Most efficient way of charting?

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Most efficient way of charting?

Post by aussiedentist » Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:58 am

Just wondering what the quickest way of charting is?
I assume that there are quick, and slow ways.
ie do you chart one tooth individually at a time, or try to do one type of tooth (ie missing, crowned, filled) for the entire mouth/arch at a time

ie- I assume, highlight and chart all missing teeth would be first
Tooth movements

Existing fillings
Work needed?

All help much appreciated here!

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Re: Most efficient way of charting?

Post by Hersheydmd » Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:01 am

When you are charting patients, you can chart several teeth that have the same restoration or the same situation at the same time.
I.E. If several teeth are missing, highlight all of them and then click "Missing"
If several teeth have crowns click all of them together, then click ExistOther, then enter the procedure code or single click "CROWN".
If several teeth have occlusal fillings or MOD fillings, etc, click all of them, then the status (ExistOther), then click the surface and the filling (amalgam or composite...)
If you have a diastema between the maxillary centrals. Highligh all the maxillary teeth, put a "-1" or "-2" in the mesial box of the MOVEMENTS tab (depending on the size of the space), and all the teeth will move distally leaving a diastema.
You get the point?
Like everything in OD, the more you use it the more intuitive it will become.
Robert M Hersh DMD, FAGD
Univ. of Penn 1982
Brooklyn, NY 11234 ... 1471599429

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