plan procedures, and treatment progress notes. |
DigiDMS | | | 1000 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Direct Vision | 2 | 2 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medical alerts, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, progress notes, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, and treatment plans. |
Divergent Dental | 2 | 2 | 1350 | nearly all of the data available in the database backup from Divergent Dental (since it is a partial copy of an Open Dental database) |
Doc Aide | 7 | 10 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (first schedule only), beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, commlog entries, employees, employers, fee schedules, operatories, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. ... Some appointments may have the wrong start time, and this is because we are attempting to merge the duplicated appointments that exist in DocAide. Also only the first schedule appointments will come across in the conversion. It is not possible for us to convert the payment plans. |
Doctor Dent | | | 800 | clinical notes, fee schedules, and patients |
Dolphin | 4 | 4 | 1350 | adjustments, alerts, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, comments, employees, employers, fee schedule (default only), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payment plans (future charges only), payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
DOM | 9 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedule (standard only), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
DOM_OMNIS | 4 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referral list, and tickler notes. |
DomTrak | 9 | 17 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
DOMx | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, commlogs, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, popups, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Dovetail | | | 1350 | alerts, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
DOX | 1 | 1 | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules (default and UCR), "history" transactions, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). *** "Structured Notes" cannot be converted *** |
Dr Dean's 2000 Plus | 18 | 18 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated) |
Dr Direct | 6 | 9 | 1350 | beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments (auto generated), procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
Dr. Chrono | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, operatories (only IDs), patient associated insurance plans, patient prescriptions, patient problems, patients, payments (some), procedures (some), providers (only IDs), and recall (auto generated). |
DSN | 11 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, comments/commlogs (account and patient), employees, employers, fee schedules, implant tracker (as commlog), insurance plans, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams (perio and bleeding), pharmacies, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures (completed, treatment planned, and pre-existing), procedure notes, progress notes (most), recall (auto generated), referrals, and tooth notes. *** The progress notes are very difficult to extract due to how the data is stored *** |
DSN (SQL Server) | 18 | 18 | 1350 | adjustments, allergies, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, comments/commlogs (account and patient), employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medications, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, prescriptions, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. *** The progress notes are encrypted/obfuscated in the SQL Server version of DSN, so there is no way for them to be converted in that format *** |
E6 Dental | 1 | 1 | 1350 | appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patient notes, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and treatment planned procedures. |
Eagle Soft | 21 | 21 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinics, employees, employers, existing restorations, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, letters (patient notes only), missing teeth, operatories, patient medical alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payment plans (outstanding contract amount), payments, perio, pharmacies, PM notes, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall, referrals, and treatment planned procedures (from appointment).
Families that have been split in Eaglesoft may display offsetting positive and negative balances. These accounts will need to be modified manually after the conversion. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** ******* Occasionally some of the "Standard Services" fees may be wrong in the conversion, and this is because the old fees were not marked as inactive. This will need to be fixed manually after the conversion. ******** |
Eaglesoft | 6 | 20 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinics, employees, employers, existing restorations, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, letters (patient notes only), missing teeth, operatories, patient medical alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payment plans (outstanding contract amount), payments, perio, pharmacies, PM notes, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall, referrals, and treatment planned procedures (from appointment).
