Problems signing remotely

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Problems signing remotely

Post by DavidM » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:00 am


I am experiencing problems when signing remotely from a Windows 7 32 bits connected to a Windows 7 32 bits by Windows Remote Desktop.

When signing, sometimes it works the first or second time, but suddenly it stops working (grey signing box), despite I have been following the Topaz instructions (How-To Guide "SigSock Remote Environment System For HSB (HID USB) Pads").

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Problems signing remotely

Post by Hersheydmd » Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:45 pm

Hi David,
I never got it to work properly with my HSB Topaz pad. I was in contact with Topaz Systems tech support and I did everything they advised, but it still wouldn't work. I believe a BSB Topaz pad would probably work, since it is designed to work remotely. But I haven't tried one yet.
I found the easiest solution is to copy my database to my home computer and then copy it back to my office when I am done working. The advantage is that it is speedier working locally than remotely.
I wrote two scripts to copy my database from my office to my home computer and back again via Remote Desktop. It takes about 10 minutes in either direction. Before copying the database it renames the existing database on the receiving end so it is saved with the current date, just in case of a problem and I want to undo all my work.
  1. The computer I remote into at work is a workstation, not my server.
  2. The scripts are run from two .bat files on the desktop on the workstation at work.
  3. First I turn off MySQL on the receiving end with a shortcut on the desktop that executes: 'C:\Windows\System32\net.exe stop MySQL'.
  4. When I am done copying I turn it back on with a shortcut to 'C:Windows\System32\net.exe start MySQL'.
Here are my scripts:
  1. <Renames OD database on home computer to 'opendental_yy_mm-dd'. Copies OD database from office server to home computer>
    @Echo On
    ren \\tsclient\C\mysql\data\opendental opendental_%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%
    robocopy \\Server\C\mysql\data\opendental \\tsclient\C\mysql\data\opendental /s
  2. <Renames OD database on office server to 'opendental_yy_mm_dd'. Copies OD database from home to office.>
    @Echo On
    ren \\Server\C\mysql\data\opendental opendental_%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%
    robocopy \\tsclient\C\mysql\data\opendental \\Server\C\mysql\data\opendental /s
Robert M Hersh DMD, FAGD
Univ. of Penn 1982
Brooklyn, NY 11234 ... 1471599429

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Re: Problems signing remotely

Post by DavidM » Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:00 am

Hi Robert.

Thanks for your suggestion.

I can't copy and paste the database because it's shared and used by the computers of the clinic at the same time I'm working in remote.

Maybe using a BSB Topaz would be the solution, although the price is higher than the HSB one.

Thanks again.

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Re: Problems signing remotely

Post by Hersheydmd » Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:31 pm

DavidM wrote: Maybe using a BSB Topaz would be the solution, although the price is higher than the HSB one.
How much are they?
Robert M Hersh DMD, FAGD
Univ. of Penn 1982
Brooklyn, NY 11234 ... 1471599429

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