resizing referrals in sheets

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resizing referrals in sheets

Post by jrpappy » Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:44 pm

I'm working on trial conversion, hoping to get basic functions dialed in before January so that we can make conversion smoothly.

A couple questions about Referral slips:

1. how do I resize a scanned referral slip for printing? I'm not sure what the height and width numbers refer to in the static images properties.

2. When adding a referral from the family screen, I double click referral in the Patient Info box, then click add. I get a list of all patients and specialists. Is there a way to just get a list of specialists to make the process simpler? (it's especially confusing when a referral doc is also a patient, so he shows up more than once.)

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Re: resizing referrals in sheets

Post by jordansparks » Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:00 pm

Once you scan an image, right click on the file from Windows. It will give you width and height info. You would generally use this width and height on your sheet without resizing. But resizing is allowed if you need to stretch or shrink it a little. The numbers represent pixels. When printing, there are 100 pixels per inch.

2. That's a feature request. That window feels old because it is in need of an overhaul.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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