Families that have been split in Eaglesoft may display offsetting positive and negative balances. These accounts will need to be modified manually after the conversion. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** ******* Occasionally some of the "Standard Services" fees may be wrong in the conversion, and this is because the old fees were not marked as inactive. This will need to be fixed manually after the conversion. ******** |
Eaglesoft DOS | 10 | 10 | 800 | carriers, employers, fee schedule (default), patients, procedures (some), and providers |
Easy Dent (EZ Dent) | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule (one default only), insurance plans, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). *** We cannot convert the appointments as they appear on the EasyDent schedule. Instead, the appointments are auto-generated based off of completed procedures. *** |
EChart | | | 1350 | appointments, clinical notes, commlog notes, eChart notes, operatories, patients (only some demographic information), perio exams, prescriptions, and providers. |
ECW | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, perio exams, popups, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated). |
Eddson | 6 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set by AR report), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, patient notes, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
EDI Grin | 2000 | 2000 | 1350 | appointments (the time is auto-generated), beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto-generated). |
Electrodent | 2007 | 2007 | 1000 | beginning balances (set to zero), commlog notes, patients, procedures, and recall (auto generated) |
Elixir Medemass | | | 800 | patient demographics |
Endo Vision | 1 | 16 | 1350 | adjustments, allergies, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, clinics, contact notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, ledger notes, medical alerts, medications, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, progress notes, providers, procedures, procedure notes, quick notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, SVN notes, tooth conditions (some), and treatment planned procedures. |
Exact Dental (Henry Schein FS5) | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), notes, operatories, patients, payments, prescriptions, procedure codes, procedures, providers, and recall (auto-generated) |
Exact Dental (Kodak) | 10 | 10 | 800 | patients, payments (some), procedure codes, procedures (some), providers, and prescription list. |
Exan Power PracticeX | 4 | 4 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (some percentages and limits), carriers, chart notes, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription list, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Excalibur | | | 800 | appointments, carriers, operatories, prescriptions, and patients |
EZ 2000 / Easy 2000 | 2000 | 2016 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referral list |
EZ Dental | 1999 | 2012 | 1350 | adjustments, alerts, appointments, benefit percentages, carriers, claims (primary only), disease list, employees, employers, fee schedules (normal, allowed), insurance plans, labcases, laboratories, medical alerts, medication list, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, task list, and treatment planned procedures. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
EZ Dental 3 | 3 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules (normal, allowed), insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
EZ Dental DOS | 12 | 15 | 1350 | ** IMPORTANT: Run the daily closeout function before collecting the data for a conversion or else the recent accounting entries will not convert with the correct amounts. This is best done at the end of a business day. **
adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans (subscriber), patients, payments, pharmacies, procedures, procedure notes, providers, recall (auto generated), and referral list. |
EZDent-i | | | 800 | patient demographics |
Florida Probe | | | 1350 | patient demographics and perio data. This information can be merged directly into an Open Dental database if the Florida Probe application was being used in bridge mode. |
Focus Ortho | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Fox Dent | 4 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (only schedule 1), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Fox Dent E6 | 1 | 1 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Fox Teeth | 6 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
FPC (First Pacific Corp) | 7 | 11 | 1350 | account notes, adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes (if FPC decrypts them), employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio (if FPC decrypts them), popups, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall, and referrals. |
Galaxy | 4 | 4 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, disease list, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, providers, recall (auto generated), and treatment planned procedures. |
Gateway Practice Management | | | 1350 | adjustments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient conditions, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, public health sites, and recall (auto generated). |
adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams, periodontal notes, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, restorative notes, and treatment plan items. |
adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Gesden | 5 | 5 | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), commlogs, patients, payments, prescriptions, procedure codes, procedures, procedure notes, |
Gold Dental | 4 | 12 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (some), beginning balances, carriers, employers, fee schedules (first 7 only), insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, and recall (auto-generated) |
Healthcare Systems and Technologies (HST) | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
ICoreDental | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), blockouts, carriers, facilities, operatories, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
IDentalSoft | | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, appointment blockouts, beginning balances (may be wrong for some patients), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, claims, clinics, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, missing teeth, "notes" (in commlog), operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Improvis | | | 1350 | account alerts, adjustments, appointments, clinics, employers, fee schedules, medications, operatories, patient alerts, patient notes, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated) |
