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Post by PBECKER » Mon May 09, 2022 6:20 am

API Team

Can the below api please be updated the include the following

Request: Add Blockouts to the below method, return three columns per record (Block out Unique ID, Block out Name, and Block out Color) and Blockout is it true or false

Note the current GET slot does not return the above items that were needing: ... 9&OpNum=18

Could you kindly please advise if this can please and added? Thank you

Appointments GET Slots

Version Added: 21.1

This is closer to how search behaves from within Open Dental instead of WebSched. This requires no advanced setup. It looks at open schedule times, whether the schedules are attached to a provider or an operatory.

There are, however, some differences between this and the Search in Open Dental. This returns entire open slots instead of a series of suggested appointment times or the first appointment time for each day. It also currently searches by entire appointment length instead of the XXX provider times on appointments. For single operatories, the results will be the same as what a person would see if looking at the Appointments Module. If a provider has existing appointments in multiple operatories, it considers all of them as a whole and only returns slots that are available in all operatories for that provider simultaneously.

Most users will specify a Provider and an Operatory.

Parameters: All parameters are optional.

date: For a single day. Must be today or a future date. Defa

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Re: Request-Blockouts

Post by SLeon » Mon May 09, 2022 8:57 am

Blockouts are a type of Schedule. You can currently get detailed information on blockouts with our Schedules GET method ( Specify "SchedType=Blockout" along with a date range and you will see all blockouts for that period.

Blockout Types are a definition, and further details can be found with Definitions GET by specifying "Category=25". This returns the blockout name and unique identifier. This is where the color is stored, and we can add this field to the method, if you would like.

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