Unscheduled Treatment Report

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Unscheduled Treatment Report

Post by Dr.G » Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:36 pm

I am trying to get a report of unscheduled treatment (that excludes exams/prophies) and that hopefully also can show the patients unused insurance benefits. This is a popular report in other big software. This report is great for filling in holes on the schedule toward the end of the year, or anytime. Does anyone have any good queries for this sort of report?

I've had my front desk call support but we haven't got it figured yet. I've tried the unscheduled treatment plans report under "custom reports" but it pulls all the exams, prophies and even treatment that has already been completed. I'm being told that the report shows treatment that's been completed because the assistants in the back office didn't use the "planned appt" feature when scheduling. This seems a little odd since many appts are made from the appt screen by the front desk, other treatment is added or changed when checking out do to changes in treatment during the appt. In any event I guess that report won't help us since we don't use the "planned appt" feature, so does anyone know how to run a report that sorts out the stuff that's actually been completed and leaves the unsceduled treatment?



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Post by jordansparks » Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:09 pm

along with

As for why the report in question is showing treatment that has been completed, I have to confess that I don't know. That should be absolutely impossible, since it explicitly filters only for TP procs. I would bet that it is not showing completed procedures.

Yes, we probably should get a report that excludes scheduled procs, exams, and prophies. But I would think that the reports above could give you some very useful information to go off of. Or are you wanting it all to be a one shot deal with no thinking so that you can send out letters to everyone on the report?
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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Post by jamesx2 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:41 pm

If the nurses in the back make a planned appt. and then the front desk does not use the planned appt to schedule the next appt, you will get completed treatment on the planned appt screen. I have had alot of this happen as I try to train the front desk to always use planned appts. They sometimes forget to use it and instead click to the next screen and manually select the next treatment items. Once this happens you can not get the planned appt deleted. I just go into each of these and select the option "patient does not want us to call" this way it moves the bad planned appt to the bottom of the list. Unfortionatly it still shows on the scheduling screen, so some patients have more than one planned appt showing on the list of appt screen.

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Post by jordansparks » Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:23 am

James, your entire post is quite simply false. You are describing a bug that was fixed long ago. A simple upgrade months ago would have solved your problem.
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Post by jamesx2 » Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:11 am

sorry using version 5.2 but about to upgrade to version 5.3. Was the bug fixed in 5.3? I hope so, as this is very confusing to the front desk.

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Post by Dr.G » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:48 pm


How critical is it to use the "Planned Appt" feature to allow reports to work correctly?

Is it true that if our office doesn't use that feature that some reports liked the unscheduled treatment report won't work?

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Post by jordansparks » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:16 pm

Well it will certainly help. I mean it's a way of formalizing useful information. So the better organized it is in the first place, the more meaningful the reports can be. That said, I think the majority of the reports discussed in this thread so far pull straight from the treatment plans without any regard for the planned appointment.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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