IMS EVO Digital Office | 10 | 10 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, carriers, clinics, employers, insurance plans (some), operatories, patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Innova | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (may not be correct), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Integrity Dental | 16 | 16 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, ledger history, missing teeth, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Intellident DOS | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), balances (based off of transactions), fee schedules, patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, providers, recall, and treatment planned procedures. |
Intellident Windows | 2 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (some), beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
ISmile | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (may be wrong), carriers, fee schedules, patients, payments, providers, and procedures. |
JaccDent | | | 1350 | beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, claim notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
JDent | 5 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (may be inaccurate), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules (10 UCR), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals (non-patient), and treatment plan items. |
JDent BTR | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (may be inaccurate), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Joey | 8 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances (based off of account table), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, and task list (appointment notes). |
Kapricorn | | | 0 | All Kapricorn database data is converted because it is an Open Dental reseller. |
Kodak Exact Dental | 10 | 10 | 1350 | patients, payments (some), procedure codes, procedures (some), providers, and prescription list. |
Kreloses | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances(set to zero), chart notes, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
LDM | | | 1350 | adjustments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules (some), insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
LiveDDM | 5 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, contacts, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, missing teeth, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, progress notes, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and treatment planned procedures. |
Logic Tech Paradigm v4+ | 4 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments (most), appointments, appointment blockouts, beginning balances (may be wrong), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinical notes, commlog entries, employers, fee schedule, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, procedures, procedure codes, providers, recall (auto-generated), referrals, and tooth conditions. |
Lytec | 5 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances, carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, providers, recall (auto generated). [No insurance plans or patient balances for Lytec version 5] |
Mac Omnis | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
MacPractice | 3 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero for most versions), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (mostly correct), carriers, clinical notes, comments, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, patient notes, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated). *** We are unable to convert perio charting from Mac Practice. There are a large number of duplicate patients that exist within a MacPractice database. The conversion attempts to auto-merge as many of these duplicates as we can, but some of the duplicates may not merge and it is possible that family members may be auto-merged in error if the family members have the exact same name. *** |
MASS Healthy Smiles | | | 800 | patients, procedures (auto-generated), recall (auto-generated), and sites (facilities) |
Maxident | 3 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and yellow sticky notes (commlog). |
Medi Soft | 11 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, carriers, employees, fee schedules, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated) |
Medi Soft v5 | 5 | 5 | 1350 | beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, fee schedule (default), patients, procedures, and recall (auto generated) |
Media Dent | 4 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, fees (for certain procedure codes), insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans (possible duplication), patient notes, patients, payments, perio exams (PD, GM, BL), prescriptions, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, providers, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Media Dent Cloud | 10 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans (some), missing teeth, operatories, pathologies, patients, patient associated insurance plans (some), payments, prescriptions, procedures, providers, recall (auto generated), referrals, and treatment planned procedures. |
Medic | 2 | 2 | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), clinical notes, patients, payments, procedures, and providers. |
Medical Manager | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, clinics, insurance plans, patients, payments (most), providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated) |
MediCare | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated) |
MedicTalk | | | 1350 | carriers, health history questionaire responses, patients, recall (auto-genrated), and treatment planned procedures. |
Medims OMS | | | 1350 | adjustments, alerts, appointments, beginning balances, carriers, clinics, employees, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient notes, patients, payments, pharmacies, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
MicroDent | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Mobile Med Pro | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patients, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
MOGO | 5 | 22 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (for most families), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, claims, diseases/medical alerts, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans (basic), notes, office address, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pending insurance claims, perio, providers, procedure code fees, procedures, recall, and referrals. *** There will most likely be a few families (about 2%) that have the wrong balance, and you will have to manually adjust these after the final conversion *** |
MOGO Cloud | 19 | 22 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
