Plugin Error - DataTable Passed By Ref Not Updating In Form

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Plugin Error - DataTable Passed By Ref Not Updating In Form

Post by dporter » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:17 pm

I'm having trouble with the DataTable object named "table" in the FormCreditRecurringCharges class. I'm passing this object in to my plugin using the following code at the beginning of FormCreditRecurringCharges.FillGrid():

Code: Select all

            if (Plugins.HookMethod(this, "FormCreditRecurringCharges.FillGrid", table))
Everything in the plugin is working as expected, however, this DataTable object gets populated in my plugin but quickly becomes null when the code is returned to the FormCreditRecurringCharges class. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. The table object is defined as Private in the FormCreditRecurringCharges class which is why I'm passing it to the plugin.

To give you a better idea, I'm bypassing the FillGrid() method to use my own logic to fill the grid. Everything works except when the application attempts to access the table object it gives a NullReferenceException. Thanks for the help.

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Re: Plugin Error - DataTable Passed By Ref Not Updating In F

Post by jsalmon » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:35 pm

I can think of several ways to accomplish this. My initial hunch was that you are wanting to do what we talk about in the Parameters section in our manual:

Does that sound accurate?
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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Re: Plugin Error - DataTable Passed By Ref Not Updating In F

Post by dporter » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:21 pm

Yes, that is similar. My real issue is that the DataTable table object is populated in my plugin but it also need to persist on the Form because it is used elsewhere.

I'd like to know a couple of ways you would handle this since it is a private object in the Form.


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Re: Plugin Error - DataTable Passed By Ref Not Updating In F

Post by allends » Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:17 am

Code: Select all

			object[] parameters= { table };
			if(Plugins.HookMethod(this,"FormCreditRecurringCharges.FillGrid",parameters)) {
Try this code out instead and see if that works. This should replace the class-wide table with the one from your plugin.
Open Dental Software

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Re: Plugin Error - DataTable Passed By Ref Not Updating In F

Post by dporter » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:55 am

Thanks for the tip, however, the table still returns as null. Here are code snippets of the full round trip from FormCreditRecurringCharges to my plugin.

Code: Select all

            object[] parameters = { table };
            if (Plugins.HookMethod(this, "FormCreditRecurringCharges.FillGrid", parameters))
                table = (DataTable)parameters[0];
My Plugin.cs switch case:

Code: Select all

                case "FormCreditRecurringCharges.FillGrid":
                    FormCreditRecurringChargesP.FillGrid((OpenDental.FormCreditRecurringCharges)sender, (DataTable)parameters[0]);
                    return true;
My FormCreditRecurringChargesP.FillGrid() implementation:

Code: Select all

        public static void FillGrid(OpenDental.FormCreditRecurringCharges sender, DataTable table)
            //first, get all the objects we need. Because they are by ref, the original gets altered.
            ODGrid gridMain = (ODGrid)sender.Controls.Find("gridMain", true)[0];
            Label labelTotal = (Label)sender.Controls.Find("labelTotal", true)[0];
            Label labelSelected = (Label)sender.Controls.Find("labelSelected", true)[0];

			table= GetRecurringChargeList();
			ODGridColumn col=new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableRecurring","PatNum"),110);
			col=new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableRecurring","Name"),250);
			col=new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableRecurring","Total Bal"),90,HorizontalAlignment.Right);
			col=new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableRecurring","ChargeAmt"),100,HorizontalAlignment.Right);
			OpenDental.UI.ODGridRow row;
			for(int i=0;i<table.Rows.Count;i++) {
				row=new OpenDental.UI.ODGridRow();
				Double famBalTotal=PIn.Double(table.Rows[i]["FamBalTotal"].ToString());
				Double chargeAmt=PIn.Double(table.Rows[i]["ChargeAmt"].ToString());
My GetRecurringChargeList() implementation that passes gets a DataTable returned and set to the table object:

Code: Select all

public static DataTable GetRecurringChargeList()
            DataTable newTable = new DataTable();

