Here are some icons I created for procedure buttons. For anyone who wants to make their own icons, the dimensions is 20 x 20 pixels. I've created icons for gum regression/tooth brush abrasion, caries, tooth watch, upper and lower dentures, and a generic tooth. I'm also including the higher resolution XCF files which are the native format of the open source software GIMP. Original files have layers and transparency where applicable. Original source for teeth and gums comes from ... -and-gums/
Here is a link to the files images in a zip file. ...
Some icons
Re: Some icons
can you advise on how to incorporate these. Thanks for the icons!
Re: Some icons
We just got back from the ADA and I have a lot to catch up on. Once things have settled down I'll make a quick how to for the icons.
Re: Some icons
OK so to use some of these icons you would create your own custom procedure buttons. In Open Dental click (Setup/Procedure Buttons). In the window that pops up you can edit categories to add new ones that fit your needs or add a button to an existing category.
Select the "Add" button, this will bring up the dialog to create a new button.
Type in a description of your button such as Carries.
Next select from the drop-down which category this button will go into. We created the "Conditions" category and added it there.
Next you can import an icon like the ones I've created. The icon is optional but it helps to click the picture rather than having to read for your button.
Next thing to do is add procedures to your button. In this example you would add 15105.
Last thing to do is to click the "OK" button.
Congratulations, you have now created the carries condition button making it a little easier to chart a carries on a tooth.
Select the "Add" button, this will bring up the dialog to create a new button.
Type in a description of your button such as Carries.
Next select from the drop-down which category this button will go into. We created the "Conditions" category and added it there.
Next you can import an icon like the ones I've created. The icon is optional but it helps to click the picture rather than having to read for your button.
Next thing to do is add procedures to your button. In this example you would add 15105.
Last thing to do is to click the "OK" button.
Congratulations, you have now created the carries condition button making it a little easier to chart a carries on a tooth.