My Practice BP Allied | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, clinics, consult notes, fee schedule (default), operatories, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
New Tooth | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, appointment blockouts, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, commlog entries, employees, employers, fees, fee schedules (standard), insurance plans (most), operatories, patient associated insurance plans (most), procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
NewSoft DS | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, commlog entries, employers, medication list, operatories, patients, payments, prescription list, procedures, and providers |
NextGen | | | 1350 | patient alerts, patient conditions, patient notes, patient pre-existing treatment, patients, perio, and providers |
Norburn | | | 1000 | adjustments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefit percentages, carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Novadontics | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, carriers, operatories, patients, payments, procedures, providers,and recall (auto generated) |
NS Dental | | | 800 | appointments, operatories, patients, and providers |
Nut Shell Plus | | | 800 | patient demographics and beginning balances |
Oasis | 11 | 11 | 1000 | adjustments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), commlog, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, quick paste notes, and recall (auto-generated) |
Oasys | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, carriers, chart notes, clinics, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patients, payment plans (only remaining balances), payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), referrals, treatment plan notes, and workflow question/answer notes. |
OCS | 2008 | 2008 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (some), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall. |
Office Manager | 7 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
OMS Navigator | 5 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (saved appointments linked with patients only), beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medical alerts, medications, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
OMS Vision | 6 | 19 | 1350 | adjustments, allergies, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, clinics, contact notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, ledger notes, medical alerts, medications, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, progress notes, providers, procedures, procedure notes, quick notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, SVN notes, tooth conditions (some), and treatment planned procedures. |
Online MedSys | | | 1350 | alerts (popups), appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, implant notes, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacies, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referral list. |
Onsite Dentistry | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patients, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Oral Surgery Exec | 11 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, comments/commlogs (account and patient), employees, employers, fee schedules, implant tracker (as commlog), insurance plans, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams (perio and bleeding), pharmacies, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures (completed, treatment planned, and pre-existing), procedure notes, progress notes (most), recall (auto generated), referrals, and tooth notes. *** The progress notes are very difficult to extract due to how the data is stored *** |
ORD | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, patient notes, payments, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (regular and auto generated). |
OrisDent | 8 | 8 | 1000 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), fee schedules, operatories, patients, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
Ortho 2 DOS | | | 800 | insurance carriers and some patient demographics |
Ortho Chart | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, payment plans (outstanding balances), procedures, procedure codes, providers, and recall (auto generated). *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
Ortho Exec | 19 | 19 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, commlog entries, employers, fee schedule (default only), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, providers, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Ortho2 | 7 | 8 | 1350 | appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employees, employers, "notepad" notes (as a commlog entry), insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, payment plans, popups, procedures, procedure codes, providers, recall (auto generated), referral associations, and referral list. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
Ortho2 Edge Cloud | 2016 | 2019 | 1350 | appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employees, employers, "notepad" notes (as a commlog entry), insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, payment plans, popups, procedures, procedure codes, providers, recall (auto generated), referral associations, and referral list. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
OrthoEase | 8 | 12 | 1350 | appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, payment plans (outstanding balances), procedures, procedure codes, providers, recall (auto generated), and treatment notes. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
Orthotrac | 7 | 12 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payment plans (contracts), payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, referral attachments, and treatment card chart notes. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
OrthoWare | 5 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, carriers, clinics, insurance plans, notes, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and referrals. |
Oryx | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, prescriptions, procedures, progress notes, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
Panda Perio | | | 1000 | clinical notes, missing teeth, patients, perio exams (depth probes only) |
Paperless Technologies | | | 800 | carriers, employers, and patients |
Pappyjoe | | | 1350 | adjustments, patients, payments, prescription list, procedure codes, procedures, and providers
*** We are capable of converting more data types for this conversion on request *** |
Patient Base | 3 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, commlog entries, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, and "tickler" entries (as tasks). |
Patterson | | | 1350 | Patterson is an old version of Eaglesoft, so this would be equivalent to an Eaglesoft conversion but there are fewer tables used by the Patterson application. |