            //This query will return patient information and the latest recurring payment whom:
            //	-have recurring charges setup and today's date falls within the start and stop range.
            //	-have a total balance >= recurring charge amount
            //NOTE: Query will return patients with or without payments regardless of when that payment occurred, filtering is done below.
            string command = "SELECT PatNum,PatName,FamBalTotal,LatestPayment,DateStart,Address,AddressPat,Zip,ZipPat,XChargeToken,CCNumberMasked,CCExpiration,ChargeAmt,PayPlanNum,ProvNum,ClinicNum "
                + "FROM (";
            #region Payments
            command += "(SELECT 1,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + " PatName,"//The 'SELECT 1' garuntees the UNION will not combine results with payment plans.
                + "guar.BalTotal-guar.InsEst FamBalTotal,CASE WHEN MAX(pay.PayDate) IS NULL THEN " + POut.Date(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)) + " ELSE MAX(pay.PayDate) END LatestPayment,"
                + "cc.DateStart,cc.Address,pat.Address AddressPat,cc.Zip,pat.Zip ZipPat,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop,0 ProvNum,pat.ClinicNum "
                + "FROM (creditcard cc,patient pat,patient guar) "
                + "LEFT JOIN payment pay ON cc.PatNum=pay.PatNum AND pay.IsRecurringCC=1 "
                + "WHERE cc.PatNum=pat.PatNum "
                + "AND pat.Guarantor=guar.PatNum "
                + "AND cc.PayPlanNum=0 ";//Keeps card from showing up in case they have a balance AND is setup for payment plan. 
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.MySql)
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum) ";
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + ",PatName,guar.BalTotal-guar.InsEst,"
                    + "cc.Address,cc.Zip,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop) ";
            command += "UNION ";
            #region Payment Plans
            command += "(SELECT 2,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + " PatName,";//The 'SELECT 2' garuntees the UNION will not combine results with payments.
            //Special select statement to figure out how much is owed on a particular payment plan.  This total amount will be Labeled as FamBalTotal for UNION purposes.
            command += "ROUND((SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(ppc.Principal+ppc.Interest) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SUM(ppc.Principal+ppc.Interest) END "
                + "FROM PayPlanCharge ppc "
                + "WHERE ppc.ChargeDate <= " + DbHelper.Curdate() + " AND ppc.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum) "
                + "- CASE WHEN SUM(ps.SplitAmt) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SUM(ps.SplitAmt) END,2) FamBalTotal,";
            command += "CASE WHEN MAX(ps.DatePay) IS NULL THEN " + POut.Date(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)) + " ELSE MAX(pay.PayDate) END LatestPayment,"
                + "cc.DateStart,cc.Address,pat.Address AddressPat,cc.Zip,pat.Zip ZipPat,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop,"
                + "(SELECT ppc1.ProvNum FROM payplancharge ppc1 WHERE ppc1.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum LIMIT 1) ProvNum,"
                + "(SELECT ppc2.ClinicNum FROM payplancharge ppc2 WHERE ppc2.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum LIMIT 1) ClinicNum "
                + "FROM creditcard cc "
                + "INNER JOIN patient pat ON pat.PatNum=cc.PatNum "
                + "LEFT JOIN paysplit ps ON ps.PayPlanNum=cc.PayPlanNum AND ps.PayPlanNum<>0 "
                + "LEFT JOIN payment pay ON pay.PayNum=ps.PayNum AND pay.IsRecurringCC=1 "
                + "WHERE cc.PayPlanNum<>0 ";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.MySql)
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum) ";
                command += "GROUP BY cc.CreditCardNum,cc.PatNum," + DbHelper.Concat("pat.LName", "', '", "pat.FName") + ",PatName,guar.BalTotal-guar.InsEst,"
                    + "cc.Address,pat.Address,cc.Zip,pat.Zip,cc.XChargeToken,cc.CCNumberMasked,cc.CCExpiration,cc.ChargeAmt,cc.PayPlanNum,cc.DateStop) ";
            //Now we have all the results for payments and payment plans, so do an obvious filter. A more thorough filter happens later.
            command += ") due "
                + "WHERE FamBalTotal>=ChargeAmt "
                + "AND ChargeAmt>0 "
                + "AND DateStart<=" + DbHelper.Curdate() + " "
                + "AND (DateStop>=" + DbHelper.Curdate() + " OR YEAR(DateStop)<1880) ";
            newTable = DataCore.GetTable(command);
            return newTable;

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Re: Plugin Error - DataTable Passed By Ref Not Updating In F

Post by dporter » Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:39 pm

I found another way to accomplish the same goal and not pass in the DataTable table object. The HookMethod will jump out of the CreditCards.FilterRecurringChargeList() instead and my plugin will implement that method. No need for the DataTable table object to be passed in.

However, if anyone knows why this object that is passed in by Ref (default) is not being updated that would satisfy my curiosity :-)

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