Patterson Fuse | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, clinical notes, clinics, fee schedules, insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), and referrals. |
PatTrac | | | 1000 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), and rolodex. |
PBS CSV | | | 1350 | carriers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, and providers |
PBS Dental | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning account balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), referrals, and treatment notes. |
PBS DOS | | | 1350 | adjustments, beginning account balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), and referrals. |
PBS Endo | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning account balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription list, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), referrals, and treatment notes. |
PBS Endo Enterprise | 3 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medication list, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription list, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), and referrals. |
PBS Pedo | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning account balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription list, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), referrals, and treatment notes. |
PBS Perio | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning account balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, recall (auto-generated), referrals, and treatment notes. |
PeakDent | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, treatment notes, and treatment plan procedures. **** The dental practice will need to call PeakDent to get the treatment notes file if they would like that data converted.**** |
PEB | 10 | 10 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Perfect Byte | 2009 | 2019 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Perio Exec | 11 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, comments/commlogs (account and patient), employees, employers, fee schedules, implant tracker (as commlog), insurance plans, operatories, patient alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams (perio and bleeding), pharmacies, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures (completed, treatment planned, and pre-existing), procedure notes, progress notes (most), recall (auto generated), referrals, and tooth notes. *** The progress notes are very difficult to extract due to how the data is stored *** |
Perio Vision | 1 | 16 | 1350 | adjustments, allergies, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, clinics, contact notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, ledger notes, medical alerts, medications, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, progress notes, providers, procedures, procedure notes, quick notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, SVN notes, tooth conditions (some), and treatment planned procedures. |
PlanetDDS | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinics, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medical history (as clinical note), operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, prescriptions, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, providers, and recall (auto generated). ............ The insurance plans may need to be checked and fixed after a final conversion. |
Power Practice | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (some percentages and limits), carriers, chart notes, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription list, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
PPM | 3 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, appointment blockouts, employers, fee schedule, operatories, patients, patient notes, payments, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Practice Fusion | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, patients, patient associated insurance plans, prescriptions, and providers. |
Practice Outlook | 2 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patients, patient associated insurance plans, payments, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Practice Plus | 8 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, beginning balances (set by family), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules (only 2), insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures (completed and treatment planned), providers, and recall (auto-generated). |
Practice View | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, and procedures (completed and treatment planned). |
Practice Web | | | 0 | All PracticeWeb database data is converted because Practice Web is an Open Dental reseller. |
Practice Works | 4 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, appointment blockouts, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most), carriers, charting (some), disease list, disease-patient association, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, missing teeth, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, pharmacies (version 7+ only), prescriptions (version 7+ only), providers, procedures (most), procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, and stickie notes. **** There will likely be some missing transactions in the conversion, and this is unavoidable due to the way the data is stored in PracticeWorks in the depricated c-tree files. We set the beginning balances for the patients in the cases where there are missing transactions. **** |
Practice Works Arthur | 4 | 4 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
PractiSoft | 6 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referral list. |
Precision DDS | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, carriers, employees, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription list, procedures, and recall (auto-generated). |
Premier Pro | 11 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Primadent | 5 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Prime Dental | | | 0 | All Prime Dental database data is converted because Prime Dental is an Open Dental reseller. |
Pro Comm Plus | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, popups, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Prof Practice Suite | 7 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, aged balances, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall. |
ProfSuni | | | 600 | patient demographics |
Prophase | 6 | 6 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated from procedures), beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, employees, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated) |
Q&A DOS | 3.0 | 3.0 | 1350 | appointments (to the day not to the time), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, employees, fee schedules, insurance payments, insurance plans, operatories (by provider), patients, patient payments, procedure codes, procedures, providers, recall (auto generated) |
QDental | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances, carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
QSI (CPS) | 3 | 4 | 1350 | appointments (some), beginning balances (set to zero), existing treatment, missing teeth, operatory notes, patient medical alerts, patients, perio, popups, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto-generated), schools, and treatment planned procedures. |
QSI Cloud | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, clinics, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medical history (as clinical note), operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio, prescriptions, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, providers, and recall (auto generated). ............ The insurance plans may need to be checked and fixed after a final conversion. |
QSI Demand Force | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals |
Quadra | 5 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
Quest Dent | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, appointment types, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (some percentages and limits), carriers, clinical notes, commlogs, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, laboratories, lab cases, operatories, medications, patient associated insurance plans, patients, patient notes, payments, perio, popups, procedures, procedure notes, providers, recall (auto generated), referrals, and users. |
Quick Books Pro 10 | 10 | 10 | 1350 | fee schedule, patients, procedurecodes, providers |
Quick Books Pro 2023 | 2023 | 2023 | 1350 | fee schedule, insurance carriers, patients, procedurecodes |
Radiology Lab | 9 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, carriers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, and referrals. |
Salezsmart | | | 800 | fee schedules (Private and CCRD), patients, procedure codes, procedures (last completed prophy), providers, and recall (auto-generated) |
Santiago | 2 | 2 | 800 | adjustments, carriers, charges, comments, patients, payments, and providers |
Sassy | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, narrative notes, operatories, ortho tracking notes, patient form notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Scan Dent | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated). |
ScheduleView | | | 1000 | appointments, operatories, patients, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), treatment planned procedures. |
Schick | | | 300 | patient names and Schick bridge ID |
Secure Claim | | | 800 | benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto-generated), insurance plans (most), patient demographics |
Sensei Cloud | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, claims, clinical notes, disease list, insurance plans, labcases, laboratories, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, referrals, and treatment planned procedures. |
Setmore | | | 800 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), commlogs, fee schedule (Standard only), operatories, patients, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Sidexis | | | 300 | patient names and Sidexis bridge ID |
Simplex NL | | | 1000 | appointments (some), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, and recall. |
Simply Computers Plus | 1996 | 2009 | 1350 | appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Smartware | | | 1350 | adjustments, aged balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedule, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, and procedures. |
SmileLink | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, contacts, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, patient alerts, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
Softdent | 7 | 19 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits, bluebook fees (as hidden fee schedules), carriers, clinical notes, commlog (Contacts), disease condition list, disease to patient association, employees, employers, explosion codes, fee schedules, insurance plans, lab cases, laboratories, medications, missing teeth, operatories, patient plans, patients, payments, perio (depths, GM, MGJ, and bleeding), pharmacies, popups (TeamTalk), prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referral list, task list (Daily Memos), time cards, and treatment planned procedures.
*** There are some offices (but not all) using Softdent version 15 (or later) that are using a hybrid database for their appointments. As a result, all appointments will convert with a 30 minute duration, and some treatment planned procedures may be missing for these select offices. You will be able to tell in the test conversion if your office is affected by Softdent's hybrid database. *** |
Softdent Archived Notes | | | 300 | This conversion will load the Softdent archived clinical notes into a temp table, and we can then load those clinical notes into a production Open Dental database (that was converted from Softdent). |
Softrix | 19 | 19 | 1000 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated from procedures), beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, employers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). *** The transaction history may be inaccurate because Softrix does not associate transactions with patients, but rather they use the full name as a string so there is no foreign key relationship. *** |
Software Of Excellence | 8 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, notes, operatories, patients, payments, prescriptions, procedure codes, procedures, providers, and recall (auto-generated) |
Solumed Pro | 2 | 2 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
Star Byte | 1 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated) |
Suzy | | 4 | 1000 | adjustments, appointments (there is no way to identify the invalid appointments), beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, fee schedules (some), insurance plans (most), patient associated insurance plans (most), patient notes, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
Sytar | | | 1350 | beginning balances, carriers, employers, guarantors, patients, providers, treatment planned notes |
Tab32 | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
TDO (The Digital Office) | 11 | 11 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages, carriers, comments, employees, employers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, medication list, medication history, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, pharmacy list, prescriptions, procedures, providers, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
TDOCS | 7 | 7 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments (auto generated based off of completed procedures), beginning balances (set by adjustment), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedules (the first 60), insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, providers, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
The Complete Exam | 3 | 4 | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, providers, procedures, procedure notes, and recall (auto generated). |
The Practice Builder | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), operatories, patients, payments, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated). |
TheLoop | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, employers, medications, procedures, patient notes, patients, and providers. |
Theos | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, and patients. |
Thompson Dental Company | 10 | 10 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, progress notes, and recall (auto generated). |
Tiger View | 8 | 8 | 300 | patient demographics and providers |
Time Decision Base | 5 | 5 | 1000 | general health summary, medical alerts, medical history answers, missing teeth, patients, perio, prescriptions, and referrals |
Time Shift Solution | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), referrals, subscribers, and treatment planned procedures. *** This application is also known as Autopia and Dental Works *** |
Titanium | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, clinics (locations), notes, operatories, patients, payments, prescriptions, procedure codes, procedures, providers, and recall (auto-generated) |
TMnDX | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, fee schedule (default), insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
ToothPics | 8 | 8 | 800 | insurance carriers and patient demographics |
TopsOrtho | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, carriers, clinics, clinicalnotes, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patients, payments, payplans, providers, procedures, procnotes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Total Dental | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), carriers, enounter notes, health habits notes (some), medical history notes, operatories, patients, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
Total Recall | 10 | 10 | 1350 | carriers, employers, fee schedule (default), patients, procedures (some), and providers |
Tracker | 10 | 11 | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero for version 10), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (most percentages), carriers, clinical notes, fee schedules (version 11 or greater), insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Trojan Dr Direct | 6 | 9 | 1350 | beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments (auto generated), procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
Umbie | | | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, conditions, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, procedures, progress notes, providers, recall (auto generated), referrals, and restorations. |
Versa Suite | 8 | 8 | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, clinics, employers, operatories, patients, and providers *** This conversion is incomplete. We can get more information once we have some example data. *** |
VersaForm DOS | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, procedures (some), providers, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Viive | 5 | 5 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medications, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
VisDental_CentricityPS | | | 1350 | beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employers, insurance plans, missing teeth, patient associated insurance plans, patients, pharmacies, procedures, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
VisionX | | | 1350 | patient demographics and images |
VixWin | | | 1000 | This creates an Open Dental database with the patient demographic information found in the VixWin database. |
Wave Ortho | 12 | 12 | 1350 | appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, payment plans (outstanding balances), procedures, procedure codes, providers, recall (auto generated), and treatment notes. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
WCS Westchester | | | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances, billing parties, default fee schedule, operatories, patients, payments, providers, procedures, recall (auto generated), and referrals. |
Weave | | | 800 | patient demographics |
Western Dental | | | 1350 | appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employees, insurance plans, patient associated insurance plans, patients, procedures, procedure notes, providers, and recall (auto generated) |
Windent | 5 | 8 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient notes, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescription definitions, procedures, procedure codes, procedure notes, providers, recall (auto generated), referrals, and rolodex. |
WinOMS (Care Stream) | 9 | 9 | 1350 | adjustments, allergies, appointments, beginning balances, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinics, diseases, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, medications, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
WOW | 3 | 3 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, chart notes, employees, insurance plans, missing teeth, operatories, patient medical alerts, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payment plans, payments, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), and referrals. *** When checking the Aging Report, be certain to run the Payment Plan report as well since we convert the payment plans. Payment plans affect account balances in the Aging Report. *** |
XLCRII | | | 1350 | appointments, employees, fee schedules, medical alerts, missing teeth, operatories, patients, payments, prescriptions, providers, procedures, and procedure notes. |
XLDent | 9 | 16 | 1350 | adjustments, appointments, benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, clinical notes, employees, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, perio exams, popups, prescriptions, providers, procedures, procedure notes, recall (auto generated), referrals, tooth notes, and treatment planned procedures. It is also possible to export the "ScanDoc" images for an extra charge. |
XTrac | 7 | 7 | 1350 | appointments, beginning balances (set to zero), benefits: some insurance benefit category percentages (auto generated 100/80/50), carriers, employers, fee schedules, insurance plans, operatories, patient associated insurance plans, patients, payments, providers, procedures, and recall (auto generated). |
XVLite | | | 300 | patient demographics |